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Friday, May 27, 2016


New Worries About Zika Vitus As Americans Head Off For Memorial Day Weekend - Cavuto


Jan 29, 2016 ... A causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth malformations and neurological syndromes … is strongly suspected. [These links] ...
Feb 1, 2016 ... area.html. International law professor Francis A. Boyle breaks ...
Apr 30, 2016 ... A causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth malformations and neurological syndromes … is strongly suspected. [These links] .
Feb 14, 2016 ... Labels: Breaking: Experts say Guerrilla Warfare Tactics Needed to Fight Zika, Petition: Tell El Salvador: Don't Limit Access to Contraceptives ...

FINALLY! Scientific American Writer Exposes the Tribal Cultist Arrogance and Dogmatic Lunacy of Science 'Skeptics'

Today I'm tipping my hat to John Horgan, a blogger who writes for Scientific American, for his extraordinary article entitled Dear "Skeptics," Bash Homeopathy and Bigfoot Less, Mammograms and War More.

In his article, Horgan rightly points out that today's so-called "science skeptics" are little more than dogmatic tribal cultists (my words, not Horgan's) who celebrate "skeptical" thinking concerning their selected philosophical targets while vehemently denying anyone's right to question their own beliefs on things like breast cancer screening, vaccine safety, global warming and genetically engineered foods.

As Horgan eloquently explains in his piece, real skeptics are skeptical of everything, not just selected topics that are targeted by the madness of status quo science crowds (i.e. the "cult of scientism").

Real skepticism means questioning everything... especially the status quo

A real skeptic, in other words, would bring critical thinking to all of our science narratives and cultural beliefs, including those that cover the origin of the universe (cosmology), the origin of the human species, the nature of consciousness, the long history of indigenous botanical medicine, the cancer industry and mammography, homeopathy, antidepressant drugs, water filters, the existence of God and everything else imaginable. But far too many of today's infamous "skeptics" (such as Richard Dawkins) are really just cultists who labor under the false banner of "science." And they're offensive to real critical thinkers, it turns out.

"I don’t hang out with people who self-identify as capital-S Skeptics. Or Atheists. Or Rationalists," explains Horgan. "When people like this get together, they become tribal. They pat each other on the back and tell each other how smart they are compared to those outside the tribe. But belonging to a tribe often makes you dumber."

I've seen this myself, on both ends of the medicine spectrum. I've seen insanely stupid pharmacology experts swear that statin drugs are such miraculous chemicals that they should be dripped into the public water supply. But I've also seen "raw foodies" at festivals swearing that their "water vortexer machines" could levitate water in defiance of the laws of gravity.

In both cases, my critical thinking alarms go haywire, and I shake my head in disbelief that so many people are so gullible, regardless of their level of academic education or technical mastery of certain subjects. A highly trained doctor with an IQ of 200 can be just as functionally stupid as a high school dropout, I've observed. In fact, when it comes to medicine and health, many so-called "experts" are so ignorant of reality that they almost seem cognitively retarded

Another layer to this cake is the strong likelihood that many of the leading 'Skeptics' are active (Government) disinformation propagandists, people like Michael Shermer, who ignore or obfuscate hard scientific evidence when it comes to high level corruption, such as with the September 11 attacks. Other issues related to science also come into play, such as hiding experimental evidence indicating the reality of ESP and the UFO phenomena.

I suspect that the leading proponents are recruited because they have corrupt, or intelligence-linked, backgrounds.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 26th, 2016.]

