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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
Natural Antidepressant
What If Everything We Know About Treating Mental Health Is Wrong? - Make Sure to View Related Links at the Bottom of the Page
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
2014 Award for Worst Corporation goes to….
We want to give the worst corporation in the world an award.
Our amazing community of over 5.5 million people has been hard at work
in 2014 holding corporate power to account, taking action for human and
worker rights, environmental protection, and people over profits -- and now it's time to select the worst of the worst.
We’re excited to announce the first ever SumOfUs Corporate Evil Awards! Think of it as a People’s Choice award for corporate wrongdoing. We have a list of corporations that have done awful stuff for workers, communities, the environment and the world in 2014. Vote for the corporation you think has done the most evil for the world in 2014. And there’s a prize -- we’ll present the award to the corporation, and we’ll commit to supercharge our campaign against the winner over the next year.
Can you cast your ballot now? It’s easy: simply click the “vote” button next to your choice. Happy voting!
The SumOfUs community exists to hold corporate power to account, and we’re working together everyday to mobilize millions of people across the planet to create a more just society. Thanks for all you do to make that possible. Please cast your vote now -- we’ll announce the winner early in the new year. May the worst corporation win!
Thanks for all you do,
Paul, Emma, Angus and the rest of the SumOfUs team
SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in $3.
We’re excited to announce the first ever SumOfUs Corporate Evil Awards! Think of it as a People’s Choice award for corporate wrongdoing. We have a list of corporations that have done awful stuff for workers, communities, the environment and the world in 2014. Vote for the corporation you think has done the most evil for the world in 2014. And there’s a prize -- we’ll present the award to the corporation, and we’ll commit to supercharge our campaign against the winner over the next year.
Can you cast your ballot now? It’s easy: simply click the “vote” button next to your choice. Happy voting!
The massive chemical giant is fighting laws to ban pesticides responsible for millions of global bee deaths. If Bayer doesn’t buzz off, our tiny little pollinators could die for good -- putting the global food supply in danger.
The SumOfUs community exists to hold corporate power to account, and we’re working together everyday to mobilize millions of people across the planet to create a more just society. Thanks for all you do to make that possible. Please cast your vote now -- we’ll announce the winner early in the new year. May the worst corporation win!
Thanks for all you do,
Paul, Emma, Angus and the rest of the SumOfUs team
SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in $3.
Corporate Evil,
Worst Corporation
Monday, December 22, 2014
Peru Is Now Giving Free Solar Power To Its 2 Million Poorest Citizens
Posted: 22 Dec 2014 10:32 AM PST
We Are ChangeMinds
The National Photovoltaic Household Electrification Program will cost about $200 million, which is basically nothing in the scheme of most international budgets. Peru also leads the way in national dedication to organic food and doesn’t allow GMO.
The program plans to install about 12,500 photovoltaic solar systems to provide for approximately 500,000 households. The remainder will be auctioned off.
Energy and Mining Minister Jorge Merino said, “This program is aimed at the poorest people, those who lack access to electric lighting and still use oil lamps, spending their own resources to pay for fuels that harm their health.”
Currently, only about 66 percent of Peru’s population has access to electricity.
“With about 29.5 million inhabitants, Peru is the fifth most populous country in South America.[78] Its demographic growth rate declined from 2.6% to 1.6% between 1950 and 2000; population is expected to reach approximately 42 million in 2050.[79] As of 2007, 75.9% lived in urban areas and 24.1% in rural areas.[80] Major cities include Lima (home to over 8 million people), Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, Iquitos, Cusco, Chimbote, and Huancayo; all reported more than 250,000 inhabitants in the 2007 census.[81] There are 15 uncontacted Amerindian tribes in Peru.[82]”
The post Peru Is Now Giving Free Solar Power To Its 2 Million Poorest Citizens appeared first on We Are Change.
Ten Key Papers that Challenge the Pro-fluoridation Mantra
1. Brunelle and Carlos. 1990. Recent Trends in DentalCaries in U.S. Children and the Effect of Water Fluoridation. Journal of Dental Research,69(Special Issue):723-727.
