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Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Monday, July 27, 2015
Ask Your Senators to Oppose Any Bill Prohibiting GMO Labels!
Food & Water Watch
House Passes Bill to Prohibit States From Labeling GMOs!
Ask Your Senators to Oppose Any Bill That Prohibits Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods!
Should You Decide If You Want to Eat GMOs?
Label GMOs Now
Ask Your Senators to Oppose Any Bill Prohibiting GMO Labels!
The House of Representatives passed a bill last week that will prohibit states from labeling genetically engineered foods! Can you ask your Senators to oppose any bill that tries to take away labeling for genetically engineered foods?
Why is this important? Well, in poll after poll, more than 90% of people want food to be labeled if it contains genetically engineered ingredients. Several states have already passed laws requiring labeling, including Vermont, which will require labels on all foods starting next summer, unless this terrible bill passes through Congress and is signed into law by President Obama.
It's really important that your Senators hear from you, so they're not misled by the Big Food Corporations that want to prohibit GMO labeling.
The lobbyists for Big Food have been busy on Capitol Hill, and it appears that many members of Congress may be confused by the language in the "Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act." It sounds good doesn't it? We call it the Denying Americans the Right to Know Act (DARK Act).
We get a lot of questions about why we need labeling for GMOs, even from staff of members of Congress! Our answers are below. We hope you'll contact your Senators today, and give them the information below, so they can vote the right way and protect your right to know what's in your food.
Question: What is a genetically engineered food or GMO?
Answer: A genetically engineered food is a plant or animal that has been changed by taking genes from one species and inserting them into the DNA of another species or altering the DNA in a way that could never happen through traditional cross-breeding or in nature.
Question: Aren't genetically engineered foods safe?
Answer: The approval process for new GMO crops in the U.S. is extremely weak and relies solely on the safety tests done by the corporations that are creating these crops. Right now, most crops are approved by federal regulators under the "generally recognized as safe" provision, which means that if a GMO corn variety looks and "acts" like the non-GMO version of corn, it is approved.
Question: But don't farmers need genetically engineered foods to feed the growing world population?
Answer: Over 99% of the GMO crops that are being planted today are engineered to withstand strong chemical applications, or to produce their own pesticides. Often, the chemical companies like Monsanto, Dow and DuPont that create GMO crops also create the chemicals that have to be used with the crops, so the main benefit of these patented crops is for the companies and their profits. Additionally, most of these GMO crops — like corn, soybeans, canola and cotton — are not grown as food for direct human consumption, but rather for animal feed, or to create ingredients in processed foods.
Question: If over 90% of Americans support the labeling of GMOs, why hasn't Congress or the Food and Drug Administration done anything?
Answer:What we eat and feed our families has a direct impact on our health and well-being, and we have a right to know if the food we're eating has been altered in a way that could never happen in nature. Unfortunately, the big food industries spend millions lobbying Congress and federal agencies to keep labels off of GMO foods. The Grocery Manufacturers Association, which represents the biggest food and chemical companies, has spent over $50 million to defeat labeling initiatives in multiple states.
Question: Won't labeling GMO ingredients cost companies a lot of money and raise the price of our food?
Answer: This is one of the biggest industry myths. Consumers Union did a study last year that shows the requirement of labeling genetically engineered food ingredients will cost consumers less than a penny per day or $2.30/person annually.
Question: Why should I take action and ask my Senators to oppose this legislation?
Answer: Genetically engineered crops are in most processed foods but are unlabeled, so many people who wish to avoid foods with GMO ingredients don't know where they are lurking. GMOs are untested, and it's unknown how these engineered foods may be impacting our health and the environment. At the very least, shouldn't we have a choice to avoid them if we want to? The legislation that Congress is considering will prohibit any states from labeling GMOs and will make federal labeling voluntary, which is what we have already, and not a single product is labeled as containing genetically engineered ingredients.
Ask your Senators to support labeling of genetically engineered foods and to oppose any attempt to take away states' rights to require labels.
At the end of the day, it all comes down to who gets to decide what you are eating. Shouldn't that person be you?
Thanks for taking action,
Sarah Alexander
Deputy Organizing Director
Food & Water Watch
House Passes Bill to Prohibit States From Labeling GMOs!
Ask Your Senators to Oppose Any Bill That Prohibits Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods!
Should You Decide If You Want to Eat GMOs?
Label GMOs Now
Ask Your Senators to Oppose Any Bill Prohibiting GMO Labels!
The House of Representatives passed a bill last week that will prohibit states from labeling genetically engineered foods! Can you ask your Senators to oppose any bill that tries to take away labeling for genetically engineered foods?
Why is this important? Well, in poll after poll, more than 90% of people want food to be labeled if it contains genetically engineered ingredients. Several states have already passed laws requiring labeling, including Vermont, which will require labels on all foods starting next summer, unless this terrible bill passes through Congress and is signed into law by President Obama.
It's really important that your Senators hear from you, so they're not misled by the Big Food Corporations that want to prohibit GMO labeling.
The lobbyists for Big Food have been busy on Capitol Hill, and it appears that many members of Congress may be confused by the language in the "Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act." It sounds good doesn't it? We call it the Denying Americans the Right to Know Act (DARK Act).
We get a lot of questions about why we need labeling for GMOs, even from staff of members of Congress! Our answers are below. We hope you'll contact your Senators today, and give them the information below, so they can vote the right way and protect your right to know what's in your food.
Question: What is a genetically engineered food or GMO?
Answer: A genetically engineered food is a plant or animal that has been changed by taking genes from one species and inserting them into the DNA of another species or altering the DNA in a way that could never happen through traditional cross-breeding or in nature.
Question: Aren't genetically engineered foods safe?
Answer: The approval process for new GMO crops in the U.S. is extremely weak and relies solely on the safety tests done by the corporations that are creating these crops. Right now, most crops are approved by federal regulators under the "generally recognized as safe" provision, which means that if a GMO corn variety looks and "acts" like the non-GMO version of corn, it is approved.
Question: But don't farmers need genetically engineered foods to feed the growing world population?