Still Report #898 - First Superbug Found Resistant to All Antibiotics

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Food for Thought

Chemtrails: Experimenting on the Public

Robert De Niro to Produce Big-Pharma Documentary



Monday, May 23, 2016

The Truth about Franklin D. Roosevelt

Untruth about FDR
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a 32nd Degree Mason, a Member of Skull and Bones as well as the Council on Foreign Relations and the 32nd president of the United States made two powerful statements when he said, and I Quote: "Presidents are selected, not elected, and "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." Roosevelt was also the president who had the "All Seeing Eye," a Masonic representation of The Great Architect of the Universe placed on the back of the one dollar bill along with the Pyramid and other Masonic symbolism. 
Today, "In God We Trust" on currency is in reference to an all inclusive God, so that a mixed audience of Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Rosicrucian, Baha'i, Jainism, Gnostic, Unitarian, Hinduism, any and all who desires can both relate and claim recognition of the phrase "In God We Trust" aka, The Great Architect of the Universe, who's name is Lucifer, this includes the upper levels of all governments, the world financial system as well as the world's religious system.
Reason #1 
FDR did something to finance all his programs that no current President will be able to do now —FDR confiscated all the gold in America. Yes, Americans were forced to sell all their gold to the Federal Reserve Bank which then printed dollars. It was gold-backed dollar that pumped up the economy. This is not a feasible solution anymore since a) Americans will rise up against the government in case of any such confiscation attempts, and b) Americans really don’t own gold like they used to do before. 
Reason #2 
What saved America was also World War II. America was playing the “neutral” role for a long time and manufactured/supplied weapons to all sides, including Japan and Germany. For example, Rockefeller and Koch brothers had huge business dealings with Hitler. Many Wall Street firms were financing all sides of the war. So, while Europe was killing itself, it was sending America all its gold for guns, ships and planes. America’s manufacturing boomed, thanks to World War II.
So, yes, war can be a boost for the economy. Maybe that’s why the elites are really trying to provoke Russia. Let’s hope they don’t succeed. As Einstein said “I don’t know how World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
Reason #3 
FDR taxed the hell out of the Top 1% – raised the top tax bracket from 25% to 65% in a single move and then to 80%. It worked at that time because the rich had all the money within the U.S. But the rich have gotten smarter since then! Now the richest individuals and corporations have all their money parked in Cayman Islands and other offshore accounts, safe from the hands of the revolting mob. (Yup, more than $30 trillion in offshore accounts).
The US was warned by, at least, the governments of Britain, Netherlands, Australia, Peru, Korea and the Soviet Union that a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was coming. All important Japanese codes were broken. FDR and Marshall and others knew the attack was coming, allowed it and covered up their knowledge. It's significant that both the the chief of OP-20-G Safford and Friedman of Army SIS, the two people in the world that knew what we decoded, said that FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked.
Soon after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, rumors began to circulate challenging the official narrative that it was an unprovoked surprise attack. The cumulative evidence gathered over the last seventy years by scholars, journalists, and investigators vindicates those suspicious of treachery from the top; for it comprises a solid circumstantial case that Franklin D. Roosevelt and his top advisors deliberately provoked the attack and deliberately looked the other way before it came... 
The standard history treats U.S. entry into World War II as moral and strategic imperative. But as demonstrated above, that assessment does not bear careful scrutiny. Nazi Germany was not about to conquer the world, nor was she in any position to threaten the United States. Indeed, Hitler’s bid for continental supremacy had been thwarted by Britain and Russia long before the United States entered the war. Imperial Japan was bogged down on the Asian mainland, hungry for raw materials, and anxious for a modus vivendi with the United States. 
This history also ignores the enormous costs and horrifying consequences of direct American intervention. The Anglo-American bombings of German and Japanese cities killed more than a million civilians, most of whom were women and children. Most of the destruction in Western Europe occurred during the period of Allied liberation in 1944–1945 (See William Hitchcock’s The Bitter Road to Freedom: A New History of the Liberation of Europe). And the decision by President Truman to drop atomic bombs on a prostrate Japan in August 1945 accelerated a nuclear-arms race that still threatens the incineration of the world.
Americans are taught that Franklin Delano Roosevelt instituted massive economic reforms and regulations which tamed the banking hooligans.  
True, FDR helped pass a boatload of legislation, including Glass-Steagal and many other laws which helped reign in some of the worst abuses of the robber barons of the day.

