Congress: Stop Blocking the EPA from Protecting Our Clean Water
Right now, corporate lobbyists for building construction, oil and gas, and factory farm interests are putting pressure on Members of Congress to block the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers’ efforts to restore long-standing protections under the Clean Water Act.The EPA and the Army Corps’ proposed Clean Water Rule would clarify which streams and wetlands are – and which ones are not – protected under the Clean Water Act. Despite thirty years of comprehensive protections under the law, two Supreme Court decisions in 2001 and 2006 made it unclear whether small streams and wetlands were still protected. This leaves the small streams and wetlands that store floodwaters, filter pollution, and contribute to the drinking water of 117 million Americans, vulnerable to destruction.
This week, House members will likely vote on H.R. 5078, a bill to block EPA from finalizing the proposed Clean Water Rule, rather than letting the public comment period finish. It’s wrong for Congress to shut down the public comment period on the Clean Water rule. This silences YOUR voice and the voice of millions of people who depend upon clean water for their livelihood.
Take action HERE.