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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse - Camille Paglia

Author, art professor, feminist, and cultural commentator Camille Paglia speaks on the current transgender mania, the wisdom of early medical & surgical intervention (calling it "child abuse"), and how the explosion of gender identities is a recurring sign of cultural collapse throughout the history of civilization.

It's a case of disorganised groups or societies ultimately being defeated by more organised and robust societies. The disorganisation, a lack of homogeneity, comes about due to a period of soft living - under good times.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, January 14th, 2019.]


$5.7 Million in Taxpayer Funds for Study to Justify Sterilizing Children Who Are Gender Confused

University Caves to Mob. Deletes Study About Gender Dysphoria:

Transgenderism is Ideology NOT Science! (Dr. Leonard Sax Uncut) | Louder With Crowder:

LGBT activists slam ‘the most important psychiatrist of the last half-century’ because he debunks transgender ideology: