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Saturday, September 9, 2017

Kitten can't walk but learns with a walker - Tails of Survival - Nervous System Disorders - Rife Frequencies

An adorable black and white Kitten with a neurological disorder couldn't walk, but relearned how to use his back legs by using a walker every day.

Mainstream Medical Science Will Be Forced to Admit Royal Rife Was Right

Using your computer as a rife machine:

R.I.F.E. instruments. (Resonant Initiated Field Effects) - This term was created by Dr. James Bare D.C. who pioneers research in biology and warm fusion plasma instruments using frequency therapy. More Info...

More Info on Sound Therapy ---> Healing Solfeggio Frequencies

Devices that supposedly heal with sound incorporate light...

Kitten can't walk but learns with a walker - Tails of Survival - Nervous System Disorders - Rife Frequencies