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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Neonatal Hepatitis B Vaccine, The Autism Influencer From Day One Of Life?

Is the U.S.-mandated Hepatitis B vaccine administered to newborn infants within 24 hours of birth the initial ‘impact’ vaccine for ‘programming’ a child’s unfortunate decline into the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

The answer to that question is a resounding “YES” according to a 2016 peer review study titled, Neonatal hepatitis B vaccination impaired the behavior and neurogenesis of mice transiently in early adulthood published in the Elsevier peer review journalPsychoneuroendochrinology.

The extensive research on mice brains published above indicates what the CDC/FDA should have found and warned against as part of the licensing procedures for the Hepatitis B vaccine introduced as a recommended infant/childhood vaccine way back in 1991, when “the first dose was recommended to be administered at birth before hospital discharge or at age 1–2 months.” [3]

That apparent default by the ever-increasing-malfeasance being exposed on the part of the CDC/FDA’s either ineptness or reliance upon what’s known as “consensus science,” is proof of the absolute need for the dismantling of a federal U.S. health agency—listed on the U.S. Stock Exchange (NASDAQ) [4]—by Congress, who has oversight.

Congress should be investigating the role a ‘premiere’ U.S. federal health agency has in the ‘promoting’ of false science, or their lack of due diligence to protect U.S. citizens, all while dispensing fraudulent and/or pseudoscience to the World Health Organization and other nation states’ health agencies, which rely upon false and misleading vaccine ‘science’.

According to the J.B. Handley Blog of May 10, 2018“Vax-Unvax study of mice implicates Hepatitis B vaccine, media silent,” (the first study that ever looked at the impact ANY vaccine might have on the brains of mice):

This work reveals for the first time that early HBV vaccination induces impairments in behavior and hippocampal neurogenesis. This work provides innovative data supporting the long suspected potential association of HBV with certain neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism and multiple sclerosis. [1-2] [CJF emphasis]
The statistically outrageous fact about the Hep B neonatal vaccine is that it is administered to approximately 70% of neonates WORLDWIDE!

According to Dr. Yao, the Hep B vaccine effects administered to mice indicated:

  1. The HBV vaccine negatively impacted the behavior of mice.
  2. The HBV vaccine mice experienced a spike in the cytokine IL-6.
  3. It took time for the neurological impact of HBV vaccine to manifest. [Therefore, the argument of no “correlation and causation” needs to be rejected totally.]
  4. They concluded with a statement that, in a sane world, would prompt the immediate cessation of Hepatitis B vaccine administration to babies. [1]
Annual immunization costs have gone from $100 per child in 1986 to $2,192 per child in 2015, the Times noted, citing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Times described vaccination costs today as ‘soaring’. [5] [That was in June 2015; what’s it in 2018?]

Question: Do the CDC/FDA function as ‘sane’ health agencies since they are financially supported by the pharmaceutical industry [6]; controlled by vested interests [7]; and even own patents on 54 vaccines [8]?—a definite conflict of interest!

The bottom line with the rise in Autism is that it is caused by contaminants found in our environment. There may be many separate sources of contamination. The Hep B Vaccine may be one of them (a significant contributor). We are looking at damage to the neurological development of our children and the cover-up of what is happening to protect the profits of giant pharmaceutical companies.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 17th, 2018.]