Answer: Over 99% of the GMO crops that are being planted today are engineered to withstand strong chemical applications, or to produce their own pesticides. Often, the chemical companies like Monsanto, Dow and DuPont that create GMO crops also create the chemicals that have to be used with the crops, so the main benefit of these patented crops is for the companies and their profits. Additionally, most of these GMO crops — like corn, soybeans, canola and cotton — are not grown as food for direct human consumption, but rather for animal feed, or to create ingredients in processed foods.
Question: If over 90% of Americans support the labeling of GMOs, why hasn't Congress or the Food and Drug Administration done anything?
Answer:What we eat and feed our families has a direct impact on our health and well-being, and we have a right to know if the food we're eating has been altered in a way that could never happen in nature. Unfortunately, the big food industries spend millions lobbying Congress and federal agencies to keep labels off of GMO foods. The Grocery Manufacturers Association, which represents the biggest food and chemical companies, has spent over $50 million to defeat labeling initiatives in multiple states.
Question: Won't labeling GMO ingredients cost companies a lot of money and raise the price of our food?
Answer: This is one of the biggest industry myths. Consumers Union did a study last year that shows the requirement of labeling genetically engineered food ingredients will cost consumers less than a penny per day or $2.30/person annually.
Question: Why should I take action and ask my Senators to oppose this legislation?
Answer: Genetically engineered crops are in most processed foods but are unlabeled, so many people who wish to avoid foods with GMO ingredients don't know where they are lurking. GMOs are untested, and it's unknown how these engineered foods may be impacting our health and the environment. At the very least, shouldn't we have a choice to avoid them if we want to? The legislation that Congress is considering will prohibit any states from labeling GMOs and will make federal labeling voluntary, which is what we have already, and not a single product is labeled as containing genetically engineered ingredients.
Ask your Senators to support labeling of genetically engineered foods and to oppose any attempt to take away states' rights to require labels.
At the end of the day, it all comes down to who gets to decide what you are eating. Shouldn't that person be you?
Thanks for taking action,
Sarah Alexander
Deputy Organizing Director
Food & Water Watch
March on Monsanto Hugely Outnumbers Counterdemonstrators
Ask Your Senators to Oppose Any Bill Prohibiting GMO Labels!, House Passes Bill to Prohibit States From Labeling GMOs!:
by DC Direct Action News
Published May 23, 2015
Topics dcdirectactionnews, Monsanto, GMO, Roundup, March on Monsanto, Frankenfood
On the 23ed of May, the annual March on Monsanto encountered something new at Monsanto's DC lobbying headquarters: a tiny group of counterdemonstrators. Some were reported to hjave been paid by Monsanto to be there. Their presence is proof that the global campaign against Monsanto's patented "Roundup Ready" seeds and glyphosate herbicides is becoming effective.
One of the demands of the May 23,2015 marches in many cities is the recall of Roundup and a ban on its production and use. The other is for mandatory labelling of all the "frankenfoods" containing genetically-modified ingredients.
Monsanto protrayed their counterprotest as being for "science" but attempting to silence discussion of a scientific issue like GMO's and block labelling is better compared to the efforts of the Inquisition to silence Galileo. Also comparable to the Inquisition is the campaign of lawsuits and intimidation aimed at farmers who reuse seeds. Not only farmers with contracts with Monsanto, but other farmers whose crops may be contaminated by cross-pollination are subjected to lawsuits in which Monsanto claims presence of their genes forbids re-use of seeds. They seek ownership of crops in these lawsuits, forcing farmers not to plant any crop related to anything Monsanto sells if they wish to avoid the bulying. Even organic farmers who never use Roundup and whose crops become worthless if contaminated have been harassed.
Producer DC Direct Action News
Unbelievably bad science in the movie Seeds of Death?:
India's farmers are forced into poverty by Monsanto.
Monsanto, the world's most hated corporation, will stop at nothing to increase its profits, even if it means swindling struggling Indian farmers.
For generations, farmers have saved seeds from year to year -- but the company has now made that illegal.
Monsanto is sowing the seeds of debt bondage by charging outrageous annual royalties to keep using their seeds. Farmers are hopelessly saddled with crippling debt. Since Monsanto's crops were introduced, over 200,000 farmers in India have committed suicide.
Stand with India's farmers & tell Monsanto to stop charging crippling royalties on its seeds.
New numbers show farmer suicide rates have reached record highs in rural states as Monsanto's infamous seeds have propagated throughout the country, and it's about to get worse. Now, the new Indian government has opened GMO testing on eggplant, corn, rice and chickpeas, which could mean even more royalties across the agricultural industry.
For centuries, farmers made a living by saving seeds from one year's crop to the next. But today, Monsanto has put an end to that by claiming patent rights over seeds -- the fundamental source of all plant life -- and forcing farmers to pay for new seeds year after year after year.
The result is a crippling cycle of poverty, from which farmers see no way out.
Stand with India's farmers & tell Monsanto to stop charging crippling royalties on its seeds.
Bt cotton is currently India's only GMO crop, but it makes up 95 percent of all cotton farming in the country, giving Monsanto a massive monopoly on the market. These seeds cost about three to eight times the cost of conventional seeds.
As Vandana Shiva has said, when corporations control seeds, they control life. Monsanto is taking a renewable common resource and turning it into a nonrenewable, commodity.
The battle between Indian farmers and Monsanto is heating up. Now more than ever, we need to raise our voices to show Monsanto the whole world is watching -- and we won't stand by while it makes billions in profits at the expense of the world's poor farmers.
Stand with India's farmers & tell Monsanto to stop charging crippling royalties on its seeds.
For more information:
Monsanto and the Seeds of Suicide, Common Dreams, March 27, 2013
Monsanto's Shares Surge as its Drive to Force GM Crops into India Gathers Pace, RINF, February 4, 2015
Farmer suicides went up to 12,360 in 2014: Report, Business Standard, July 18th 2015
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Toxic Dollar Stores| Health Concern to MANY
Published on Jul 26, 2015
We have reached almost 75,000 out of the 150,000 to reach our goal!
Sign NOW -
You get what you pay for simply DOES NOT cut it!!!
"These discount chains have combined sales totaling more than $36 billion and operate more stores across the nation than Walmart."
Think about it...they have the money and resources to make these businesses a safer place for everyone!
Thank You all for taking the time out of your day to watch this.
If you would like to learn more please visit:
We have reached almost 75,000 out of the 150,000 to reach our goal!
Sign NOW -
You get what you pay for simply DOES NOT cut it!!!
"These discount chains have combined sales totaling more than $36 billion and operate more stores across the nation than Walmart."
Think about it...they have the money and resources to make these businesses a safer place for everyone!
Thank You all for taking the time out of your day to watch this.
If you would like to learn more please visit:
Saturday, July 25, 2015
These are the U.S. Representatives who voted to ban GMO labeling and deny your right to know what you're eating
Posted by margaret (Salty Margarita)
Named the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015 by a bunch of politicians who know next to nothing about GMOs, and the DARK Act (Denying Americans the Right to Know) by passionate food activists and consumer groups who have practically dedicated their lives to bringing awareness about the dangers of GMOs, the legislation that was recently passed in the House Committee prevents all states from enacting their own GMO labeling laws, ever.
It also strips states like Vermont, which already passed GMO labeling, their right from doing so.
Below is a list of politicians actively working to keep you and your family in the dark regarding the dangers of GMOs. Click here for their contact information.

Unbelievably bad science in the movie Seeds of Death?
Named the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015 by a bunch of politicians who know next to nothing about GMOs, and the DARK Act (Denying Americans the Right to Know) by passionate food activists and consumer groups who have practically dedicated their lives to bringing awareness about the dangers of GMOs, the legislation that was recently passed in the House Committee prevents all states from enacting their own GMO labeling laws, ever.
It also strips states like Vermont, which already passed GMO labeling, their right from doing so.
Below is a list of politicians actively working to keep you and your family in the dark regarding the dangers of GMOs. Click here for their contact information.
Unbelievably bad science in the movie Seeds of Death?
This Blue Solar Water Heals Your Body And Spirit; Here’s How To Make It
Blue Solar Water is easy to make, delicious to drink and is very a powerful to be used for body healing.
As we know, water carries vibrations, energy frequency, crystals, colors… Blue solar water provides the best: the powerful energy of the sun, the source of all life, and the fascinating properties of the healing and calming blue color. This water has become a favorite and popular after the book Zero Limits by Dr. Hew Len and above all through Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian healing technique.
In addition to being extremely healthy, this water helps cleanse the deep negative subconscious programs that we automatically repeat over and over again. Blue solar water heals emotional wounds and blockages, takes them to the surface and relieves us from them so that we get reset back to zero, in a pure state, to a clean start, without the background noise of negative thoughts. This water meets positivity, peace and love. And everyone can drink it, children, sick with cancer, especially those on chemotherapy. It is even tastier than plain water. And it is very easy to make.
Why blue?
Blue is the color of the fifth chakra, the so-called power center or the throat chakra (Vishuddha). The throat chakra is extremely important because it is the way through which energy from the higher energy centers can move to the lower ones and vice versa. It is the first center of higher frequencies and only when it is completely clean and open, we can reach higher states of consciousness. It is a bridge between the physical and the spiritual world, between the heart and the mind. It separates the secular from the sacred and transmitters the intention of the soul.
And it has been scientifically proven that the color blue has a tremendously powerful impact on our brains, decision-making and behavior.
Blue sky means a nice, relaxing day. Clean calm blue sea means calmness and serenity. In fact, everything blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Krishna is blue.
Science says it’s no coincidence these blue things make all of us us feel so good. After all, blue is the only color spectrum that can effectively prevent people from committing suicide.
It is proven that the color blue has a calming effect on people, and that is why it is used in different ways. In 2000, police in Glasgow, Scotland, installed blue lights in areas with a high crime rate. Since then, crime in those infamous neighborhoods decreased by 9%.
In Japan, several major railway companies switched to only blue lights at all railway crossings. To date they have a stunning success: In 2007, a year before the blue lights were installed, they had 640 suicides. In 2008, after the lights were installed, there were zero suicides!
If this is all strange and you do not believe in the incredible efficiency of blue, read on.
One theory says that the color itself has a tangible, biological effect on our brain chemistry. Harold Wohlfarth, president of the German Academy of Color Science, conducted a study in which he found that blue color lighting actually had a psychological impact on children and adults, and what is particularly bizarre in all things is the fact that it had the same effect even on blind people.
Wohlfarth believes that traces of electromagnetic energy from the blue light affects certain neurotransmitters in the brain. When light of a certain color falls on the eye, even if the eye is blind, it affects the gland that produces melatonin, which creates a chain reaction that elevates mood and calms emotions.
How to make Blue solar water?
All you need is a blue glass bottle (the shade of blue is not important) and fill it up with filtered, spring or plain tap water. You also need to make sure that the cap you seal the bottle with is not made of metal. It can be glass or plastic, but never use metal. The cap only serves as a protection against dust or insects that are very fond of this water.
This water bottle should be then kept on the sun for 1-12 hours. The longer you keep it on the sun, the sweeter its taste will get. But remember not to keep it longer than 12 hours.
How to drink it?
Drink this water as much as possible, it is very tasty and drinkable. Somehow, our body recognizes it, so even those who don’t drink so much water will have no problem drinking a few liters.
In addition to drinking it, you can use this water for cooking, watering flowers, for your animals, add it in the washing machine, dishwasher, put in a sprayer and refresh the rooms, add it to your bath…
Once you have made your Blue Solar Water you can transfer it into another container, plastic or glass, doesn’t matter. It can be kept in the refrigerator or at room temperature.
Friday, July 24, 2015
8 Hours 528 Hz Pure Tone (Transformation & Miracles)
528 Hz Frequency And Your DNA
Your DNA is not set in stone. It can be transformed.
According to Dr Leonard Horowitz, the 528 Hz frequency has the ability to heal damaged DNA. At the time I am writing this, there is not enough scientific research available on the subject. What we know for sure is that Dr. Horowitz learned the theory that 528 Hz frequency repairs damaged DNA from Lee Lorenzen, who was using the 528 Hertz frequency to create clustered water.
Clustered water is broken down in small stable rings or clusters. Our DNA have membranes that allow water to flow through and clear impurities. Because clustered water is smaller than bound water, it flows more easily through cell membranes and is more efficient in removing those impurities. The larger, bound water does not flow easily through cell membranes, and therefore the impurities remain and can eventually result in illness.
Richard J Saykally from UC Berkeley has explained that the structure of the water molecule gives it special properties and is essential for DNA’s function. Adequately hydrated DNA hold far greater energy potentials than dehydrated strands. Prof. Saykally and other genetics from the University of California, Berkeley have proven that a slight reduction of energized water bathing genetic matrices causes DNA to fail energetically.
Lee Lorenzen and other investigators discovered that six-sided, crystal-shaped, hexagonal clustered water molecules form the supportive matrix of healthy DNA. He suggests that the depletion of this matrix is a fundamental process that negatively affects virtually every physiological function. Biochemist Steve Chemiski says the 6-sided clear clusters that support the DNA double helix vibrate at a specific resonant frequency – 528 cycles per second.
Of course, all these revelations do not mean that 528 Hz will repair your DNA in a direct way. However, if the 528 Hertz can positively affect water clusters, then it can help to remove impurities allowing your body to become and remain healthy and balanced.
How music and 528 Hz can affect DNA
Sound and vibrations can activate your DNA
In 1998 Dr. Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York performed experiments with in vitro DNA. Four styles of music, including Sanskrit and Gregorian chants that utilize the 528 Hz frequency, were converted to scalar audio waves and played via a CD player to test tubes containing in vitro DNA. The effects of the music were determined by measuring the DNA test tube samples’ absorption of UV light after an hour of exposure to the music.
The results from one experiment indicated that classical music caused a 1.1 % increase in absorption, and rock music caused a 1.8% decrease in absorption indicating no effect. Gregorian chants, however caused a 5.0% and 9.1% increase in absorption in two separate experiments. Sanskrit chanting caused a similar 8.2% and 5.8% effect in two separate experiments. Thus both types of sacred chanting music produced a large unwinding effect on DNA. Glen Rein’s experiment indicate that music can resonate with human DNA. Rock and classical music do not affect DNA, although spiritual musical chants do resonate with DNA. Although these experiments were performed with isolated and purified DNA, it is likely that the frequencies associated with these forms of music will also resonate with DNA in the body.
Another study entitled, “Effect of sound wave on the synthesis of nucleic acid and protein in chrysanthemum” ends with the conclusion: “This result indicated that some stress-induced genes might be switched on under sound stimulation and the level of transcription increased.”
If genes can be switched on or off due to “sound simulations” it is within reason to think that DNA can be effected by sound, and if by sound, then also by the frequency of that sound.
The potential of sound positively effecting our lives is obvious, and the potential for a 528 Hz (and other frequencies) affecting DNA may have some scientific validity. However, there needs to be more research to make the DNA repair claim.
DNA Activation of Vitamin C Gene
Download The high Quality 8 Hr. MP3 for FREE! Visit:
Your DNA is not set in stone. It can be transformed.
According to Dr Leonard Horowitz, the 528 Hz frequency has the ability to heal damaged DNA. At the time I am writing this, there is not enough scientific research available on the subject. What we know for sure is that Dr. Horowitz learned the theory that 528 Hz frequency repairs damaged DNA from Lee Lorenzen, who was using the 528 Hertz frequency to create clustered water.
Clustered water is broken down in small stable rings or clusters. Our DNA have membranes that allow water to flow through and clear impurities. Because clustered water is smaller than bound water, it flows more easily through cell membranes and is more efficient in removing those impurities. The larger, bound water does not flow easily through cell membranes, and therefore the impurities remain and can eventually result in illness.
Richard J Saykally from UC Berkeley has explained that the structure of the water molecule gives it special properties and is essential for DNA’s function. Adequately hydrated DNA hold far greater energy potentials than dehydrated strands. Prof. Saykally and other genetics from the University of California, Berkeley have proven that a slight reduction of energized water bathing genetic matrices causes DNA to fail energetically.
Lee Lorenzen and other investigators discovered that six-sided, crystal-shaped, hexagonal clustered water molecules form the supportive matrix of healthy DNA. He suggests that the depletion of this matrix is a fundamental process that negatively affects virtually every physiological function. Biochemist Steve Chemiski says the 6-sided clear clusters that support the DNA double helix vibrate at a specific resonant frequency – 528 cycles per second.
Of course, all these revelations do not mean that 528 Hz will repair your DNA in a direct way. However, if the 528 Hertz can positively affect water clusters, then it can help to remove impurities allowing your body to become and remain healthy and balanced.
How music and 528 Hz can affect DNA
Sound and vibrations can activate your DNA
In 1998 Dr. Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York performed experiments with in vitro DNA. Four styles of music, including Sanskrit and Gregorian chants that utilize the 528 Hz frequency, were converted to scalar audio waves and played via a CD player to test tubes containing in vitro DNA. The effects of the music were determined by measuring the DNA test tube samples’ absorption of UV light after an hour of exposure to the music.
The results from one experiment indicated that classical music caused a 1.1 % increase in absorption, and rock music caused a 1.8% decrease in absorption indicating no effect. Gregorian chants, however caused a 5.0% and 9.1% increase in absorption in two separate experiments. Sanskrit chanting caused a similar 8.2% and 5.8% effect in two separate experiments. Thus both types of sacred chanting music produced a large unwinding effect on DNA. Glen Rein’s experiment indicate that music can resonate with human DNA. Rock and classical music do not affect DNA, although spiritual musical chants do resonate with DNA. Although these experiments were performed with isolated and purified DNA, it is likely that the frequencies associated with these forms of music will also resonate with DNA in the body.
Another study entitled, “Effect of sound wave on the synthesis of nucleic acid and protein in chrysanthemum” ends with the conclusion: “This result indicated that some stress-induced genes might be switched on under sound stimulation and the level of transcription increased.”
If genes can be switched on or off due to “sound simulations” it is within reason to think that DNA can be effected by sound, and if by sound, then also by the frequency of that sound.
The potential of sound positively effecting our lives is obvious, and the potential for a 528 Hz (and other frequencies) affecting DNA may have some scientific validity. However, there needs to be more research to make the DNA repair claim.
DNA Activation of Vitamin C Gene
Download The high Quality 8 Hr. MP3 for FREE! Visit:
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Healing HydroSonics --The BioResonance Revolution
528 Hz Frequency And Your DNA
Your DNA is not set in stone. It can be transformed.
According to Dr Leonard Horowitz, the 528 Hz frequency has the ability to heal damaged DNA. At the time I am writing this, there is not enough scientific research available on the subject. What we know for sure is that Dr. Horowitz learned the theory that 528 Hz frequency repairs damaged DNA from Lee Lorenzen, who was using the 528 Hertz frequency to create clustered water.
Clustered water is broken down in small stable rings or clusters. Our DNA have membranes that allow water to flow through and clear impurities. Because clustered water is smaller than bound water, it flows more easily through cell membranes and is more efficient in removing those impurities. The larger, bound water does not flow easily through cell membranes, and therefore the impurities remain and can eventually result in illness.
Richard J Saykally from UC Berkeley has explained that the structure of the water molecule gives it special properties and is essential for DNA’s function. Adequately hydrated DNA hold far greater energy potentials than dehydrated strands. Prof. Saykally and other genetics from the University of California, Berkeley have proven that a slight reduction of energized water bathing genetic matrices causes DNA to fail energetically.
Lee Lorenzen and other investigators discovered that six-sided, crystal-shaped, hexagonal clustered water molecules form the supportive matrix of healthy DNA. He suggests that the depletion of this matrix is a fundamental process that negatively affects virtually every physiological function. Biochemist Steve Chemiski says the 6-sided clear clusters that support the DNA double helix vibrate at a specific resonant frequency – 528 cycles per second.
Of course, all these revelations do not mean that 528 Hz will repair your DNA in a direct way. However, if the 528 Hertz can positively affect water clusters, then it can help to remove impurities allowing your body to become and remain healthy and balanced.
How music and 528 Hz can affect DNA
Sound and vibrations can activate your DNA
In 1998 Dr. Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York performed experiments with in vitro DNA. Four styles of music, including Sanskrit and Gregorian chants that utilize the 528 Hz frequency, were converted to scalar audio waves and played via a CD player to test tubes containing in vitro DNA. The effects of the music were determined by measuring the DNA test tube samples’ absorption of UV light after an hour of exposure to the music.
The results from one experiment indicated that classical music caused a 1.1 % increase in absorption, and rock music caused a 1.8% decrease in absorption indicating no effect. Gregorian chants, however caused a 5.0% and 9.1% increase in absorption in two separate experiments. Sanskrit chanting caused a similar 8.2% and 5.8% effect in two separate experiments. Thus both types of sacred chanting music produced a large unwinding effect on DNA. Glen Rein’s experiment indicate that music can resonate with human DNA. Rock and classical music do not affect DNA, although spiritual musical chants do resonate with DNA. Although these experiments were performed with isolated and purified DNA, it is likely that the frequencies associated with these forms of music will also resonate with DNA in the body.
Another study entitled, “Effect of sound wave on the synthesis of nucleic acid and protein in chrysanthemum” ends with the conclusion: “This result indicated that some stress-induced genes might be switched on under sound stimulation and the level of transcription increased.”
If genes can be switched on or off due to “sound simulations” it is within reason to think that DNA can be effected by sound, and if by sound, then also by the frequency of that sound.
The potential of sound positively effecting our lives is obvious, and the potential for a 528 Hz (and other frequencies) affecting DNA may have some scientific validity. However, there needs to be more research to make the DNA repair claim.
DNA Activation of Vitamin C Gene
Devices that supposedly heal with sound incorporate light...
Your DNA is not set in stone. It can be transformed.
According to Dr Leonard Horowitz, the 528 Hz frequency has the ability to heal damaged DNA. At the time I am writing this, there is not enough scientific research available on the subject. What we know for sure is that Dr. Horowitz learned the theory that 528 Hz frequency repairs damaged DNA from Lee Lorenzen, who was using the 528 Hertz frequency to create clustered water.
Clustered water is broken down in small stable rings or clusters. Our DNA have membranes that allow water to flow through and clear impurities. Because clustered water is smaller than bound water, it flows more easily through cell membranes and is more efficient in removing those impurities. The larger, bound water does not flow easily through cell membranes, and therefore the impurities remain and can eventually result in illness.
Richard J Saykally from UC Berkeley has explained that the structure of the water molecule gives it special properties and is essential for DNA’s function. Adequately hydrated DNA hold far greater energy potentials than dehydrated strands. Prof. Saykally and other genetics from the University of California, Berkeley have proven that a slight reduction of energized water bathing genetic matrices causes DNA to fail energetically.
Lee Lorenzen and other investigators discovered that six-sided, crystal-shaped, hexagonal clustered water molecules form the supportive matrix of healthy DNA. He suggests that the depletion of this matrix is a fundamental process that negatively affects virtually every physiological function. Biochemist Steve Chemiski says the 6-sided clear clusters that support the DNA double helix vibrate at a specific resonant frequency – 528 cycles per second.
Of course, all these revelations do not mean that 528 Hz will repair your DNA in a direct way. However, if the 528 Hertz can positively affect water clusters, then it can help to remove impurities allowing your body to become and remain healthy and balanced.
How music and 528 Hz can affect DNA
Sound and vibrations can activate your DNA
In 1998 Dr. Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York performed experiments with in vitro DNA. Four styles of music, including Sanskrit and Gregorian chants that utilize the 528 Hz frequency, were converted to scalar audio waves and played via a CD player to test tubes containing in vitro DNA. The effects of the music were determined by measuring the DNA test tube samples’ absorption of UV light after an hour of exposure to the music.
The results from one experiment indicated that classical music caused a 1.1 % increase in absorption, and rock music caused a 1.8% decrease in absorption indicating no effect. Gregorian chants, however caused a 5.0% and 9.1% increase in absorption in two separate experiments. Sanskrit chanting caused a similar 8.2% and 5.8% effect in two separate experiments. Thus both types of sacred chanting music produced a large unwinding effect on DNA. Glen Rein’s experiment indicate that music can resonate with human DNA. Rock and classical music do not affect DNA, although spiritual musical chants do resonate with DNA. Although these experiments were performed with isolated and purified DNA, it is likely that the frequencies associated with these forms of music will also resonate with DNA in the body.