2. Featherstone JD. 2000.The Science and Practice of Caries Prevention. Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA), Jul; 131(7):887-99.
3. Warren JJ, et al. 2009. Considerations on optimal fluoride intake using dental fluorosis and dental caries outcomes--a longitudinal study. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 69(2):111-15. Spring.
4. Ko L, Thiessen KM. 2014. A critique of recent economic evaluations of community water fluoridation. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health.
5. Luke J. 2001. Fluoride deposition in the aged human pineal gland. Caries Research 35(2):125-128. See also Luke’s PhD thesis click here.
6. Xiang Q, et al. 2003a. Effect of fluoride in drinking water on children’s intelligence. Fluoride 36(2):84-94, and Xiang Q, et al. 2003b. Blood lead of children in Wamiao-Xinhuai intelligence study [letter]. Fluoride 36(3):198-199.
7. National Resource Council of the National Academies. 2006. Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards.
8. Bassin EB, et al. 2006. Age-specific fluoride exposure in drinking water and osteosarcoma (United States). Cancer Causes and Control, May;17(4):421-8.
9. Choi AL, Grandjean P, et al. 2012. Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(10):1362–1368.
10. Choi AL, et al. 2015. Association of lifetime exposure to fluoride and cognitive functions in Chinese children: A pilot study. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 47:96–101.
Over 4,000 Professionals Call for an End to Water Fluoridation - Learn Why, How You Can Help Their Campaign, & How to Filter Fluoride in Your Drinking Water
Sunday, December 21, 2014
American Drug War Films
American Drug War: The Last White Hope: Pre Release Cut
American Drug War 2 Film Exposes The Drug War
"We are the only place to have this DVD in stock and ready to ship. Director Kevin Booth has exclusively selected Infowars to handle the release of this DVD. Order today and enjoy special discounted pricing.
On sale $14.95
In American Drug War 2: Cannabis Destiny (DVD, 90 minutes) director Kevin Booth navigates through the cutting edge of cannabis research while becoming a foster parent to a child who is court ordered to take powerful, mind-altering drugs."
Get High Now (without drugs)
American Drug War 2 Film Exposes The Drug War
"We are the only place to have this DVD in stock and ready to ship. Director Kevin Booth has exclusively selected Infowars to handle the release of this DVD. Order today and enjoy special discounted pricing.
On sale $14.95
In American Drug War 2: Cannabis Destiny (DVD, 90 minutes) director Kevin Booth navigates through the cutting edge of cannabis research while becoming a foster parent to a child who is court ordered to take powerful, mind-altering drugs."
Get High Now (without drugs)
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Aspirin: It kills 20,000 Americans every year - The Evidence Against Aspirin (Baby Aspirin Included) And For Natural Alternatives
Common over-the-counter painkillers such as aspirin kill around 20,000 Americans every year, and another 100,000 end up in hospital as a result of taking the drug, new research reveals.The Evidence Against Aspirin And For Natural Alternatives:
Painkillers known as NSAIDs (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs) are far more dangerous than people have been told, and can cause life-threatening gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, stomach perforations and ulcers.
More than 14 million Americans regularly take an NSAID for their arthritis pain alone, and around 60 per cent of these will suffer gastrointestinal side effects – and will probably never blame the drug, researchers from the Eastern Virginia Medical School estimate.
Taking a "baby aspirin," i.e. an 81 mg dose, is considered safer -- which it is relative to a 325 mg "adult dose" – but is known to cause widespread and significant gastroduodenal damage. A study published in 2009 in the journal Currrent Medical Research & Opinion titled, "Gastroduodenal toxicity of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid: a comparison with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs," found the following:
Data suggest that ASA causes significant gastroduodenal damage even at the low doses used for cardiovascular protection. These effects (both systemic and possibly local) may be pharmacodynamically distinct from the gastroduodenal toxicity seen with NSAIDs.[18]
Researched aspirin alternatives include:
- Pycnogenol: A human study published in 1999 in the journal Thrombotic Research found that pycnogenol was superior (i.e. effective at a lower dosage) to aspirin at inhibiting smoking-induced clotting, without the significant (and potentially life-threatening) increase in bleeding time associated with aspirin use.[22] The abstract is well worth reading in its entirety:
The effects of a bioflavonoid mixture, Pycnogenol, were assessed on platelet function in humans. Cigarette smoking increased heart rate and blood pressure. These increases were not influenced by oral consumption of Pycnogenol or Aspirin just before smoking. However, increased platelet reactivity yielding aggregation 2 hours after smoking was prevented by 500 mg Aspirin or 100 mg Pycnogenol in 22 German heavy smokers. In a group of 16 American smokers, blood pressure increased after smoking. It was unchanged after intake of 500 mg Aspirin or 125 mg Pycnogenol. In another group of 19 American smokers, increased platelet aggregation was more significantly reduced by 200 than either 150 mg or 100 mg Pycnogenol supplementation. This study showed that a single, high dose, 200 mg Pycnogenol, remained effective for over 6 days against smoking-induced platelet aggregation. Smoking increased platelet aggregation that was prevented after administration of 500 mg Aspirin and 125 mg Pycnogenol. Thus, smoking-induced enhanced platelet aggregation was inhibited by 500 mg Aspirin as well as by a lower range of 100-125 mg Pycnogenol. Aspirin significantly (p<0.001) increased bleeding time from 167 to 236 seconds while Pycnogenol did not. These observations suggest an advantageous risk-benefit ratio for Pycnogenol." [emphasis added]
Pycnogenol also has about as many "side benefits" as aspirin has side effects. You can view them on our pycnogenol research page.
- Policosanol: Already well-known for its ability to modulate blood cholesterol levels as effectively as statins, but without their notorious side effects, this sugar cane wax extract has been found to be as effective as aspirin at inhibiting clotting, but at a lower, safer dose.[23]
Ultimately, however, cardiovascular disease and heart attacks, for instance, are not caused by a lack of aspirin. To explore further the research related to preventing and treating heart disease naturally, visit our Health Guide: Heart Health."Pycnogenol is a trademarked name for pine bark extract, and there is little to no difference between the two in terms of composition or effects."
Aspirin is made of the salicylate derived from the willow bark with a chemical tag called acetyl. The acetyl is combined with the salicylate to form the active ingredient in aspirin, which is acetylsalicylate. White willow bark causes severe gastric distress. Hippocrates knew this in 400 B.C. when it was used by the ancient Greeks. Aspirin is a blood thinner and should be used with caution if you are on other medication. The main difference between aspirin and white willow bark is acetyl. In the late 1800s, scientists discovered that combining acetyl with salicylate prevented the gastric distress caused by salicylate. This allowed aspirin to become a viable and marketable product. Read more :
Kroger’s Killer Chemicals
Paul Ferris,
As many of us are getting ready for our big holiday meals, dangerous chemicals may be lurking in our favorite dishes -- and lots of other products we buy. And Kroger, the largest grocery chain in the US, is refusing to do anything about it.
Kroger is reportedly selling over 150 products with hazardous chemicals harmful to children from tableware with formaldehyde to parabens in skin care products to phthalates in children’s clothing.
Kroger lags behind competitors Target and Walmart that have comprehensive policies to screen out and eliminate toxic chemicals in their products. If they can do it, so can Kroger.
Tell Kroger: Don't put our families at risk, keep toxic chemicals out of your products.
Studies have shown toxic chemicals can migrate out of food packaging and get into the food we eat, chemicals that have been linked to birth defects in baby boys and asthma in children. One such study published this past July found 175 toxic chemicals are legally used in food production.
It’s not just toxic chemicals in food packaging. Many consumer products contain chemicals that have been linked with chronic diseases and health conditions, including cancer, reduced fertility, learning and developmental disabilities, behavioral problems, obesity, and diabetes.
Tell Kroger it’s time to ensure packaged foods and other products they sell are safe, especially for children and pregnant women.
Kroger has the power and a fundamental moral responsibility to ensure products on their store shelves are safe and free of toxic chemicals. With your help we can make sure they do.
More information:
Mind the Store campaign profile page on Kroger, Safer Chemicals Healthy Family Coalition, 2014
175 chemicals with known hazardous properties legally used in food packaging,, October 16th, 2014
As many of us are getting ready for our big holiday meals, dangerous chemicals may be lurking in our favorite dishes -- and lots of other products we buy. And Kroger, the largest grocery chain in the US, is refusing to do anything about it.
Kroger is reportedly selling over 150 products with hazardous chemicals harmful to children from tableware with formaldehyde to parabens in skin care products to phthalates in children’s clothing.
Kroger lags behind competitors Target and Walmart that have comprehensive policies to screen out and eliminate toxic chemicals in their products. If they can do it, so can Kroger.
Tell Kroger: Don't put our families at risk, keep toxic chemicals out of your products.
Studies have shown toxic chemicals can migrate out of food packaging and get into the food we eat, chemicals that have been linked to birth defects in baby boys and asthma in children. One such study published this past July found 175 toxic chemicals are legally used in food production.
It’s not just toxic chemicals in food packaging. Many consumer products contain chemicals that have been linked with chronic diseases and health conditions, including cancer, reduced fertility, learning and developmental disabilities, behavioral problems, obesity, and diabetes.
Tell Kroger it’s time to ensure packaged foods and other products they sell are safe, especially for children and pregnant women.
Kroger has the power and a fundamental moral responsibility to ensure products on their store shelves are safe and free of toxic chemicals. With your help we can make sure they do.
More information:
Mind the Store campaign profile page on Kroger, Safer Chemicals Healthy Family Coalition, 2014
175 chemicals with known hazardous properties legally used in food packaging,, October 16th, 2014
Treating Lupus Naturally
Lots of glowing reviews from Lupus experts and patients. --->
Book Review --->
The following supplements are the ones that from my research seem to be the most highly agreed upon as far as safety and effectiveness. I will likely be adding to this page.
Pycnogenol AKA Pine Bark Extract
Pycnogenol efficacy in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus patients:
"Pycnogenol also has about as many "side benefits" as aspirin has side effects. You can view them on our pycnogenol research page."
"Pycnogenol is a trademarked name for pine bark extract, and there is little to no difference between the two in terms of composition or effects."
Boswellia AKA Frankincense
Pycnogenol AKA Pine Bark Extract
Pycnogenol efficacy in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus patients:
A pilot study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of Pycnogenol treatment in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. Eleven SLE patients were treated with first line medication according to disease activity and in addition, six of them received Pycnogenol and five a placebo. The SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI), serum anti-dsDNA antibodies, fibrinogen, C-reactive protein levels, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by neutrophils, spontaneous apoptosis and p56(lck) specific activity in peripheral blood lymphocytes were evaluated. Pycnogenol treatment determined a significant reduction of ROS production, apoptosis, p56(lck) specific activity and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In addition, the decrease of SLEDAI was significant in the Pycnogenol treated group compared with the placebo group (p = 0.018). The results obtained suggest that Pycnogenol could be useful for second line therapy to reduce the inflammatory feature of SLE.
Copyright 2001 John WIley & Sons, Ltd.
"Pycnogenol is a trademarked name for pine bark extract, and there is little to no difference between the two in terms of composition or effects."
Boswellia AKA Frankincense
Frankincense cured my Lupus
12 years ago I was living in enourmous pain and taking prednisone (a steroid that causes osteoporosis and can dissolve your joints) and anti-malarial drugs (can cause gloucoma) to control my pain and the disabling effects of Systemic Lupus Erithmatosis, SLE. They caused violent mood swings and impaired my liver and kidney function. I was a mess!
Now I am symptom free and my Internist MD has confirmed by blood tests that there is no evidence of any Lupus...and my C-reactive protein blood test showed NO inflammation in my body!
You probably know that inflammation is a suspected cause of heart disease and stroke.
For the last 10 years I have taken an herb called Boswellia. It is made from the bark of the Boswellia tree that grows in India and Somalia; but it actually is the Three Kings took to the baby Jesus 2000 years ago.
Boswellia is a very effective anti-inflammatory that a holistic D.O. encouraged all his patients, including me, to take for their autoimmune system diseases.
I told an MD that I went to for 2 years about how Boswellia had saved me from excruciating joint pain and he researched it. He told me it was very highly rated for Rheumatoid Arthritis as well as almost any disease that causes pain and inflammation in joints and soft tissue in the human body...without any reported negative side effects.
I am posting this about my medical turn around in the hope that others with inflammatory forms of arthritic diseases and other inflammation based diseases may find hope and health as I did.
Boswellia gave me a life without pain...a new start ... the opportunity to live and laugh and love again. I wish that to you all.
Curcumin May Help Lupus
A new study has demonstrated a powerful regulatory mechanism by which curcumin returns the malfunctioning immune system of lupus to normal. The study likely has widespread implications for many autoimmune problems which share the common mechanism of immune system inefficiency causing health problems.
Lupus is a problem wherein the immune system attacks red blood cells when their nucleus is exposed during recycling processes in the spleen. This causes red blood cells to stick together with immune components, forming a sticky mess that behaves like Velcro floating around in the circulation. This sticky complex clogs and damages the kidneys, one of the major side effects of lupus.
The animal study showed that curcumin calmed down excessive immune activity and promoted better kidney health (protein levels inappropriately leaking into the urine, reflected of kidney damage, declined). It reduced the number of sticky complexes and prevented inflammation in the kidneys. Of specific interest is that the researchers were able to prove that curcumin was exerting its benefits by restoring the healthy function of T regulatory cells. In others words, curcumin was commanding the immune system to behave in a normal manner.
Since T regulatory cells are misbehaving as a common feature of most autoimmune problems, this finding likely has significant implications for a variety of health problems. Western medicine relies on strategies to poison immune cells in the hopes of calming down excess activity. A far superior strategy is to try to return the immune system to normal function. This study supports the idea that curcumin could be used as nutritional support to help promote immune system efficiency.
Now I am symptom free and my Internist MD has confirmed by blood tests that there is no evidence of any Lupus...and my C-reactive protein blood test showed NO inflammation in my body!
You probably know that inflammation is a suspected cause of heart disease and stroke.
For the last 10 years I have taken an herb called Boswellia. It is made from the bark of the Boswellia tree that grows in India and Somalia; but it actually is the Three Kings took to the baby Jesus 2000 years ago.
Boswellia is a very effective anti-inflammatory that a holistic D.O. encouraged all his patients, including me, to take for their autoimmune system diseases.
I told an MD that I went to for 2 years about how Boswellia had saved me from excruciating joint pain and he researched it. He told me it was very highly rated for Rheumatoid Arthritis as well as almost any disease that causes pain and inflammation in joints and soft tissue in the human body...without any reported negative side effects.
I am posting this about my medical turn around in the hope that others with inflammatory forms of arthritic diseases and other inflammation based diseases may find hope and health as I did.
Boswellia gave me a life without pain...a new start ... the opportunity to live and laugh and love again. I wish that to you all.
Curcumin May Help Lupus
A new study has demonstrated a powerful regulatory mechanism by which curcumin returns the malfunctioning immune system of lupus to normal. The study likely has widespread implications for many autoimmune problems which share the common mechanism of immune system inefficiency causing health problems.
Lupus is a problem wherein the immune system attacks red blood cells when their nucleus is exposed during recycling processes in the spleen. This causes red blood cells to stick together with immune components, forming a sticky mess that behaves like Velcro floating around in the circulation. This sticky complex clogs and damages the kidneys, one of the major side effects of lupus.
