List of Natural Antibiotics
Natural Antibiotics in MammalsA recent study by the University of California found that most mammals, including humans create their own natural antibiotics when sick. These natural peptides, called cathelicidins, are found in tissue and white blood cells. They naturally inhibit microbial growth and fight infections. The researchers further found that overuse of prescription antibiotics leads to bacterial resistance and may weaken the body's natural defenses.
Goldenseal is another herb that is often found in
herbal antibiotic formulas. It has antibacterial and anti-fungal
properties. It is often used by herbalists to treat sinus infections,
vaginal infections, ear infections and sore throats. It can be taken
internally and used as a gargle or vaginal wash. The Clayton College
Herb Guide warns, however, that it should not be taken during pregnancy,
as it may stimulate uterine contractions. It also lowers blood sugar
levels and should not be taken by hypoglycemics.
Myrrh has been used by herbalists for centuries
and is even mentioned in the Bible. It is antiseptic, antibiotic and
antiviral. It can be taken internally, used as a gargle or used as a
wash for wounds. The Herb Guide recommends myrrh for bad breath,
bronchitis, mouth sores and sore throats. It is a healing agent and
helps increase white blood cell counts. Although, it warns not to use
myrrh for more than 2 weeks as it is harsh on the kidneys.
The 5 best natural antibiotics and anti-virals that destroy superbugs and just about everything else
The 5 best natural antibiotics and anti-virals that destroy superbugs and just about everything else
(NaturalNews) Sir Alexander Fleming discovered the antibacterial power of the mold Penicillium notatum in 1928. Even though it was a natural healing agent effective in destroying Staphylococcus aureus and other noxious bacteria, the pharmaceutical industry got hold of nature's bounty and it became -- along with multiple other Big Pharma inventions -- the nightmare of modern antibiotics, causing as many problems for mankind as they were supposed to help. Because of the overuse of antibiotics, super-bugs have developed that are resistant to all but the most powerful drugs, whose side effects are often dangerous.
In nature's infinite wisdom, several other highly effective substances exist with antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, all able to protect the human body safely and with deep healing powers. You don't have to go much farther than the refrigerator or your pantry cupboard to find safe, delicious foods and herbs to eradicate the most virulent bacteria and viruses.
Garlic has been used worldwide for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. This wonder plant treats everything from a simple earache to pneumonia, MRSA, Helicobacter pylori, the flu and even the black plague. Contemporary research has confirmed that garlic possesses numerous antioxidants that kill bacteria and free radicals in the blood protecting the immune system and making it stronger. Garlic's active ingredient allicin can also attack and destroy a variety of viruses -- unlike modern antibiotics -- as well as fugal infections, such as candida. Taking garlic supplements as a prophylactic may help to protect against various pathogens and prevent the onset of disease.
Echinacea has been used for hundreds of years to strengthen the immune system and fight a variety of infections. Traditionally, echinacea was used to treat open wounds, diptheria, cellulitis, blood poisoning, syphilitic lesions and other bacterial-related diseases. Although it's mostly used today for fighting colds and flu, this potent herb possesses the ability to destroy the most virulent bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus which causes deadly MRSA.
Colloidal Silver
The germicidal and antibacterial properties of colloidal silver were discovered almost a century ago. Numerous clinical cases and anecdotal evidence provides us with the knowledge of the power of colloidal silver to kill bacteria, fungal infections and viruses. Even though the FDA has tried to discredit the efficacy of this important healing substance, the effects of colloidal silver in the treatment of bacterial diseases such as MRSA, topical wounds, sores and infections speaks for itself.
Pau D'Arco
Pau d'Arco is an herb native to South America whose active ingredient lapachol, has been found to relieve a wide range of infections include those initiated by bacteria, viruses and fungus. Studies suggest that Pau d'arco may also have cancer-fighting properties, although more research is needed. Pau d'arco was used by the Indians of South America to strengthen the immune system and fight life-threatening diseases. It's best consumed as a tea or decoction.
Manuka Honey
The most delicious and deadly agent that works to kill bacteria is Manuka honey, which comes from Australia and New Zealand. Researchers have discovered that Manuka honey applied topically can kill a wide range of pathogens, including MRSA and flesh-eating bacteria. Scientists were pleased by the fact that the treated bacteria didn't build up any resistance, rendering the honey ineffective.
Sources for this article include:
University of North Carolina at Wilmington Graduate Fellows Program; "Bubonic Plague: Yesterday's Scourge--and Tomorrow's?"; Tina Blue; December 2000
Carson-Newman College: The Black Plague: The Least You Need to Know
University of Maryland Medical Center: Garlic
University of Connecticut: Garlic
Ethiopian Medical Journal, vol. 40(3); D. Dikasso; July 2002: Investigation on the antibacterial properties of garlic (Allium sativum) on pneumonia causing bacteria.
