WARNING: Make sure to view the crystal safeguards info at the bottom of this page before using crystals in any way. "Stones may be harmful in certain situations or specific types of minerals (raw versus tumbled, Fibrous versus crystallized or mass) , whether it be in Elixirs or prolonged holding, bathing, touching to skin, etc."
Also, the book The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls points out the very important detail that:
Clear Quartz is a master healer crystal, and may be used for any condition. It is thought to stimulate the immune and circulatory systems, enhancing energy flow and bringing the body into balance. It has been used to treat migraine headaches, vertigo, in stabilizing dizziness or motion sickness, and is believed to assist with metabolism, exhaustion, and weight loss. [Hall, 225][Melody, 506][Eason, 133][Megemont, 73]
A Crystal elixir taken internally has been used to eliminate toxins from the system and to aid in the treatment of digestive disorders, kidney and bladder infections, and to cure diarrhea. The indirect method of preparation is recommended. [Melody, 506][Megemont, 73]
Clear Quartz soothes painful or injured areas, especially burns, by drawing away pain and eliminating blistering. A topical elixir is also beneficial in treating skin disorders. [Melody, 506][Megemont, 73][Hall, 226]
Clear Quartz acts as a deep soul cleanser, purifying and enhancing the body's internal structure and surrounding subtle bodies to connect the physical dimension with the mind. It focuses on inner negativity and stimulates positive thoughts and feelings in its place. With a better perception of the world, Quartz increases awareness and clarity in thinking, and provides enhanced energy, perseverance and patience, teaching one to live, laugh and love with all of humanity. [Hall, 225][Melody, 504][Gienger, 28]
Because Clear Quartz has the prismatic ability to vibrate its energy at all of the color frequencies, it not only harmonizes all of the chakras, but can teach us how to vibrate our seven chakra centers simultaneously while maintaining perfect alignment with the light. [Raphaell, 51]
Clear Quartz is particularly useful for stimulating the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head, and is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us. It is the fountainhead of our beliefs and the source of our spirituality. It connects us to the higher planes of existence and is the source of universal energy and truth. When the Crown is in balance, our energies are in balance. We know our place in the universe and see things as they are. We are unruffled by setbacks, knowing they are an essential part of life.
More Info on Quartz:
Spirit Science Guide to Crystals! - http://jordanpearce.com/guidetocrystals
Another book i highly recommend: The Crystal Bible!
6 -7 Inch Selenite Massage Wand, Reiki, Chakra, Crystal Healing
This page contains geological data that cautions one when using certain types of crystals/minerals. While most in the metaphysical/spiritual community only speak of the higher purpose properties, common sense must be taken into consideration when using these on a physical level. This page is a cautionary measure on stones that may be harmful in certain situations or specific types of minerals (raw versus tumbled, Fibrous versus crystallized or mass) , whether it be in Elixirs or prolonged holding, bathing, touching to skin, etc.
It is not meant to perpetuate fear or anxiety, but instead to educate and share our deep respect for the crystal and mineral kingdom. Most on the list are geared toward internal use with a few being cautionary for external use. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you wash your hands after using any crystal/mineral. It keeps our mineral friends clean and is a great way to show respect to ourselves and our crystal/mineral family.
Pay particular attention to the list when you are working with raw/natural specimens. I do not think tumbled (coated) stones, for the most part, would be harmful, with a few exceptions, such as Realgar.
NOTE: Before making any elixir or charging any water, it is a good idea to double check for any possible toxicity that may occur, if using several stones in combination, for elemental reactions between the stones. In fact, it would be best if each stone charges in its own container of water as opposed to putting four or five stones in the same container.
*If you have any doubt (or are new to crystals and their chemical composition), simply place the crystal/stone around and outside of the container. You will still get the same results.*
Actinolite--Fibrous form is a type of asbestos. Not recommended for elixirs.
Adamite--Contains Arsenic (Arsenate) and trace amounts of copper which is toxic
Ajoite--Contains Aluminum, Copper
Alexandrite--Contains Aluminum
Amazonite--Trace amounts of Copper which is toxic
Amblygonite--Contains Aluminum
Andaluscite--Contains Aluminum
Atacamite-- Contains poisonous/toxic Copper
Auricalcite-- Contains Zinc and Copper which is toxic
Aventurine--Contains Aluminum
Axinite--Contains Aluminum, Iron
Azurite--Contains Copper, Toxic
Bastnaesite--The chemical makeup of Bastnaesite does contain toxic elements which can react when combined with water.
Beryl Group (Aquamarine, Goshenite, Heliodor, Morganite)--Contains Aluminum
Brazilianite--Contains Aluminum--not recommended to use in its raw form
Bronchantite--Copper Hydrated Sulphate, Toxic
Boji Stones (Kansas Pop Rocks, aka Concretin)--Contains Sulfur, Pyrite and/or Marcasite which is toxic (*also could be a fire hazard)
Chalcopyrite--AKA Peacock Ore contains copper and sulfur which can be toxic
Chrysoberyl--Contains Aluminum
Chrysocolla--Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Cinnabar--Contains mercury which can be poisonous/toxic Wash hands after holding. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding.
Conichalcite--Contains poisonous/toxic copper
Covellite--Contains poisonous/toxic Copper
Crocoite--Contains poisonous/toxic levels of Chromium. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding. Do not ingest.
Cuprite--Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Wash hands after holding. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding.
Dalmatian Jasper--Contains Aluminum
Dioptase--Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Dumortierite--Contains Aluminum
Emerald--Contains Aluminum
Epidote--Contains Aluminum
Feldspar Group--(Labradorite, Moonstone, Orthoclase, etc) Contains Aluminum
Galena--Contains high amounts of lead which can be poisonous
Garnet--(Spessartine, Uvarovite, Rhodolite,Hessonite) Contains Aluminum
Gem Silica-- Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Halite--Unfit for elixir use--will dissolve in water
Hematite--Unfit for elixir use--will rust with prolonged exposure in liquid
Hiddenite (Spodumene)--Contains Aluminum
Idocrase--Contains Aluminum
Iolite--Contains Aluminum
Jadeite--Contains Aluminum and Iron
Kyanite--Contains Aluminum
Labradorite--Contains Aluminum
Lapis Lazuli-- Contains Sulfur and possible Pyrite inclusions which are poisonous
Lazulite--Contains Aluminum
Lazurite--Contains Aluminum, Sulfur
Lepidolite--Contains Aluminum
Magnetite-- Iron will rust, DO NOT use in elixirs or charging water
Malachite--Contains poisonous/toxic copper
Marcasite--Marcasite with time and exposure to oxygen, may form a white powdery substance/residue which is poisonous/toxic Sulfuric Acid.) If this occurs you should not wear next to the skin or touch. Not recommended for Elixirs.
Mica--Contains Aluminum
Moonstone--Contains Aluminum
Morganite--Contains Aluminum
Muscovite--Contains Aluminum
Orpiment--HIGHLY TOXIC levels of Arsenic. Wash hands after use, keep away from CHILDREN!! Do not put hands near eyes or mouth before washing hands.
Pargasite-- contains Aluminum so it is not recommended for elixirs or immersing in water to charge it.
Pietersite--Similar to tiger's eye. Fibrous form contains asbestos. Not recommended to use raw forms for elixirs.
Prehnite--Contains Aluminum
Psilomelane--Contains poisonous/toxic Barium
Pyrite--Pyrite may contain intermixed Marcasite. The Marcasite with time and exposure to oxygen, may form a white powdery substance/residue which is poisonous/toxic Sulfuric Acid.) If this occurs you should not wear next to the skin or touch. Not recommended for Elixirs.
Quantum stone/Quantum Quattro Silica--Contains poisonous/toxic copper
Realgar **--HIGHLY TOXIC levels of Arsenic. Wash hands after use, keep away from CHILDREN!! Do not put hands near eyes or mouth before washing hands.
Ruby--Contains Aluminum
Sapphire--Contains Aluminum
Scapolite--Contains Aluminum
Schorl--Contains Aluminum
Selenite--Unfit for internal ingestion--tiny shards may break off in water
Serpentine--Fibrous forms are asbestos. Wash hands after use. Not recommended in elixir preparation.
Smithsonite--Contains zinc and may contain copper (green Smithsonite) Safe for handling but may be Poisonous/toxic when used in elixirs.
Sodalite--Contains Aluminum
Spinel--Contains Aluminum
Spodumene-- Contains Aluminum
Staurolite--Contains Aluminum and Iron
Stibnite--Contains lead and antimony. Not recommended for elixirs.
Stilbite--Contains Aluminum
Sugilite--Contains Aluminum
Sulfur--Contains poisonous Sulfur
Sunstone--Contains Aluminum
Tanzanite--Gem variety of Zoisite. Zoisite contains Aluminum.
Tiger Eye--Fibrous form contains asbestos. Not recommended to use raw forms for elixirs.
Topaz--Contains Aluminum
Tourmaline--Contains Aluminum
Tremolite--Fibrous forms are asbestos. Not recommended for Elixirs. Wash hands after use.
Turquoise--Contains poisonous/toxic copper and Aluminum. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Ulexite-- Contains toxic Boron
Unakite--Contains Aluminum and may also contain Zirconium (Radioactive)
Vanadinite--Contains poisonous Vanadium
Variscite--Contains Aluminum
Vesuvianite--Contains Aluminum
Wavellite--Contains Aluminum
Wulfenite--Contains poisonous Lead & Molybdenum. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Zircon--Contain Zirconium, Radioactive
Zoisite--Contains Aluminum
*Original List provided with permission by Liz Gunther and Peggy Jentoff .
*Additions/corrections have been made by Kristi Huggins, Author/Expert Contributor and Steve Garza.
Orgonite and Tower Busting
Chakra Orgone Pyramid Crystal Gemstones Copper Metal Mix
Also, the book The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls points out the very important detail that:
There are in fact several other materials that look exactly the same as quartz crystal to the naked eye, including various types of plastics and glass. Even lead crystal, the material from which most glasses, decanters and other decorative objects are now made, is actually a type of glass and not crystal at all. Also, there is a lot of artificially manufactured or 'synthetic' quartz crystal around today.This certainly has huge implications for individuals wishing to use quartz in a crystal elixir taken internally!
(Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.)
Quartz Physical Healing Energy
Clear Quartz is a master healer crystal, and may be used for any condition. It is thought to stimulate the immune and circulatory systems, enhancing energy flow and bringing the body into balance. It has been used to treat migraine headaches, vertigo, in stabilizing dizziness or motion sickness, and is believed to assist with metabolism, exhaustion, and weight loss. [Hall, 225][Melody, 506][Eason, 133][Megemont, 73]A Crystal elixir taken internally has been used to eliminate toxins from the system and to aid in the treatment of digestive disorders, kidney and bladder infections, and to cure diarrhea. The indirect method of preparation is recommended. [Melody, 506][Megemont, 73]
Clear Quartz soothes painful or injured areas, especially burns, by drawing away pain and eliminating blistering. A topical elixir is also beneficial in treating skin disorders. [Melody, 506][Megemont, 73][Hall, 226]
Quartz Emotional Healing Energy
Clear Quartz acts as a deep soul cleanser, purifying and enhancing the body's internal structure and surrounding subtle bodies to connect the physical dimension with the mind. It focuses on inner negativity and stimulates positive thoughts and feelings in its place. With a better perception of the world, Quartz increases awareness and clarity in thinking, and provides enhanced energy, perseverance and patience, teaching one to live, laugh and love with all of humanity. [Hall, 225][Melody, 504][Gienger, 28]
Quartz Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy
Because Clear Quartz has the prismatic ability to vibrate its energy at all of the color frequencies, it not only harmonizes all of the chakras, but can teach us how to vibrate our seven chakra centers simultaneously while maintaining perfect alignment with the light. [Raphaell, 51]Clear Quartz is particularly useful for stimulating the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head, and is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us. It is the fountainhead of our beliefs and the source of our spirituality. It connects us to the higher planes of existence and is the source of universal energy and truth. When the Crown is in balance, our energies are in balance. We know our place in the universe and see things as they are. We are unruffled by setbacks, knowing they are an essential part of life.
More Info on Quartz:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Crystal_healingThis video gives a good overview on crystals. It doesn't matter if you believe crystals are alive or not! :)
-In response, the article states that crystals are used to 'heal' a persons aura and chakras. The word 'heal', if one understands this practice, is truly a misnomer. There is no evidence to disprove that this therapy is not beneficial for humans, and plenty of evidence and situational testimony to show it may in fact contain some merit.
There have in fact been double-blind, quadruple blind even, trials and tests documented by researchers at Athens state university, led by Joe H. Slate, PH.D., documented in a book entitled "Aura Energy - for Health Healing & Balance". The tests and studies first prove the existence of the Aura, the chakras, and their ability to be manipulated in such a way to show a positive result on subjects
- ...just like sugar pills. 2602:30A:C000:9590:A120:4BCB:96E4:E755 (talk) 05:22, 6 July 2014 (UTC)
Spirit Science Guide to Crystals! - http://jordanpearce.com/guidetocrystals
Another book i highly recommend: The Crystal Bible!
6 -7 Inch Selenite Massage Wand, Reiki, Chakra, Crystal Healing
By Jennifer Martinez on December 14, 2012
Verified Purchase
Known for healing, negative energy banishing and absorption, Selenite is the best Crystal/stone to keep close at hand.
