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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Vaccines Suspended at UK School After Up to 15 Students Collapse

At least one child sent to emergency care

Adan Salazar | -
January 29, 2016

An investigation was launched into vaccines used at a UK school for boys after several students fell ill from receiving the jabs.
As many as 15 Year 10 students at the Northampton School for Boys collapsed onto the floor Tuesday following a series of vaccines which resulted in severe adverse side effects.

As one mother who preferred to remain anonymous described: “Several different vaccines were being administered, and around 10 to 15 pupils keeled over and paramedics were called.”

Children were also witnessed “on their backs on the floor with their legs up on chairs,” the mom said.
“The rest of the jabs were cancelled and a letter was sent home to the parents of pupils who had been given the jabs about what to do if they felt nauseous. Rumours say there may have been a duff batch of vaccines,” the woman said, according to the Daily Mail.

At least one child was sent to emergency care as a precaution, but was “later discharged with no further effects,” according to a letter sent home to parents.

The letter blamed “unforeseen circumstances” for the complications, and advised parents to monitor their child’s health, specifically looking for signs of dizziness, nausea or skin rash:

Click Pic to Enlarge

“Dear Parent/Carer, please be advised the immunisation session your child attended today was suspended due to unforeseen circumstances,” the letter reads.

“Some of the vaccinated children have become unwell shortly after vaccination. Your child has received their scheduled vaccination and, while we are not expecting him to become unwell, we are advising if he experiences sensations of dizziness, nausea, skin rash, or breathing difficulties to seek the appropriate medical advice.”

UK public health officials responded that the illnesses which followed administration of the Meningitis ACWY vaccines were an “isolated incident” and not the result of a bad batch, indicating no further investigation is required and that the vaccine program will continue at a later date.

“Public Health England are satisfied this is an isolated incident and is not related to a batch issue of the vaccines,” a message disseminated by the Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust said in a statement. “NHFT School nursing team contacted all parents/carers to inform them of the situation providing assurances of the steps taken and will be rescheduling the vaccination programme in due course.”

As reported by Infowars last April, a nationwide UK meningococcal vaccine program has been launched, specifically targeting infants, despite vaccine inserts warning that “Safety and effectiveness… have not been established in children younger than 10 years of age.”
Additionally, side effects up to and including death have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System regarding meningococcal vaccines produced for serotypes A, C, Y and W-135.

The National Vaccine Information Center reports:
[A]s of September 30, 2015, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which includes only a small fraction of the health problems that occur after vaccination in the U.S., had recorded more than 1,846 serious health problems, hospitalizations and injuries following meningococcal shots, including 99 deaths with about 34% of the deaths occurring in children under age six.  

Three Interesting Women Against Vaccination - Make Sure to View Related Links at the Bottom of the Page

