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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Cholesterol and Plaque Removal Frequency - Heart Diseases Treatment Binaural Beats Sound Therapy by Binaural Beats Meditation (Good Vibes)

Lyssa Mai
1 year ago
My grandma is in the hospital because of her heart. She can’t sleep because there’s fluid that enters her lungs causing her to cough and keep her awake. I started playing this for her at night when shes getting ready for bed. She tells me that she’s been sleeping better because she’s not coughing as much. Thank you binaural beats.


Good Vibes - Binaural Beats

The Late Night Guard
The Late Night Guard
2 months ago (edited)
Take a Canned Shaped Bluetooth Speaker and place it over your heart area at night. I find this to be the most effective way to listen. It allows the vibrations to penetrate and resonate in the chest cavity