This wand is a generous and comfortable size.. fits perfectly within my hand, as well as my daughter's. You can feel it's healing and positive energies.
When I had a Migraine, I slept with Selenite closest to the area that hurt the worst, within an hour, the pain was almost completely gone... never during a Migraine has anything, even pills worked that well.
By HebrewHealThySelf on April 30, 2014
Verified Purchase
I love this beauty! An amazingly healing tool. Before I opened the package I could feel the energy coming from this mother of stones. I originally purchased it for it's cleansing and migraine care, but later found that it can help correct any time of bone problems. I have suffered with a coccyx (tailbone) injury for the last two years. It had gotten so bad I was using canes and crouches to get around my home. I could not bend down to pick up things and lifting a pound of canned peaches was excruciating. I was almost certain I would need surgery to correct the problem. But when I learned that Selenite can be used for skeletal disorders, I move it from under my pillow to the center of my back when I slept. I thought laying on this thing would cause discomfort, yet I figured I can't be in any more pain than I already am. Within a few days, I was literally healing. Now after a month I have resume my regular household duties; cleaning, cooking, laundry etc. I can sit without constant pain. AND I DON"T HAVE TO WALK WITH A CANE. HALLELUYAH!
I've traded my daily dose of Ibuprophen for a good night sleep laying on my Selenite. It's also great for clearing negative energy, especially when light is applied. I use a rainbow light display to give it alternating color infusion while I meditate or to cleanse my other crystals. Holding it up to a slim flash light gives you the intensity of holding a full moon in the palm of your hand. It facilitates resetting and channeling positive vibes and it's beauty is captivating.Crystal Safeguards
This page contains geological data that cautions one when using certain types of crystals/minerals. While most in the metaphysical/spiritual community only speak of the higher purpose properties, common sense must be taken into consideration when using these on a physical level. This page is a cautionary measure on stones that may be harmful in certain situations or specific types of minerals (raw versus tumbled, Fibrous versus crystallized or mass) , whether it be in Elixirs or prolonged holding, bathing, touching to skin, etc.
It is not meant to perpetuate fear or anxiety, but instead to educate and share our deep respect for the crystal and mineral kingdom. Most on the list are geared toward internal use with a few being cautionary for external use. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you wash your hands after using any crystal/mineral. It keeps our mineral friends clean and is a great way to show respect to ourselves and our crystal/mineral family.
Pay particular attention to the list when you are working with raw/natural specimens. I do not think tumbled (coated) stones, for the most part, would be harmful, with a few exceptions, such as Realgar.
NOTE: Before making any elixir or charging any water, it is a good idea to double check for any possible toxicity that may occur, if using several stones in combination, for elemental reactions between the stones. In fact, it would be best if each stone charges in its own container of water as opposed to putting four or five stones in the same container.
*If you have any doubt (or are new to crystals and their chemical composition), simply place the crystal/stone around and outside of the container. You will still get the same results.*
Adamite--Contains Arsenic (Arsenate) and trace amounts of copper which is toxic
Ajoite--Contains Aluminum, Copper
Alexandrite--Contains Aluminum
Amazonite--Trace amounts of Copper which is toxic
Amblygonite--Contains Aluminum
Andaluscite--Contains Aluminum
Atacamite-- Contains poisonous/toxic Copper
Auricalcite-- Contains Zinc and Copper which is toxic
Aventurine--Contains Aluminum
Axinite--Contains Aluminum, Iron
Azurite--Contains Copper, Toxic
Bastnaesite--The chemical makeup of Bastnaesite does contain toxic elements which can react when combined with water.
Beryl Group (Aquamarine, Goshenite, Heliodor, Morganite)--Contains Aluminum
Brazilianite--Contains Aluminum--not recommended to use in its raw form
Bronchantite--Copper Hydrated Sulphate, Toxic
Boji Stones (Kansas Pop Rocks, aka Concretin)--Contains Sulfur, Pyrite and/or Marcasite which is toxic (*also could be a fire hazard)
Chalcopyrite--AKA Peacock Ore contains copper and sulfur which can be toxic
Chrysoberyl--Contains Aluminum
Chrysocolla--Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Cinnabar--Contains mercury which can be poisonous/toxic Wash hands after holding. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding.
Conichalcite--Contains poisonous/toxic copper
Covellite--Contains poisonous/toxic Copper
Crocoite--Contains poisonous/toxic levels of Chromium. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding. Do not ingest.
Cuprite--Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Wash hands after holding. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding.