Friday, January 29, 2016


Zika seemingly exploded out of nowhere

The World Health Organization announced it will convene an Emergency Committee under International Health Regulations on Monday, February 1, concerning the Zika virus ‘explosive’ spread throughout the Americas. The virus reportedly has the potential to reach pandemic proportions — possibly around the globe. But understanding why this outbreak happened is vital to curbing it. As the WHO statement said:
A causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth malformations and neurological syndromes … is strongly suspected. [These links] have rapidly changed the risk profile of Zika, from a mild threat to one of alarming proportions.
WHO is deeply concerned about this rapidly evolving situation for 4 main reasons: the possible association of infection with birth malformations and neurological syndromes; the potential for further international spread given the wide geographical distribution of the mosquito vector; the lack of population immunity in newly affected areas; and the absence of vaccines, specific treatments, and rapid diagnostic tests […]
The level of concern is high, as is the level of uncertainty.
Zika seemingly exploded out of nowhere. Though it was first discovered in 1947, cases only sporadically occurred throughout Africa and southern Asia. In 2007, the first case was reported in the Pacific. In 2013, a smattering of small outbreaks and individual cases were officially documented in Africa and the western Pacific. They also began showing up in the Americas. In May 2015, Brazil reported its first case of Zika virus — and the situation changed dramatically.
Brazil is now considered the epicenter of the Zika outbreak, which coincides with at least 4,000 reports of babies born with microcephaly just since October.
When examining a rapidly expanding potential pandemic, it’s necessary to leave no stone unturned so possible solutions, as well as future prevention, will be as effective as possible. In that vein, there was another significant development in 2015.
Oxitec first unveiled its large-scale, genetically-modified mosquito farm in Brazil in July 2012, with the goal of reducing “the incidence of dengue fever,” as The Disease Daily reported. Dengue fever is spread by the same Aedesmosquitoes which spread the Zika virus — and though they “cannot fly more than 400 meters,” WHO stated, “it may inadvertently be transported by humans from one place to another.” By July 2015, shortly after the GM mosquitoes were first released into the wild in Juazeiro, Brazil, Oxitec proudly announced they had “successfully controlled the Aedes aegyptimosquito that spreads dengue fever, chikungunya and zika virus, by reducing the target population by more than 90%.”
Though that might sound like an astounding success — and, arguably, it was — there is an alarming possibility to consider.
Nature, as one Redditor keenly pointed out, finds a way — and the effort to control dengue, zika, and other viruses, appears to have backfired dramatically.
Juazeiro, Brazil — the location where genetically-modified mosquitoes were first released into the wild.
zika-epicenterMap showing the concentration of suspected Zika-related cases ofmicrocephaly in Brazil.
The particular strain of Oxitec GM mosquitoes, OX513A, are genetically altered so the vast majority of their offspring will die before they mature — though Dr. Ricarda Steinbrecher published concerns in areport in September 2010 that a known survival rate of 3-4 percent warranted further study before the release of the GM insects. Her concerns, which were echoed by several other scientists both at the time and since, appear to have been ignored — though they should not have been.
Those genetically-modified mosquitoes work to control wild, potentially disease-carrying populations in a very specific manner. Only the male modified Aedes mosquitoes are supposed to be released into the wild — as they will mate with their unaltered female counterparts. Once offspring are produced, the modified, scientific facet is supposed to ‘kick in’ and kill that larvae before it reaches breeding age — if tetracycline is not present during its development. But there is a problem.
According to an unclassified document from the Trade and Agriculture Directorate Committee for Agriculture dated February 2015, Brazil is the third largest in “global antimicrobial consumption in food animal production” — meaning, Brazil is third in the world for its use of tetracycline in its food animals. As a study by the American Society of Agronomy, et. al.,explained, “It is estimated that approximately 75% of antibiotics are not absorbed by animals and are excreted in waste.” One of the antibiotics (or antimicrobials) specifically named in that report for its environmental persistence is tetracycline.
In fact, as a confidential internal Oxitec document divulged in 2012, that survival rate could be as high as 15% — even with low levels of tetracycline present. “Even small amounts of tetracycline can repress” the engineered lethality. Indeed, that 15% survival rate was described by Oxitec:
After a lot of testing and comparing experimental design, it was found that [researchers] had used a cat food to feed the [OX513A] larvae and this cat food contained chicken. It is known that tetracycline is routinely used to prevent infections in chickens, especially in the cheap, mass produced, chicken used for animal food. The chicken is heat-treated before being used, but this does not remove all the tetracycline. This meant that a small amount of tetracycline was being added from the food to the larvae and repressing the [designed] lethal system.
Even absent this tetracycline, as Steinbrecher explained, a “sub-population” of genetically-modified Aedes mosquitoes could theoretically develop and thrive, in theory, “capable of surviving and flourishing despite any further” releases of ‘pure’ GM mosquitoes which still have that gene intact. She added, “the effectiveness of the system also depends on the [genetically-designed] late onset of the lethality. If the time of onset is altered due to environmental conditions … then a 3-4% [survival rate] represents a much bigger problem…”
As the WHO stated in its press release, “conditions associated with this year’s El Nino weather pattern are expected to increase mosquito populations greatly in many areas.”
Incidentally, President Obama called for a massive research effort to develop a vaccine for the Zika virus, as one does not currently exist. Brazil has now called in 200,000 soldiers to somehow help combat the virus’ spread. Aedes mosquitoes have reportedly been spotted in the U.K. But perhaps the most ironic — or not — proposition was proffered on January 19, by the MIT Technology Review:
An outbreak in the Western Hemisphere could give countries including the United States new reasons to try wiping out mosquitoes with genetic engineering.
Yesterday, the Brazilian city of Piracicaba said it would expand the use of genetically modified mosquitoes …
The GM mosquitoes were created by Oxitec, a British company recently purchased by Intrexon, a synthetic biology company based in Maryland. The company said it has released bugs in parts of Brazil and the Cayman Islands to battle dengue fever.

