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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Recommended Thermostat Settings for Home Comfort

Recommended Thermostat Settings  

During the warm weather, it is generally recommended that you set your home's cooling system to 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you are home. If you will be out of the house for four or more hours, consider raising the setting so the cooling system only comes on if the temperature tops 88 degrees Fahrenheit. It is estimated that for every degree higher you set your thermostat over 78 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer months, you could save approximately six to eight percent off your home energy bill, per degree.
So, keeping your home's temperature slightly higher and using the best settings for spring and summer can ultimately help save you money. Later in this article, we give an overview of the benefits of installing a programming thermostatto easily manage your thermostat throughout the day. 
In the winter, you can save energy and keep your costs in check by keeping your thermostat at 68 degrees Fahrenheit while you are at home during the reports that turning your thermostat lower by 10 to 15 degrees for 8 hours per day will help you see an energy usage reduction of 5 to 15 percent per year on your bill.
Depending on your family's personal comfort preferences, one idea you may consider is lowering the thermostat at night while you sleep. Many people find it comfortable to sleep in a cooler environment while using winter blankets to regulate warmth. It's important to note that indoor humidity plays a role in the comfort of the air in your home. 
