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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Help push wind energy past Obama’s expectations

You have the power to help wind energy grow faster

Ethical Electric Good news on wind energy: President Obama just released a report saying wind energy has tripled since 2000, and is on track to be a major source of energy in the US: 35% by 2050.1

The bad news is that’s not nearly soon enough. We all have a moral responsibility to do more, faster.

But here’s the other good news: It’s really easy to do something that matters.

Switch to Ethical Electric and supply your home with 100% clean wind and solar power. Get started now.

The majority of electricity generated in Pennsylvania comes from the polluting fossil fuels that are heating the atmosphere – making 2014 the hottest year on record, hammering the eastern U.S. in cold and snow, flooding South Florida with seawater, and leaving California seriously high and dry.

There is a better way. Switch to Ethical Electric, and help increase demand for clean wind energy. You’ll speed our transition off toxic fossil fuels, and keep a ton of carbon pollution out of the atmosphere. (Seven and a half tons, per year, actually.)2

It won’t change how you get energy, at all. But it can change your home’s contribution to global warming pollution, and how fast we are able to transition to sustainable energy.

Just sign up online or over the phone. With wind energy from Ethical Electric, you have the power to make a difference. Click here to get started.

Thanks for fighting fossil fuels AND supporting wind energy.

Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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1. Joby Warrick, "Wind could supply a third of the country’s power needs by 2050, government says." Washington Post, March 12, 2015.
2. 41.1 lbs per day, or 15,000 lbs a year, per Ethical Electric customer use data.