Top Expert: Zika is Biowarfare

Decreasing Your Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

Click Pic to Enlarge

James M. Ellison, MD, MPH
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Learn some helpful tips that may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease or reduce the speed of its destructive course.

In my Memory Disorders Clinic, colleagues and I evaluate many older adults who are struggling with the symptoms of forgetfulness or other cognitive problems. Often patients show up for an appointment with one or more of their children, and I always think of this as a special opportunity. I like to meet the caregivers and to learn more from them about my patients’ lives outside of the doctor’s office. I also want to make sure that caregivers have the information they need to do their jobs.

I answer lots of questions about how to be a caregiver, and frequently need to reply to another burning question from them: “What can I do to prevent this from happening to me?” Since the brain changes that occur in Alzheimer’s disease begin more than a decade before the cognitive changes, it seems likely that steps taken early on might alter the disease’s later course.

Steps You Can Take

We can’t change some of the important risk factors such as age or our genes, but other important risks can be modified by our behavior. A great deal of research has already gone into figuring out the most important preventive steps to take, and much more will be done in the future.

Many researchers are participating in this exciting work aimed at preventing or slowing Alzheimer’s through modifiable lifestyle factors. And now, in a recent review article published by Dr. Baumgart and his colleagues,1 we have a snapshot of current opinion and evidence regarding preventive measures that we all can take, which are summarized below:


Smoking now appears to be a risk factor for cognitive decline in later years and this risk can be substantially reduced simply by quitting smoking. There is little excuse, in light of current medical knowledge, for beginning or continuing to smoke.


Diabetes, a disease that affects more than a quarter of older adults in the United States, seems likely to play a role in bringing on early cognitive decline. The relationship between diabetes and dementia is a complicated one because diabetes affects many aspects of health. Management of weight and diet earlier in life can help reduce the risk for diabetes.

Weight Management

Obesity, a widespread problem especially in more affluent countries, is another suspected risk factor for dementia, although not all researchers have reached this conclusion. Obesity in late life, for example, does not seem to be a dementia risk factor.


Another question that remains open is whether or not high cholesterol increases dementia risk or whether statins decrease dementia risk, though there are other health benefits associated with statin use and cholesterol reduction.

Blood Pressure

Many studies, but not all, have linked mid-life (but not late-life) hypertension with cognitive decline. Medications that reduce high blood pressure in mid-life appear to lower the later risk for cognitive decline.

Physical Activity

Beyond managing medical diseases, very strong support has been given by some studies to the importance of physical activity in reducing cognitive decline and dementia.

Currently, a major topic for scientists is determining more specifically which types of exercise programs are better than others, as well as the best cognitive tests to measure this.2

Influential studies have shown that even mild physical activity decreased the risk of cognitive impairment in later life. The exercise was shown to be most valuable if regular and vigorous. Recent research suggests that sedentary behavior during young adulthood such as watching at least four hours of TV daily was linked with poorer memory and executive function in mid-life.

Exercising Your Brain

Cognitive activity, such as more mentally engaging activities like puzzle solving and other brain games, may also be beneficial, though the data are less conclusive about a more specific link to dementia. Years of formal education, a measurement that may be related to cognitive activity, is a strongly supported preventive factor for dementia.


The effect of diet on optimal cognitive aging has been difficult to study, but reduced risk has been found in studies of the Mediterranean Diet,3 the DASH Diet,4 and the more recent MIND diet5 Each of these emphasizes limiting red meat and focusing on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and olive oil. The regular consumption of a small or moderate amount of alcohol seems to help, too, though perhaps not for those who have inherited the ApoE4 gene.

Drinking a moderate daily amount of coffee, in a recent study reported by Dr. Margaret Chute and colleagues, was associated with better memory performance on several tests administered to clinically normal older adults.6

Omega-3 fatty acids may have a preventive role for cognitive decline,7 though a dementia-preventing effect was not found in a large, well-designed study.8

Vitamin E supplementation was not found better than placebo for preventing progression from mild cognitive impairment in a well-designed study. Adhering to one of the heart healthy diets appears more beneficial than focusing too heavily on any specific supplement.9


Research also links loneliness with faster cognitive decline. Previous research, too, has linked the damaging effects of social isolation on health, and supports healing effects of social engagement.

Other Medical Conditions

The risk of cognitive decline is influenced by a number of other medical conditions, and several important treatable ones are depression, sleep disturbances such as apnea, and traumatic brain injury. A recent analysis of many studies also noted the importance of plaque buildup in the carotid artery, excessively low diastolic blood pressure, and abnormally high levels of an amino acid called homocysteine in the blood as risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease.10

Spread the Word—Promote Healthier Aging

At present, over five million older adults in the United States and an estimated 47 million in the world live with dementia. Even if a blockbuster medical treatment emerges soon, potentially preventive measures such as those described here should be firmly supported. Anything that delays the onset of cognitive decline or reduces the speed of its destructive course will improve many, many lives. New immunotherapies such as solanezumab11 and others may help us slow the course of Alzheimer’s disease, but there is no need to wait until these medications become available. Strong tools for prevention of cognitive decline are already available to all of us: physical and cognitive activity, healthy diet, and disease management. Evidence from studies such as the Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability12 are already showing that lifestyle changes can improve cognitive performance. Let’s spread the word and promote healthier aging!


Baumgart M et al. Summary of the evidence on modifiable risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia: A population-based perspective. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2015;11:718-26.
Sink KM et al. Effect of a 24-month physical activity intervention vs health education on cognitive outcomes in sedentary older adults: the LIFE randomized trial. JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.9617.
Huhn S et al. Components of a Mediterranean diet and their impact on cognitive functions in aging. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015 Jul 8;7:132.
Tangney CC et al. Relation of DASH- and Mediterranean-like dietary patterns to cognitive decline in older persons. Neurology. 2014 Oct 14;83(16):1410-6
Morris MC et al. MIND diet associated with reduced incidence of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2015 Feb 11. pii: S1552-5260(15)00017-5.
Chute MP et al. Moderate Caffeine Consumption Is Associated with Better Memory Scores in Clinically Normal Older Adults. AAIC 2015, Toronto, Abstract ID: 3714.
Kato S et al. Effects of Dietary n-3 PUFA Intervention on Cognitive Function and Mental Health in Japanese Oldest-Elderly with Dementia. AAIC 2015, Toronto, Abstract ID: 2334.
Chew EY et al. Effect of omega-3 fatty acids, lutein/zeaxanthin, or other nutrient supplementation on cognitive function: the AREDS2 randomized clinical trial. JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.9677
Gill SS et al. Lifestyles and Cognitive Health What Older Individuals Can Do to Optimize Cognitive Outcomes. JAMA. 2015;314(8):774-775. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.9526.
Xu W et al. Meta-analysis of modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer's disease . J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2015. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2015-310548.
Siemers ER et al. Phase 3 solanezumab trials: Secondary outcomes in mild Alzheimer's disease patients. Alzheimers Dement. 2015 Aug 1. pii: S1552-5260(15)02148-2
Ngandu T et al. A 2 year multidomain intervention of diet, exercise, cognitive training, and vascular risk monitoring versus control to prevent cognitive decline in at-risk elderly people (FINGER): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2015 Jun 6;385(9984):2255-63.


