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Saturday, October 23, 2021

Interesting how they are pushing MRNA boosters for the Johnson and Johnson shot that is more conventional and is largely escaping the pitfalls of the others thus far...

Interesting how they are pushing MRNA boosters for the Johnson and Johnson shot that is more conventional and is largely escaping the pitfalls of the others thus far. Biden regime was hellbent on demonizing it as well, but Trump stepped up on the issue in a very specific way, indicating to me that he is more in the know than he lets on, per usual. He certainly would not have mandated anything and I think his goal was to get ahead of the game and oversee all of this as opposed to what is happening now. Him outright stopping it would have only ensured his ousting even more. Larger more powerful forces at work than the POTUS office alone here unfortunately. It's the tentacles of the Hydra so to speak. In that same way, we must all do our part and fight back in a similar decentralized manner and not be looking for any saviors. My hope and logic tells me that most pushing this agenda are dupes themselves, so that offers much hope. When such dupes come around to seeing the light, furious anger will ensue. The downside is that it's easier to fool humans than convince them they were the fool. Egomaniacs turned unwitting eugenicists.