But Ellen Brown points out that FDR chickened out from making the most important, most fundamental reform: taking the power to create credit and “print” new money away from the private banksters and give it back to the federal government, as the founding fathers intended. 
By way of background, remember that Milton Friedman and Ben Bernanke have both said that the Federal Reserve caused the Great Depression.
A Failed Obama Hero 
Let's think about President Obama's failed economic stimulus program. Before getting to the nitty-gritty of why stimulus packages fail, let's look at the failed stimulus program of Obama's hero, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR's Treasury Secretary, Henry Morgenthau, wrote in his diary: "We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. … We have never made good on our promises. … I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started … and an enormous debt to boot!" 
Morgenthau was being a bit gracious. The unemployment figures for FDR's first eight years were: 18 percent in 1935; 14 percent in 1936; by 1938, unemployment was back to 20 percent. The stock market fell nearly 50 percent between August 1937 and March 1938. Columnist Walter Lippmann wrote, "With almost no important exception every measure he (Roosevelt) has been interested in for the past five months has been to reduce or discourage the production of wealth." The last year of the Herbert Hoover administration, the top marginal income tax rate was raised from 24 to 63 percent. During the Roosevelt administration, the top rate was raised at first to 79 percent and then later to 90 percent. Hillsdale College economic historian Professor Burton Folsom notes that in 1941, Roosevelt even proposed a whopping 99.5 percent marginal rate on all incomes over $100,000. Much more of the Hoover/FDR fiasco can be found in "Great Myths of the Great Depression" ( 
The Great Depression did not end until after WWII. Why it lasted so long went unanswered until Harold L. Cole, professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania, and Lee E. Ohanian, professor of economics at UCLA, published their research project "How Government Prolonged the Depression" in the Journal of Political Economy (August 2004). Professor Cole explained, "The fact that the Depression dragged on for years convinced generations of economists and policy-makers that capitalism could not be trusted to recover from depressions and that significant government intervention was required to achieve good outcomes. Ironically, our work shows that the recovery would have been very rapid had the government not intervened." Professors Cole and Ohanian argue that FDR's economic policies added at least seven years to the depression.
Why FDR was America's Worst President... 
The President's Precedent 
Prior to Roosevelt’s presidency, these executive orders didn’t really exist (with the exception of the Louisiana Purchase 130 years before). If they were used, it was an order about how to enforce a law which Congress had written, not just a random command that is to be followed simply because the president wants it to be. The whole concept of an executive order is rather contrary to the system of checks and balances in the constitution. The framers enumerated the powers of each branch to avoid just such a system. But Roosevelt despised these checks. He loathed the idea that anybody else could tell him what he could or couldn’t do. He governed with the motto that “I’ll mandate the law, and dare them to overrule it”. And due to the Great Depression, nobody was willing or able to do so. Roosevelt was reelected three times. It may have been more had he not died before his fifth attempt. This sent every future president the message that if you want to stay in power, it helps to behave as FDR did. 
So naturally, other presidents have followed into his footsteps. Today, executive orders are stretched far and wide to include just about anything the president feels like doing. President Clinton that placed 6,000 acres of Western land off limits for development via executive order, citing his authority to do so from a law passed by Congress for the preservation of a very specific area...IN 1880!!! President Reagan struck down any federal regulation that he didn’t like by citing the Paperwork Production Act, which had been made by Congress to limit the amount of forms businessmen had to fill out (not the actual number of rules they had to comply with). This would have been unthinkable when the constitution was created, but since Roosevelt set the tone that this was acceptable, other ambitious presidents have been quick to use it to advance their agenda. 
Similarly, the constitution specifically requires the president to get the Senate's approval before making any treaties with other countries. But of course, FDR believed that only he should have that power. I suppose he figured this was just one giant constitutional typo where the framers accidentally included an entire sentence that they didn't really mean. So to get around their unfortunate blunder, he simply changed the word "treaty" to the word "agreement". Hey, the constitution says nothing about “agreements”, right? So Roosevelt began negotiating “agreements” with other countries, rather than treaties, without any congressional approval whatsoever! 
Naturally, Congress was again outraged, and this practice soon found its way to the Supreme Court. But the Supreme Court was very hesitant to challenge the president in these times - partially due to the war, and partially because most of them were his appointees by this time anyway. So in a move that can only be described as cowardly, the courts supported Roosevelt's interpretation. They cited the fact that congress could pass legislation to overturn these agreements as a sufficient constitutional check on the President’s negotiating power. But the president could still veto that legislation just as he can veto any others! The result is that today, Congress needs a veto proof, two-thirds majority in both houses to prevent the president from entering the United States into any contract he so chooses, rather than the president needing two-thirds concurrence in the Senate to have any power at all. 
This is why we have so few treaties today, and so many agreements (the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, is one example). There are also dozens of secret agreements, which the president conceals from Congress because he fears they would be overturned. Congress tried to address this problem by passing the CASE Act, which stipulates that all “executive agreements” be presented to Congress by years end. How did presidents get around that? By simply changing the word again! Now they call them National Security Directives, or NSD’s. Bush used one such secret NSD to authorize the waterboarding of suspected terrorists (which is completely unrelated to making "treaties" anyway!). When one of those directive’s leaked to the press, he issued another one authorizing “extraordinary rendition”, codename for taking suspects outside the country and doing the same thing. Hey, if Roosevelt (who everyone knows was one of the best presidents ever) can do it, why can’t I? 
The executive orders didn’t stop there. In 1942, the infamous Executive Order 9066 authorized the establishment of “exclusion zones” where people who were deemed a threat to the United States’ war effort could be contained. These are today known as the Japanese Internment Camps, one of the most shameful government actions in American history. FDR’s Vice President and successor, Harry Truman, cited the same emergency power to send troops into Korea without Congress’ permission, effectively wrenching the power to declare war away from Congress as well. It was done on the order of one man, free from any power restraints or constitutional checks whatsoever. And it was all started by FDR. 
Hoodwinking the Desperate 
How did he get away with this, one may ask? Why didn’t anybody cry foul? Why were the checks and balances in the constitution ignored? The simple answer is that the guardians of that constitution are less strong, and have less resolve, in times of confusion and desperation. The Great Depression was one such time, and Franklin D. Roosevelt brilliantly capitalized on this opportunity. People’s defenses are weak when they’re hungry, out-of-work, and scared for the future. When somebody promises you food, a job, camaraderie, and security in such conditions, people are eager to accept. The freedom they must sacrifice to do so seems less pressing, especially when you're paying with someone else's freedom instead of your own. And when the power of the presidency is expanded with the justification of “taking emergency action” to address the problem, people are willing to tolerate that expansion. Roosevelt ran his campaign on this message, and found a people very eager to grant him whatever power he needed to improve their desperate condition. 
But even Depression-era circumstances were not large enough to cover up these power grabs on their own. To get away with this heist, Roosevelt need to cover it up. So just like any good dictator, he presented people with only the information he wanted them to hear. FDR was an absolute master of media manipulation, and he invented most of the tactics that presidents use today.
Social Security: Broken Promises and Costly Changes 
Social Security has been built over an array of broken promises and costly changes. The alterations are costly, not only for government, but also for the nation’s working people. The program’s initiator, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, promised that it would be completely voluntary. Try to withdraw from it, and you’ll see the non-existing worth of that promise.