Mar 12, 2015 ... Scientists may have made an Alzheimer's breakthrough treatment using ultrasound. A revolutionary new way of treating some of ...
Dec 9, 2015 ... Research Reveals Link Between Calcification of the Brain andAlzheimers Disease. Calcification & Fluoride by PinealRegionTumor. Related:
Mar 17, 2015 ... But the statin drugs that are prescribed to millions cause a variety of diseases and disorders including Alzheimer's and hormonal imbalances, ...
Mar 18, 2015 ... But the statin drugs that are prescribed to millions cause a variety of diseases and disorders including Alzheimer's and hormonal imbalances, ...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

X-Files Predicts The Day Martial Law Will Start

Megyn Kelly Pimps Vaccines

Alex Jones calls out Fox News anchors Bill O'Reilly and Megyn Kelly for lying to the American public.


Three Interesting Women Against Vaccination - Make Sure to View Related Links at the Bottom of the Page

Donald Trump is Right about 'Third Rate Reporter' Megyn Kelly

Sunday, January 24, 2016

How Many People Have Died as a Result of Ebola --- Without Even Being Infected?

Ideas & Discoveries Magazine January 2016

Researchers have recently published a study that draws attention to a side effect of the Ebola outbreak that up until now had gone virtually unnoticed. In the past year in West Africa, millions of people avoided going to the doctor to seek treatment for their malaria for fear of being infected with Ebola. And so at least 11,000 people have lost their lives---the same number as those who have been killed by Ebola. Moreover, given the severely limited distribution of preventive drugs and mosquito nets, up to 3.5 million other cases of malaria have gone untreated.


Airborne Ebola Has Been Here Since The 80's

It Begins With You - Every 60 seconds a child dies from malaria.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Still Report #516 - Cruz Got Secret Loan From Goldman


Why You Should NOT Vote for Ted Cruz in Iowa:

Why Ted Cruz is NOT Eligible to be President:

SHOCK POLL: 20% OF LIKELY DEMOCRATIC VOTERS TO CROSS OVER, VOTE TRUMP - When crossover voters were asked how sure they were, 63% of the Democrats who said they would crossover were “100% sure.”:

Friday, January 15, 2016

Petition to Congress: Medicare beneficiaries deserve fair drug pricing!

Dear U.S. Representatives/U.S. Senators:
At a time when millions of Medicare beneficiaries are struggling to afford the life-saving drugs they need — and when several pharmaceutical companies are under investigation for possible price gouging — we need Congress to act to protect American consumers from the impact of soaring prescription drug prices.
The law that established Medicare Part D explicitly prohibits the prescription drug program from negotiating lower drug costs for beneficiaries. The major pharmaceutical companies adamantly defend this rule, contending that the higher prices are necessary to support the industry's investment in research and development. However, a comparison of the prices paid by Part D with those paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other agencies shows that Part D could save billions of dollars through the use of additional negotiation techniques.
That's why I urge you to cosponsor the "Medicare Fair Drug Pricing Act" (H.R. 4207), introduced by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), which would allow Medicare to negotiate prices for prescription drugs, and could save the Medicare program and millions of beneficiaries billions of dollars.
Thank you for representing the best interests of millions of Americans as you work to protect and strengthen Medicare — and address the growing problem of soaring drug costs — for current and future generations.


Our Broken Food System (And How to Fix It)

Join Dr. Ricardo Salvador, director of the Food and Environment program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, on a journey into the heart of the dysfunctional American food system—a system that uses our tax dollars to enrich big corporations while exploiting food workers, damaging our environment, and making more and more of us sick. Then join our Plate of the Union initiative to send a message to our leaders—we need healthy, sustainable, affordable food for all!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length

Trump is right: YOUR medical care IS at risk

By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.

Powerball Jackpot Winner Announced!


Top 10 "Reasons" why the Powerball Lottery is a scam...!


POWERBALL, HOOKERS AND COCAINE- The Powerball scam reaches fever pitch

David Icke - The 'Fear Of Death' originates in manipulated ignorance of life!

David Icke Medical/Health Archives

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