The animal study showed that curcumin calmed down excessive immune activity and promoted better kidney health (protein levels inappropriately leaking into the urine, reflected of kidney damage, declined). It reduced the number of sticky complexes and prevented inflammation in the kidneys. Of specific interest is that the researchers were able to prove that curcumin was exerting its benefits by restoring the healthy function of T regulatory cells. In others words, curcumin was commanding the immune system to behave in a normal manner.
Since T regulatory cells are misbehaving as a common feature of most autoimmune problems, this finding likely has significant implications for a variety of health problems. Western medicine relies on strategies to poison immune cells in the hopes of calming down excess activity. A far superior strategy is to try to return the immune system to normal function. This study supports the idea that curcumin could be used as nutritional support to help promote immune system efficiency.
Beat systemic lupus naturally - Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 plays a very important role in modulating the immune system. Studies have shown that levels under 40 ng/ml are highly associated with inflammatory conditions within the body. Having a vitamin D3 test should be step one in addressing autoimmune disorders.
Optimal vitamin D3 levels should be between 70-100 ng/ml even though the medical acceptable level of 32 ng/ml is still used by most healthcare providers. Levels under 40 ng/ml are a major health risk factor for chronic inflammatory disease development. This is unknown by many mainstream medical doctors.
Although direct sunlight between the peak sun hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. is the best way to optimize vitamin D levels, many individuals with SLE get inflamed when exposed to direct sunlight. They can supplement with 10,000 IU of a high quality emulsified vitamin D3 for a period of time to reach and stay at the desired level.
Learn more:
Burdock root or red clover: Consumption of red clover or burdock root tea twice daily. Both Burdock root and red clover tea help to detoxify the patients having lupus.
Gingko biloba: This herb is helpful if reducing swelling and also helps to improve circulation in the kidneys thereby treating lupus. Gingko biloba should be taken between 50gm to 100 mg, twice daily for treating lupus disease.
Devil’s claw: Devil’s claw is a medicinal herb that is made from the dried roots of the plant. This herb has an anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effect that is useful for the patients with lupus. 2gm to 5 gm of Devil’s claw twice daily can help to treat the disease efficiently. - See more at:
Devil’s claw: Devil’s claw is a medicinal herb that is made from the dried roots of the plant. This herb has an anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effect that is useful for the patients with lupus. 2gm to 5 gm of Devil’s claw twice daily can help to treat the disease efficiently. - See more at:
Devil’s claw: Devil’s claw is a medicinal herb that is made from the dried roots of the plant. This herb has an anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effect that is useful for the patients with lupus. 2gm to 5 gm of Devil’s claw twice daily can help to treat the disease efficiently. - See more at:
Devil’s claw: Devil’s claw is a medicinal herb that is made from the dried roots of the plant. This herb has an anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effect that is useful for the patients with lupus. 2gm to 5 gm of Devil’s claw twice daily can help to treat the disease efficiently. - See more at:
Devil’s claw: Devil’s claw is a medicinal herb that is made from the dried roots of the plant. This herb has an anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effect that is useful for the patients with lupus. 2gm to 5 gm of Devil’s claw twice daily can help to treat the disease efficiently. - See more at:
Willow: The bark of willow helps in easing muscles and joint pain associated with lupus. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory against the affected joints. Willow is associated with curing of lupus that is linked with arthritis symptoms, muscle ache and pain as well as associated with headache. One can intake 50 gm of white willow bark twice per day. The consumption of white willow bark can help to replace the harsh prescription painkillers in order to control pain and discomfort.
Gingko biloba: This herb is helpful if reducing swelling and also helps to improve circulation in the kidneys thereby treating lupus. Gingko biloba should be taken between 50gm to 100 mg, twice daily for treating lupus disease.
- See more at:
Gingko biloba: This herb is helpful if reducing swelling and also helps to improve circulation in the kidneys thereby treating lupus. Gingko biloba should be taken between 50gm to 100 mg, twice daily for treating lupus disease.
- See more at:
Willow: The bark of willow helps in easing muscles and joint pain associated with lupus. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory against the affected joints. Willow is associated with curing of lupus that is linked with arthritis symptoms, muscle ache and pain as well as associated with headache. One can intake 50 gm of white willow bark twice per day. The consumption of white willow bark can help to replace the harsh prescription painkillers in order to control pain and discomfort.