Another study entitled, “Effect of sound wave on the synthesis of nucleic acid and protein in chrysanthemum” ends with the conclusion: “This result indicated that some stress-induced genes might be switched on under sound stimulation and the level of transcription increased.”
If genes can be switched on or off due to “sound simulations” it is within reason to think that DNA can be effected by sound, and if by sound, then also by the frequency of that sound.
The potential of sound positively effecting our lives is obvious, and the potential for a 528 Hz (and other frequencies) affecting DNA may have some scientific validity. However, there needs to be more research to make the DNA repair claim.
DNA Activation of Vitamin C Gene
Devices that supposedly heal with sound incorporate light...
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
URGENT: Vote Thursday: Monsanto's DARK Act would make GMO labeling illegal in all 50 states.
We just got horrifying news -- Monsanto's most dangerous legislation ever is being rammed through to a vote this Thursday in the US House and we need all hands on deck to stop it.
The DARK Act is every bit as bad as it sounds. This set of laws will prevent all 50 U.S. states from even labeling GMOs, giving Monsanto free rein to sell foods containing GMOs without our knowledge. Forever.
The precedent set here could determine the future of GMO labeling. In other words, this is a do or die moment for our right to know what's in our food.
Tell the U.S. government to stop Monsanto and protect our right to know what's in our food.
Yesterday, the U.S. House Agriculture Committee approved the "Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015" with no debate. Hours later it was announced that the bill would be rushed straight to the House floor this Thursday.
This legislation is commonly being called the Denying American's the Right to Know (DARK) Act because it makes it illegal for states to pass GMO labeling laws, or to regulate GMOs in any way.
Monsanto thinks it can ram this legislation through Congress before anyone notices, but we're not going to let that happen. Let's sound the alarm and halt the DARK Act act in its tracks.
Last year Monsanto sued the tiny, rural U.S. state of Vermont to block a law requiring the labeling of GMO foods. SumOfUs members stood with the people of Vermont to stop them from being bullied by this biotech behemoth, and Vermont's law was upheld in the courts.
But Vermont's victory--as well as efforts to require GMO labeling in dozens of other states--will be undone if the DARK Act passes. We've come too far to be caught sleeping in this winner take all fight for the future of our food.
There's lots of discussion about what the long-term effects of GMOs might be, but one thing should be above debate: consumers should have the right to know what they're eating and what they're feeding their kids.
If we don't stop it in the House this week, a vote is expected to place in the U.S. Senate, by early fall. But if we can win here, it will be a huge step towards the goal of GMO labeling worldwide, and making sure consumers know what they are eating.
Make sure you tell Congress to stop Monsanto and protect our right to know what's in our food.
The DARK Act is every bit as bad as it sounds. This set of laws will prevent all 50 U.S. states from even labeling GMOs, giving Monsanto free rein to sell foods containing GMOs without our knowledge. Forever.
The precedent set here could determine the future of GMO labeling. In other words, this is a do or die moment for our right to know what's in our food.
Tell the U.S. government to stop Monsanto and protect our right to know what's in our food.
Yesterday, the U.S. House Agriculture Committee approved the "Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015" with no debate. Hours later it was announced that the bill would be rushed straight to the House floor this Thursday.
This legislation is commonly being called the Denying American's the Right to Know (DARK) Act because it makes it illegal for states to pass GMO labeling laws, or to regulate GMOs in any way.
Monsanto thinks it can ram this legislation through Congress before anyone notices, but we're not going to let that happen. Let's sound the alarm and halt the DARK Act act in its tracks.
Last year Monsanto sued the tiny, rural U.S. state of Vermont to block a law requiring the labeling of GMO foods. SumOfUs members stood with the people of Vermont to stop them from being bullied by this biotech behemoth, and Vermont's law was upheld in the courts.
But Vermont's victory--as well as efforts to require GMO labeling in dozens of other states--will be undone if the DARK Act passes. We've come too far to be caught sleeping in this winner take all fight for the future of our food.
There's lots of discussion about what the long-term effects of GMOs might be, but one thing should be above debate: consumers should have the right to know what they're eating and what they're feeding their kids.
If we don't stop it in the House this week, a vote is expected to place in the U.S. Senate, by early fall. But if we can win here, it will be a huge step towards the goal of GMO labeling worldwide, and making sure consumers know what they are eating.
Make sure you tell Congress to stop Monsanto and protect our right to know what's in our food.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Broken Promises: Lifting the Veil on GMO Foods
JM Talboo
Published on Jul 16, 2015
Unbelievably bad science in the movie Seeds of Death?:
Why Buy Healthy, Non-GMO Pet Food?:
A conversation about genetically modified foods, organic food production, and a proposed ban on GMOs in Humboldt County
Run time 00:52:32
Language English
Published on Jul 16, 2015
Unbelievably bad science in the movie Seeds of Death?:
Why Buy Healthy, Non-GMO Pet Food?:
A conversation about genetically modified foods, organic food production, and a proposed ban on GMOs in Humboldt County
Run time 00:52:32
Language English
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
DNA Activation of Vitamin C Gene
Project Title = Let's Switch ON Vitamin C
Below is the Time Domain Resonate Curve of the Frequency Program
Program Comments and Advise
Research changing DNA expressions by words and frequencies
Linus Carl Pauling (February 28, 1901 – August 19, 1994) discovered the value of vitamin C and other micro-nutrients in combating pain, disease, pathogen and toxins. The most researched vitamin in the world is clearly vitamin C (ascorbic acid) as it giants above all other micro-nutrients. Vitamin D3 and the B complexes come in second place. It has been clearly demonstrated that mega dose vitamin C therapy will bring people back from deaths door, when medical doctors tell you to go home and place your affairs in order. It has been demonstrated to prolong cellular life by 6 times what the expected normal rate is by preventing the death function in biological cells. Dr. Levy MD has clearly demonstrated it is much safer than water to consume :-) The intention of this "Let's Switch On Vitamin C" Research Project is to go further into the nuts and bolts of vitamin C and human biology. Small amounts of vitamin C may be produced in our body, it has been theorised it is an adrenal response and the manufacture of vitamin C may occur in the adrenal glands or kidneys. Humans have these 4 genes in our liver that use to produce very large amounts of vitamin C, as much as 50+ grams per day when we