From a required payment of one percent of a participant’s first $1,400 of earnings when SS began in the 1930s, wage earners now see 7.56 percent of the first $90,000 extracted from their pay. And the employer has to match the amount taken from each worker — money that might otherwise be used to expand his business or given to employees. Many workers 50 years ago would see their paychecks grow every mid-summer when required payments into the program were met. That boost in take-home pay no longer exists. Formerly, payments to Social Security were deductible from taxable income. Like horse-drawn carriages, that practice too is gone... 
Social Security should be phased out by Congress with the government continuing to pay the elderly, and then having younger workers keep their own money, so they can invest it into a privately run program or do whatever they want with it. It’s their money. Unfortunately, Big Brother government won’t let them escape its clutches...  
Though he initially denounced anything resembling anything like the Social Security program, Franklin Delano Roosevelt reversed course completely in 1933 after he won the presidency. The plan he got through Congress and the Supreme Court was eerily identical to the proposal sought by U.S. Communist Party leader William Z. Foster in his 1932 book Toward Soviet America. Foster called for creation of a government-run “system of social insurance against unemployment, old age, sickness, accidents, etc.”
That’s exactly what the U.S. federal government gave us. And the American people are constantly inundated with cries claiming Communism is dead. What’s dead is honesty and freedom from unconstitutional taxation.