Gingko biloba: This herb is helpful if reducing swelling and also helps to improve circulation in the kidneys thereby treating lupus. Gingko biloba should be taken between 50gm to 100 mg, twice daily for treating lupus disease.
Gingko biloba: This herb is helpful if reducing swelling and also helps to improve circulation in the kidneys thereby treating lupus. Gingko biloba should be taken between 50gm to 100 mg, twice daily for treating lupus disease.
See more at:
By increasing stomach acid, devil's claw might decrease the effectiveness of medications that are used to decrease stomach acid, called proton pump inhibitors. - Source.
Pau d'Arco
Pau d'Arco bark has active principles, mainly lapachol, quercetin and other flavonoids. The dried inner bark of Pau d'Arco can be used as a tea which has a taste that is just a little bit harsh, and a color that may remind you of sepia-toned photographs. Some claim that it is useful in managing diabetes. It is also suggested that this plant is useful in treating other medical conditions, amongst which are fibromyalgia (FMS) and lupus (SLE). This herbal tea is used by many during the cold and flu season, and is a remedy for smoker's cough. Another medicinal use of Pau d'Arco is as an expectorant: to promote "coughing up" by the lungs in order to free mucus and contaminants that had been lodged there.
Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have reportedly had beneficial effects for cancer patients, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors. According to Dr. Daniel Mowrey, who has become somewhat famous in the area of Pau d'Arco supporters, anti-cancer benefits can be had from Lapacho (the active compound), without any side effects being noticed (but see cautions page for potential side effects). Taheebo, another name that is used for this tea, is suggested to have been helpful to many.
Candida Albicans, a fungus which causes yeast infections, has also been treated by the Pau d'Arco herb. Aside from patients dealing with candida problems, those with other issues involving fungi or yeasts -- such as Aspergillus -- may also be helped due to the antifungal nature of lapachol. Moreover, it is claimed that certain bacteria are affected by this compound, so help may also be available for people with issues of that nature, including: C. diff, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori (common cause of stomach ulcers), Brucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.
Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica)
Gotu Kola does many things. Its a valuable herb for the Lupus sufferer because of its many and varied virtues.
Its actions include - Adaptogen, alterative, de-toxifier, powerful blood tonic and a relaxant to the central nervous system.
These actions are not all-inclusive of its actions but I chose to list these in particular as these are all vital to the healing of a person with auto immune disorders.
Espeically so with Lupus DILE it is important to detox, it is also extremely important to keep the nervous system healthy.
The adaptogen properties of the herb help the Lupus sufferer as they cope with stress. Anyone suffering with Lupus or indeed anyone caring for a sufferer will know how vital it is to keep stress to a minimum.
Natural substances in the form of plant medicines offer a gentle alternative to fast-acting synthetic chemical medicine in releasing the body's own source of energy to sustain the immune system.
Adaptogens are concerned with the therapeutic action of the whole plant which is considered to be greater than the sum of its parts. They may affect many different kinds of cels, whereas a chemical drug has a direct action upon a particular tissue or system.
Aaptogens are extremely powerful supportive agents against stress and its effects, initiating processes of regeneration of tissues and fluids.
Actually, the bit that I find so lovely about Gotu Kola is that it really does have a marvellous effect on the mature skin. It helps eliminate fine lines and wrinkles by boosting the production of collagen. Extra bonus!!
Friday, December 19, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Get High Now (without drugs)

6 of 38 people found the following review helpful
By Larry Underwood
James Nestor has compiled over 175 ways to get high, without the expense, legal ramifications and/or risk to your health that comes from the doing the other stuff. Ironically, alcohol & tobacco are the most dangerous drugs known to man, yet they're legal. Add a little processed sugar to the mix and you'll be dead before you know it; at least you avoided criminal prosecution.
