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Thursday, June 29, 2017

There are other ways to reform the American healthcare system... While No One Was Looking, Trump Just Passed Bill That Will Help Every American Win Big

There are other ways to reform the American healthcare system, that are not directly related to the bill the Senate is currently working on.

If you or a loved one has had any health problems, you know how expensive treatment is, whether it’s fees, medications or just about anything. And, of course, there’s the rising cost of health insurance!

Our representatives in the House are trying to help. One of the reasons, according to California GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, that healthcare costs continue to rise so much is that “we spend billions every year on unnecessary procedures, just to shield providers from possible lawsuits[.]”

To fix that, the House just passed the Protecting Access to Care Act. What the legislation does is cap damages such a punitive damages, or those that are for the purpose of punishment, at $250,000. The injured party can still recover measurable damages, such as medical bills or lost wages.

Some doctors won’t like the bill, if they are making big bucks off of unnecessary procedures. They should like the fact, though, that it will make medical malpractice insurance 25-30% cheaper.

Attorneys, on the other hand, will not be pleased, as it limits the fee they can collect from the verdict. Personally, I like the bill, and I’m a lawyer. I like that the House is attacking the rising cost of healthcare in this fashion. I certainly don’t want unnecessary procedures being performed on me, just to cover my doctor’s behind!

The bill still must pass the Senate, then move to Trump for his signature.