The elderly and disabled should be taken care of by the government, but we don't need to steal from workers and employers to pay for it. Instead, the US can print its own money and not borrow it at interest from the banksters.

Don’t Triple Amount of Cancer-Causing Chemical Allowed in Water

Target: Florida Department of Environmental Protection Director Jon Steverson

Goal: Reject proposal allowing for three times the amount of a carcinogen to be pumped into water sources.

The currently accepted amount of benzene in Florida’s waters could be tripled due to a proposal put forth by the state’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Benzene is a chemical compound classified as a carcinogen, meaning it’s known to cause cancer in humans.

Multiple Florida politicians and scientists are speaking out against this proposal. Dr. Lonnie Draper, president of the Florida chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility, commented that the new allowances are likely the result of a company or set of companies that want to be able to pollute as much as they want–likely from the fracking industry. Fracking companies have been trying to make their way into Florida for years but have been hindered by environmental regulations and resistance from the community.

Benzene isn’t the only concern in this proposal. Arsenic would be allowed to be present in drinking water at 1,000 times the level currently recommended by the EPA, and dioxin, a potent toxin that can cause reproductive and developmental problems, wouldn’t be regulated at all.

Linda Young, executive director of the Florida Clean Water Network, warns that the pollution that would likely be caused by these proposed lax regulations would threaten Florida real estate, tourism, and the seafood industry. The state could throw all that away for the temporary and dangerous practice of fracking.

This is the opposite of what a Department of Environmental Protection should do. Sign our petition to demand that the Florida DEP withdraw this proposal and replace it with one that doesn’t sacrifice the environment for fracking companies.


Dear Mr. Steverson,

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection recently released a proposal that relaxes the allowable amounts of toxic chemicals like arsenic, benzene, and dioxin that can be pumped into the water. The allowed pollution of benzene is to be tripled and arsenic levels are to be raised to 1,000 times that recommended by the EPA.

Considering the fact that you’re supposed to protect the environment, this is disturbing news. It doesn’t seem coincidental that fracking companies have been trying to get into Florida for years but have been hindered by the state’s environmental regulations, seeing as the process of fracking uses high amounts of toxic chemicals that are forced directly into the ground, contaminating ground water and leaking into rivers and streams.

More pollution in the water would hurt Florida’s real estate and its tourism and seafood industries. You’d think you’d have learned that from the BP oil spill. We demand that you withdraw this outrageous proposal and replace it with one that doesn’t sell out the environment to fracking companies.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: SustainUS


Friday, May 20, 2016

Ostriches Killed for Hermès, Prada Bags

Join us in putting the pressure on Hermès to remove ostrich and other exotic skins from its collections, and always opt for beautiful vegan fabrics:


The website the meat industry doesn't want you to see:

How to go vegan:

PETA Saves:




You Don't Need Meat to Be Big and Strong

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Is Tritium The Secret Killer In The US?

Dr. Edward Group and Anthony Gucciardi talk about how many US nuclear reactors are leaking Tritium into the air causing huge DNA and Radiation Poisoning to mass populations.

Women's Health

Women are developing all sorts of disease, conditions, and illnesses at alarming rates. Dr. Bergman explains the primary cause of all these health problems and solutions to help women live a long and healthy life.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Politics: Trump Releases Seven-Point Health Care Reform Plan . . . and it's Excellent

[W]hat I honestly think is that the plan Trump released yesterday is as good as I've heard from anyone in the race - if not necessarily better - for how to replace ObamaCare. I'm going to excerpt the seven points entirely from Trump's web site:

  1. Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.
  2. Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.
  3. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.
  4. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty. These plans should be particularly attractive to young people who are healthy and can afford high-deductible insurance plans. These funds can be used by any member of a family without penalty. The flexibility and security provided by HSAs will be of great benefit to all who participate.
  5. Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.
  6. Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead. States will have the incentives to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.
  7. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 10th, 2016.]


Obamacare DISMANTLED Health Care | Dr. Elaina George



Friday, May 6, 2016

LA times: Feds Caught In Deadly Vaccine Trial

Alex Jones speaks with Dr. Toni Bark on the dangers of vaccination and how it can affect your child.