Dalmatian Jasper--Contains Aluminum
Dioptase--Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Dumortierite--Contains Aluminum
Emerald--Contains Aluminum
Epidote--Contains Aluminum
Feldspar Group--(Labradorite, Moonstone, Orthoclase, etc) Contains Aluminum
Galena--Contains high amounts of lead which can be poisonous
Garnet--(Spessartine, Uvarovite, Rhodolite,Hessonite) Contains Aluminum
Gem Silica-- Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Halite--Unfit for elixir use--will dissolve in water
Hematite--Unfit for elixir use--will rust with prolonged exposure in liquid
Hiddenite (Spodumene)--Contains Aluminum
Idocrase--Contains Aluminum
Iolite--Contains Aluminum
Jadeite--Contains Aluminum and Iron
Kyanite--Contains Aluminum
Labradorite--Contains Aluminum
Lapis Lazuli-- Contains Sulfur and possible Pyrite inclusions which are poisonous
Lazulite--Contains Aluminum
Lazurite--Contains Aluminum, Sulfur
Lepidolite--Contains Aluminum
Magnetite-- Iron will rust, DO NOT use in elixirs or charging water
Malachite--Contains poisonous/toxic copper
Marcasite--Marcasite with time and exposure to oxygen, may form a white powdery substance/residue which is poisonous/toxic Sulfuric Acid.) If this occurs you should not wear next to the skin or touch. Not recommended for Elixirs.
Mica--Contains Aluminum
Moonstone--Contains Aluminum
Morganite--Contains Aluminum
Muscovite--Contains Aluminum
Orpiment--HIGHLY TOXIC levels of Arsenic. Wash hands after use, keep away from CHILDREN!! Do not put hands near eyes or mouth before washing hands.
Pargasite-- contains Aluminum so it is not recommended for elixirs or immersing in water to charge it.
Pietersite--Similar to tiger's eye. Fibrous form contains asbestos. Not recommended to use raw forms for elixirs.
Prehnite--Contains Aluminum
Psilomelane--Contains poisonous/toxic Barium
Pyrite--Pyrite may contain intermixed Marcasite. The Marcasite with time and exposure to oxygen, may form a white powdery substance/residue which is poisonous/toxic Sulfuric Acid.) If this occurs you should not wear next to the skin or touch. Not recommended for Elixirs.
Quantum stone/Quantum Quattro Silica--Contains poisonous/toxic copper
Realgar **--HIGHLY TOXIC levels of Arsenic. Wash hands after use, keep away from CHILDREN!! Do not put hands near eyes or mouth before washing hands.
Ruby--Contains Aluminum
Sapphire--Contains Aluminum
Scapolite--Contains Aluminum
Schorl--Contains Aluminum
Selenite--Unfit for internal ingestion--tiny shards may break off in water
Serpentine--Fibrous forms are asbestos. Wash hands after use. Not recommended in elixir preparation.
Smithsonite--Contains zinc and may contain copper (green Smithsonite) Safe for handling but may be Poisonous/toxic when used in elixirs.
Sodalite--Contains Aluminum
Spinel--Contains Aluminum
Spodumene-- Contains Aluminum
Staurolite--Contains Aluminum and Iron
Stibnite--Contains lead and antimony. Not recommended for elixirs.
Stilbite--Contains Aluminum
Sugilite--Contains Aluminum
Sulfur--Contains poisonous Sulfur
Sunstone--Contains Aluminum
Tanzanite--Gem variety of Zoisite. Zoisite contains Aluminum.
Tiger Eye--Fibrous form contains asbestos. Not recommended to use raw forms for elixirs.
Topaz--Contains Aluminum
Tourmaline--Contains Aluminum
Tremolite--Fibrous forms are asbestos. Not recommended for Elixirs. Wash hands after use.
Turquoise--Contains poisonous/toxic copper and Aluminum. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Ulexite-- Contains toxic Boron
Unakite--Contains Aluminum and may also contain Zirconium (Radioactive)
Vanadinite--Contains poisonous Vanadium
Variscite--Contains Aluminum
Vesuvianite--Contains Aluminum
Wavellite--Contains Aluminum
Wulfenite--Contains poisonous Lead & Molybdenum. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Zircon--Contain Zirconium, Radioactive
Zoisite--Contains Aluminum
*Original List provided with permission by Liz Gunther and Peggy Jentoff .
*Additions/corrections have been made by Kristi Huggins, Author/Expert Contributor and Steve Garza.
Orgonite and Tower Busting
Chakra Orgone Pyramid Crystal Gemstones Copper Metal Mix