were sick has been theorised, and estimates of 5 to 10 grams per day for maintenance of our biology. These 4 genes are working in all animals except for Humans, some species of Monkeys, Bats, and Guinea Pigs/Cavy. All other fish, birds, reptiles, and mammals produce mega dose vitamin C internally. By mega dose we are describing several grams of vitamin C, not the small miligrams the human body may make. How Does The Liver Manufacture Vitamin C ? Vitamin C in most animals is produced in their liver by 4 genes. They perform simple actions on the glucose molecule. Glucose = C6 H12 O6 Ascorbic Acid = C6 H8 O6 Vitamin C has 4 less Hydrogen atoms than glucose. Genes are not a mysterious wonderment, they are simple switches that perform mechanical functions. To convert glucose to vitamin C, each gene's function is to simply rip a hydrogen atom from the glucose molecule. But one of the four genes is switched off, and is called a "pseudogene" (lost it's protein coding and may have errors in its transcript file). Some researchers claim it is the 1st gene, other researchers claim it is the last gene in the process. The position the gene has in the process of converting glucose to vitamin C is not important to this project. We are only concerned in the identity of this gene which is L-gulonolactone oxidase. Aim Of Project It is the intention of this project to utilise quantum field mechanics - the field energy theory - to attempt to bring the L-gulonolactone oxidase protein back to functional operation again. Devices use are commonly know as Rife machines, but more accurately described as R.I.F.E. instruments. (Resonant Initiated Field Effects) - This term was created by Dr. James Bare D.C. who pioneers research in biology and warm fusion plasma instruments using frequency therapy. Utilizing Resonant Fields and audio frequencies based on the atomic weight of the L-gulonolactone oxidase protein, we are attempting to generate a resonant event in this protein and initiate quantum field data to bring functionality to this gene and its transcript file. The results could mean, extremely long life, free of disease, pain and toxic overloads for people. I am using the FreX software in the management of the frequency program and the PFA-5 bio-amplifier as the R.I.F.E. transmitter. The current frequency program comes to us from researchers in USA, UK, Canada, China, NASA, and Europe who are working on DNA repair and optimization research and to date have been quite successful with their research. Project initiated around the end of January 2011. Suggested Parameters of RIFE Instrument An AC or Pulse DC sine wave is suggested with a peak to peak voltage between 6 to 14 volts with a maximum current of 0.75 mA. This signal is delivered to the body via contact electrodes. Obviously some researchers will be interest to see how warm fusion plasma transmitters perform with this program too. Connecting a battery operated CD player and electrodes to the speaker ports/wires, and keep power levels low will also be valid for use. This is a public domain project and all humanity is invited to participate. The Australian public can't access my amplifiers as TGA regulations forbid it. I am sorry about this, but the law is the law and we must uphold it. The Current Program 28th January 2011 |
Frequency | Time/Dwell | Comments |
10,126 Hz | 280 seconds | Bookend frequency, initiates DNA to prepare for change |
528 Hz | 210 seconds | Solfeggio scale, quantum field intelligence for DNA repair |
417 Hz | 150 seconds | Solfeggio scale, quantum field intelligence for facilitating change and undoing situations |
7 Hz | 130 seconds | NASA Research found to teleport DNA to other locations, may involve entrainment phenomena |
2,850.24 Hz | 110 seconds | Resonant frequency of L-gulonolactone oxidase (vitamin C gene) base on atomic weight of the protein |
10 Hz | 130 seconds | NASA research displaying down regulating (mostly) maturation genes while up regulating (mostly) developmental genes |
7 Hz | 150 seconds | NASA Research found to teleport DNA to other locations, may involve entrainment phenomena |
528 Hz | 210 seconds | Solfeggio scale, quantum field intelligence for DNA repair |
10,126 Hz | 280 seconds | Bookend frequency, initiates end of DNA repair and altering program |
Below is the Time Domain Resonate Curve of the Frequency Program
Program Comments and Advise
Program updates and news of significant observations and experiences will be presented here. Feel free to join the FreX News group where initial data is shared prior to being presented here. The FreX News group can be accessed in a link at the bottom of the FreX web site (check the menu to the left). Successful responses would be indicated by the follow biological changes in you and/or subjects.
Below is a list of researchers I wish to acknowledge and thank for their valuable contribution to our knowledge and motivation that has lead to the creation of this project. |
I wish to thank Dr. Bruce Litpon for bringing to the world his research on cellular biology and DNA, and displaying the nuts and bolts of how environmental signals structure and program our genes. | |
I wish to thank Bob Williams for taking the next step in developing Psych-K - a therapeutic and business end approach to capitalise on Dr. Bruce Lipton's research. | |
I wish to acknowledge and thank the research teams at NASA for making their DNA altering research available to the public domain. | |
I wish to thank Dr. Ian MacLeod, a USA citizen researching in China for his valuable input. | |
I wish to thank the doctors and engineers in researching the Solfeggio scale and its effect on our DNA | |
I also wish to thank the private researchers who wish to remain anonymous in this project. | |
I wish to thank Linus Pauling, Dr. Andrew Saul, David Wolfe, Dr. Levy, and the Orthomolecular Group and Doctors for their constant pressure of displaying the value and wonderful effects of mega dose vitamin C on human biology. | |
Special thanks to all the Rife vendors and researchers for making these quantum field transmitting instruments available to fellow researchers and for their heroic stance on this subject. | |
Special thanks to Engineer and Physicist John Mallon for clearly explaining the effects of Scalar energy and Zero point energy and its relationship to our DNA and the future of energetic healing. | |
Special thanks to all the members of the FreX group, without your valuable input and support this project would not have been initiated. | |
Thanks to Dan Clemmensen, a great friend and brilliant scientific instrument developer with unique insights. |
DISCLAIMER This is an experimental program and results are not certain. We are attempting to undo an error in evolution and to vastly improve the quality of human life. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a health care professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. |
Topics DNA, DNA Activation, DNA Mutation, DNA Awakening, Genetic Enhancement, Vitamin C, Vitamin C gene, Vitamin C Trigger, Sound Frequencies, Public Domain, ok33
Vitamin C is naturally produced in animals. Their bodies can make it either from liver or kidneys whereas humans, presently, can barely produce a few milligrams. When the gene in charge of deterioration, prevention and fighting disease is switched off, it hampers seriously body's life quality and duration. These recordings aim to tweak the gene in the DNA responsible of vitamin's C generation.