Three Interesting Women Against Vaccination - Make Sure to View Related Links at the Bottom of the Page

Thursday, May 5, 2016

How to Tell if Your “Expired” Eggs Are Still Good to Eat

A lot of people rely on the date on the packaging to tell them when food has gone bad, even with eggs, but the "sell by" dates are often rather arbitrary, and do not correlate to expiration dates. If you've been tossing away your eggs based on the dates on your carton—you're wrong.
Your eyes and nose are the best tools for determining freshness with meats, produce and herbs, but you can't really use your senses to test an egg before you crack it (unless you're highly skilled).
Image via Shutterstock
Eggs are often still good to eat long after the date on the packaging says to throw them out. If you want to test how fresh they are before finding out the hard way, here are a few methods for testing them.

The Best Method for Uncracked Eggs: The Float Test

Just fill a bowl with cold water and place your eggs in the bowl. If they sink to the bottom and lay flat on their sides, they're very fresh. If they're a few weeks old but still good to eat, they'll stand on one end at the bottom of the bowl. If they float to the surface, they're no longer fresh enough to eat.
While you could fry or scramble an egg that's on its side or standing upright, when it comes to hard-boiling, you'll want the upright ones, as Yumi points out in her guide to peeling hard-boiled eggs.
Below, you can see what a really bad egg looks like in comparison to really fresh one. The one on the left is most likely 3 or more months old (from when it was laid, not the date you actually bought them).
Image via Sturgis
To give you an idea of hold old an egg actually is, look at the "packed by" dates on the carton, which are in Julian date form by the "sell by" dates. Julian dates range from 1 to 365 days, and since most companies pack their eggs shortly after they're laid, it's a good indicator.
Image via FDA

Why the Float Test Works So Well

The reason this method works is because the eggshells are porous, which means they allow some air to get through. Fresh eggs have less air in them, so they sink to the bottom. But older eggs have had more time for the air to penetrate the shells, so they're more buoyant and will float.

Other Ways to Test Uncracked Eggs

Some people also claim you can hold an egg up to your ear and shake it to test for freshness. If you can hear a sloshing sound inside the egg, it's probably gone bad, but if you hear nothing, it's fine to eat. Personally, though, I don't think this method is as reliable.
Additionally, there is the candling method, which is used primarily for testing egg quality before putting eggs on the market, but it could help determine freshness too, though it's more difficult to see at later stages. Some just put a flashlight right next to the eggshell to light up the insides, but historically, a piece of cardboard with a small hole in it was used, with a light source behind it and the egg in front.
Image via Woman's Institute Library of Cooking (1918)
The above method will let you see the air space and mold, but it's really a difficult technique to get down.
Image via Woman's Institute Library of Cooking (1918)
Above you can see a fresh egg (little air space, slightly visible yolk), a slightly old egg (larger air space, slightly darker yolk), a nearly bad egg (really dark yolk, spotty), and a spoiled egg (mixed in yolk, lots of dark) using the candling technique.

The Best Method for Cracked Eggs: The Plate & Sniff Test

If you don't need the shell intact, you can also crack the egg onto a plate or other flat surface to test how fresh it is. If it's fresh, the yolk should be bright yellow or orange and the white shouldn't spread much. If you're not sure, give it a good sniff: fresh eggs shouldn't have much of a smell at all.
Image via Rouxbe
If the egg is older, the yolk will be flatter and the white will be much more runny. An egg that spreads out when cracked isn't necessarily bad, though, just older (and again, good for hard-boiled eggs). If it's gone bad, you probably won't even need to do the sniff test—even slightly rotten eggs will have a very strong, distinct smell you'll notice right away.

What to Do with Eggs That Expire Soon

Got a bunch of eggs that are going to go bad before you can use them?Hard-boil them and throw them in a jar with a beet brine to make tangy, delicious, and beautifully purple pickled eggs.
There are also lots of things you can do with those discarded eggshells, like make your teapot super clean, fertilize soil, and make sidewalk chalk. And don't forget about those leftover egg cartons, which make good seed and fire starters, bird feeders, and candle-making molds.