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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Natural Treatments For Psoriasis & Autoimmune Diseases Like Psoriatic Arthritis and Lupus

Treating Lupus Naturally

Understanding Autoimmunity and the Mind/Body Connection With Body Belief Author Aimee Raupp:

5 Mushrooms Reserve Blend - Lions Mane, Cordyceps, Reishi, Chaga, Turkey Tail Mushroom:

 Great Info...

Colloidal Silver Beats Psoriasis

According to WebMD, “Psoriasis is one of the most baffling and persistent of skin disorders.  It's characterized by skin cells that multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. As underlying cells reach the skin's surface and die, their sheer volume causes raised, red plaques covered with white scales.” 

WebMD goes on to say, “Psoriasis typically occurs on the knees, elbows, and scalp and it can also affect the torso, palms, and soles of the feet... While there are medications and other therapies that can help to clear up the patches of red, scaly, thickened skin that are the hallmark of psoriasis, there is no cure.”

Unfortunately, according to people suffering from psoriasis, oftentimes the medications prescribed for this condition simply don’t work or cause unwanted side effects.  Fortunately, many psoriasis victims say safe, natural colloidal silver – long known for its ability to stimulate healing of skin – provides them with phenomenal relief and healing.  Here’s the story no one else is telling...

Mainstream Medical Science Will Be Forced to Admit Royal Rife Was Right

Using your computer as a rife machine:

R.I.F.E. instruments. (Resonant Initiated Field Effects) - This term was created by Dr. James Bare D.C. who pioneers research in biology and warm fusion plasma instruments using frequency therapy. More Info...

More Info on Sound Therapy ---> Healing Solfeggio Frequencies

Devices that supposedly heal with sound incorporate light...

Psoriasis is cause by Candida Albicans. It is a naturally occurring yeast in your gut. Because of very acidic diets (A human body functions best when it has a 80% alkaline to 20% acidity ratio within itself) you destroy your stomach's inner lining of mucus and beneficial bacteria. The Candida thus finds its way into your blood stream and deposits spores where it can. In my case it was the scalp and ears as they have tons of blood vessels. I only came across this because someone told me I might have a yeast infection and that psoriasis is not your cells reproducing faster in certain areas, but it's just the skin's normal reaction to inflame because of a fungus growing within the layers. I was told to take a see through glass of water and spit in it. Leave it for about half an hour and then check for strands of saliva sinking towards the bottom of the glass (U can do this at home too). I checked and sure enough I was able to see with my own eyes the strands going down from my saliva. This proved that I had Candida spores in my body. Then I saw this picture: I now eat a lot of garlic, I avoid bread and sugar at all costs, I eat coconut butter daily and I basically am trying to reduce my body's acidity, bring the ratio back to normal and eat a mostly raw vegan diet with kefir and sauerkraut to increase beneficial bacteria growth so they can build the inner lining back up. The Candida is starved and will eventually die off, the way acne dies off with proper diet. Doctors lied to me telling me I had Wolverine shit disease that my skin was regenerating faster. I always did my own research and found out the truth. You owe it to yourself to do the Candida test and see if you can fix this starting with today. What I could have stopped in 9 months took me 9 painful years and spending a shit tone of money on cremes and other stuff that never cured, just make it go away for a while. Like when I went to the seaside it went away. Cause that is what fungus does when exposed to salt water and direct sunlight. It disappears and my skin was always better in the summer. The fire was still raging inside of me though cause it is in your gut. I saw that most psoriasis medication was mostly anti-fungal so then I made the final connection. Check the candida diet on google totally free. Check foods to avoid, foods to eat and strap in cause you might get flare ups, as I have had. But eventually you will starve it off your skin.


Ashwagandha: Anti-Cancer, Neuronal Regeneration, Stem Cell Production - Second HIV patient appears cured after stem cell transplant: Report