This work is dedicated to the public domain and
may be reproduced without authorization.
There's a version in the corresponding key for each of the seven Chakras:
B - Crown
A - Brow
G - Throat
F - Heart
E - Solar Plexus
D - Sacral
C - Root
10,126 Hz ---- DNA preparation for change
528 Hz -------- DNA repair
417 Hz -------- Facilitating change
7 Hz ----------- DNA teleportation
2,850.24 Hz - Vitamin C gene (L-gulonolactone oxidase)
10 Hz ---------- DNA balance during change
7 Hz ------------ DNA teleportation
528 Hz -------- DNA repair
10,126 Hz --- End of DNA change
Algorithmic piano music mixed with sound frequencies.
Public Domain
JM Talboo
Published on Jul 15, 2015
Image Sources and More Info:
Vitamin C can kill every virus known to mankind
FDA Wants IV Vitamin C Banned
Facts of Vitamin C
Vitamin C in high dosage provides a sedative effect to decrease anxiety. Vitamin C has an impact on adrenal gland functions, which plays a role in your stress response. The adrenal glands respond to stress by releasing corticoids, chemicals that trigger the fight-or-flight response. Taking vitamin C with bioflavonoids, which protect your body from free radical damage may also improve symptoms of OCD. Consult your physician prior to taking high doses vitamin C to ensure safety.-
Magnesium threonate helping with mood, pain, and sleep!
Vitamin C Deficiency Frequency Healing - Treat Vitamin C Deficiency Effectively
528 Hz Frequency And Your DNA
432 Hz Freq Ancient Tuning - Dew Drop Inn Podcast #9 - Scooter Barnes, Steve LaZar, Dewey Moffitt
The Mysteries of DNA
Using your computer as a rife machine
Friday, July 10, 2015
Fracking - Joe Rogan with Dan Carlin & Daniele Bolelli
Published on Jul 10, 2015
JM Talboo
Action Alerts:
JM Talboo
Action Alerts:
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition - Ending the Drug War
Published on Jul 8, 2015
JM Talboo
Raeford Davis, Former Police Officer from North Charleston, SC, now speaking for the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition on ending the drug war.
Jim Gierach, Former prosecutor now speaking for the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition on ending the drug war.
David Brown, Former Prosecutor now speaking for the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition on ending the drug war.
Matthew Fogg, Retired Chief Deputy with the US Marshall service, now speaking for the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition on ending the drug war
JM Talboo
Raeford Davis, Former Police Officer from North Charleston, SC, now speaking for the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition on ending the drug war.
Jim Gierach, Former prosecutor now speaking for the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition on ending the drug war.
David Brown, Former Prosecutor now speaking for the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition on ending the drug war.
Matthew Fogg, Retired Chief Deputy with the US Marshall service, now speaking for the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition on ending the drug war
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Libertarian Doctor Rebuts the Science Babe on GMO's, Vaccines, the FDA and Monsanto
Published on Jul 2, 2015
JM Talboo
Unbelievably bad science in the movie Seeds of Death?
"In this episode of the Lions of Liberty Podcast, I am joined by Dr. Mirand Sharma, an emergency room physician of over twenty years who asked to come on the show to offer a rebuttal to the recent interview with the “Science Babe”, Yvette Guinevere. First, Dr. Sharma describes how the events of 9/11/01 along with the presidential candidacy of Ron Paul helped lead him to hold libertarian ideals. Dr. Sharma then explains why he took issue with many of the statements of the Science Babe, including her stance on GMO’s and vaccines. Dr. Sharma and I discuss how crony arrangements between the FDA and CDC and companies such as Monsanto and Merck often lead to justifiable suspicion about their products, particularly when they are able to influence the regulation of their own products. I offer my own summary in the wrap-up rant!"
JM Talboo
Unbelievably bad science in the movie Seeds of Death?
"In this episode of the Lions of Liberty Podcast, I am joined by Dr. Mirand Sharma, an emergency room physician of over twenty years who asked to come on the show to offer a rebuttal to the recent interview with the “Science Babe”, Yvette Guinevere. First, Dr. Sharma describes how the events of 9/11/01 along with the presidential candidacy of Ron Paul helped lead him to hold libertarian ideals. Dr. Sharma then explains why he took issue with many of the statements of the Science Babe, including her stance on GMO’s and vaccines. Dr. Sharma and I discuss how crony arrangements between the FDA and CDC and companies such as Monsanto and Merck often lead to justifiable suspicion about their products, particularly when they are able to influence the regulation of their own products. I offer my own summary in the wrap-up rant!"
Coast To Coast AM - June 30, 2015 Psychic Experiences & Health News
Conflict July
In the first half of the program, registered pharmacist and nutritionist Ben Fuchs offered analysis on the latest developments in health news, supplementation, and treatments. We live in a "corporatocracy" that places its profit margin above people's health, yet we can oversee our health ourselves in a rather simple manner, he remarked. "At the end of the day, all you need to understand is how to eat correctly, how to breathe correctly, how to drink correctly, and in the abstract sense, how to think correctly, how to feel correctly," and how to plug into the spiritual force that runs the universe," he outlined. For example, as an alternative to a medication for lowering blood pressure, one could use deep breathing techniques or a hot bath, Fuchs suggested.
In the first half of the program, registered pharmacist and nutritionist Ben Fuchs offered analysis on the latest developments in health news, supplementation, and treatments. We live in a "corporatocracy" that places its profit margin above people's health, yet we can oversee our health ourselves in a rather simple manner, he remarked. "At the end of the day, all you need to understand is how to eat correctly, how to breathe correctly, how to drink correctly, and in the abstract sense, how to think correctly, how to feel correctly," and how to plug into the spiritual force that runs the universe," he outlined. For example, as an alternative to a medication for lowering blood pressure, one could use deep breathing techniques or a hot bath, Fuchs suggested.
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