University of Maryland Medical Center: MRSA--Treatment
University of Maryland Medical Center: Echinacea
University of Maryland Medical Center: Cellulitis
Huntington College of Health Sciences: MRSA--Natural Methods for Prevention
FDA -- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: Over-the-Counter Drug Products Containing Colloidal Silver
Ingredients or Silver Salts
Colloidal Silver: The Undisputed Cure for MRSA and Other Deadly Super-Pathogens
Silver Medicine: Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. -- Silver Ions and Electromedicine Pau d'Arco Benefits
University of Colorado at Denver: Pau D'Arco
The Australian Hone, I killed the superbug
About the author:
The JB Bardot Archives:
Natural News:
JB Bardot is an herbalist and a classical homeopath, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. You can find her at The JB Bardot Archives at and on Facebook at or on Twitter at jbbardot23 or
List of Best Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics
Usnea: It works as antibiotic without any side effects to kill bad bacteria without disturbing good bacteria. It also cures upper respiratory ailments, vaginal infections, fungi, external injuries. The immune system of the body is strengthened to fight against any ailment. Though these natural remedies are properly evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration but the advice must be taken from the doctor before using it. Pregnant mothers should not use these remedies without consulting the doctor.Spices and Herbs used daily as antibiotic: The spices and herbs used in the kitchen are antibiotic in its effect. The list of these spices and herbs is given below:
Antibiotic & Antibacterial:
- Oregano
- Thyme
- Pau d’arco
- Una da gato
- Myrrh
- Turmeric
- Aloevera
- Boneset
- Elderberry
- Osha root
- Astragalus
- Lomatium
- St. John’s Wort
- Black walnut hulls
- Barberry bark
- Maitake mushroom
- Tea tree oil
- Wormwood
- Neem
- Lemon
- Cloves
- Oregano
- Thyme
Natural Antibiotics: Foods that Work as Antibiotics
• Onions: a close relative of garlic, onions have also been shown to have excellent antibiotic properties with a history of usage dating back to ancient Rome. There is a long list of beneficial medicinal properties which has been directly attributed to the onion such as; herbal analgesia, anti-inflammatory substance, increases circulation, alleviating angina, and used in the treatment of the common cold and flu, and for people who have a persistent cough.• Australian Tea Tree Oil: comes from a small, fragrant evergreen tree and is sold in health food stores. The substance can be applied topically to treat fingernail fungus, slow healing wounds and sores.
• Fruits containing vitamin C: fruits high in vitamin C are recommended because they can help stave off or eliminate certain infectious bacteria. Vitamin C is essential for growth and development, and serves in the function of skin repair. The substance is very important in wound healing, strengthens the human immune system and increases the body’s ability to resist infection. Studied first in the 1930’s by Dr. Fred Klenner at the University of North Carolina, the antibiotic action of vitamin C was shown to help patients heal from snake bites, viral and bacterial infections. Fruits rich in vitamin C include; kiwi, strawberries, oranges, pineapple, honeydew melon, mangoes, plums and watermelon.
• Vegetables rich in vitamin C: due to the high vitamin C content of some vegetables, the following foods can serve as a natural antibiotic as well; cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes and spinach.
• Fermented foods: these are foods that are prepared with microorganisms, mainly bacteria. The foods can also be considered as a form of natural antibiotics because they reintroduce friendly bacteria into the body. Fermented foods are often recommended in conjunction with traditional antibiotic treatment because while the underlying disease is being treated and bacteria is being killed, a person will be less likely to develop a secondary infection due to the decrease of normal bacterial body flora.
• Eucalyptus: used as a powerful decongestant, has a very crisp, easy-to-recognize odor. Eucalyptus is a natural antiseptic which kills certain funguses, bacteria and viruses. Can be steeped and made into an herbal tea.
Herbs that Contain Natural Antibiotic Qualities/Properties
The University of Colorado has also
uncovered certain herbs which exhibit traits and qualities that mimic
antibiotic actions in the human body, which include the following:
• Allspice
• Oregano
• Thyme
• Cumin
• Cinnamon
• Tarragon
• Cloves
• Bay leaf
• Chili peppers
• Rosemary
• Marjoram
• Caraway seed
• Coriander
• Dill
• Basil
• Nutmeg
• Cardamom
• Pepper
• Ginger
• Anise
• Fennel
• Mint sage
• Mustard
• Parsley
• Basil
• Coriander
• Allspice
• Oregano
• Thyme

• Cumin
• Cinnamon
• Tarragon
• Cloves
• Bay leaf
• Chili peppers
• Rosemary
• Marjoram
• Caraway seed
• Coriander
• Dill
• Basil
• Nutmeg
• Cardamom
• Pepper
• Ginger
• Anise
• Fennel
• Mint sage
• Mustard
• Parsley
• Basil
• Coriander
Various scientific studies have shown
that certain foods we eat have characteristics and qualities which act
as a natural antibiotic on the human body. Natural antibiotic qualities
exhibited by certain foods are a subject that requires more extensive
research to be completely understood. Before attempting to substitute
natural antibiotic containing foods for standard prescription
antibiotics, it is highly recommended a person consults with a physician
to obtain medical advice and to determine the best course of treatment
to use for the particular medical condition which is presenting.
How to Beat Staph and MRSA Infections Naturally