Seriously, this is quite an engaging resource for tapping into our senses, to produce natural highs; and they really work. I just tried the "hypnagogic induction" and I inadvertently created the most incredible lucid dream I've ever had; filled with amazingly detailed designs that would make Peter Max proud. The good news is, it's completely safe and cost-free during these tough economic times. No wonder this thing's selling like crazy.
Not all of Nestor's suggestions are for everyone, of course. Personally, I can't imagine eating or smoking ants to get a buzz, or looking for that dopamine high if I happen to get repeatedly stung by bees. Thanks, but no thanks. [Editor's note: The author states in the intro, "A few methods (giraffe marrow, bee strings, exposure to inescapable physical trauma) have been included simply because they seemed so shockingly wrong. I've called these out as such, and in some cases refrained from providing instructions because I do not want you to do them."]
However, this book comes highly recommended for anyone trying to get the most out of their natural states. The brain really is a marvelous device and it functions best when no outside chemicals are introduced into the mix; hear that, kids?
Nestor has unlocked the keys to our imagination; but this "Twilight Zone" won't freak you out.
American Drug War Films
Seriously, this is quite an engaging resource for tapping into our senses, to produce natural highs; and they really work. I just tried the "hypnagogic induction" and I inadvertently created the most incredible lucid dream I've ever had; filled with amazingly detailed designs that would make Peter Max proud. The good news is, it's completely safe and cost-free during these tough economic times. No wonder this thing's selling like crazy.
Not all of Nestor's suggestions are for everyone, of course. Personally, I can't imagine eating or smoking ants to get a buzz, or looking for that dopamine high if I happen to get repeatedly stung by bees. Thanks, but no thanks. [Editor's note: The author states in the intro, "A few methods (giraffe marrow, bee strings, exposure to inescapable physical trauma) have been included simply because they seemed so shockingly wrong. I've called these out as such, and in some cases refrained from providing instructions because I do not want you to do them."]
However, this book comes highly recommended for anyone trying to get the most out of their natural states. The brain really is a marvelous device and it functions best when no outside chemicals are introduced into the mix; hear that, kids?
Nestor has unlocked the keys to our imagination; but this "Twilight Zone" won't freak you out.
American Drug War Films
Monday, December 15, 2014
Signature needed: No GMO potatoes
Sign the petition: Say no to GMO frankenfries | ||
The petition to Burger King, KFC, and Wendy’s reads:
"Simplot’s genetically modified potatoes are unlabeled, untested, and potentially unsafe. We urge you to follow McDonald's lead and publicly announce that you will not serve GMO potatoes to your customers."
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McDonald’s, the single-largest purchaser of potatoes in the country,1 has publicly refused to serve french fries sourced from these GMO potatoes.2 However, other major fast food chains, including Burger King, Wendy’s, and KFC, haven’t yet decided whether they will serve these so-called “frankenfries” to their customers. We must pressure these restaurants not to serve potentially unsafe GMO potatoes to their customers. Tell Burger King, Wendy’s, and KFC: Don’t serve GMO frankenfries to your customers. Click here to the sign the petition. Over a decade ago, due to massive customer backlash, Simplot urged its growers to stop planting a variety of GMO potatoes developed by Monsanto after McDonald’s refused to sell french fries containing GMOs.3 Today, however, Simplot is back, and marketing its own, new, genetically engineered potato to the masses. While Simplot and the USDA claim this new GMO potato is safe for human consumption, the science is simply unclear. According to the Center for Food Safety, the technique used by Simplot to engineer its potato is untested and potentially unsafe for humans and the environment, saying, “USDA has inexplicably failed to undertake the legally required rigorous and overarching analysis of the GE crops’ impacts or reasonably foreseeable consequences.”4 Worse, because genetically modified foods are not labeled in the United States, you could soon be eating this new GMO potato without your knowledge. If other major fast food chains back down now and follow McDonalds' lead, we’ll have a real chance to keep another GMO potato out of our food supply. Now is the time for another major backlash to keep this potentially dangerous potato from being served without our knowledge at major fast food chains around the country. Even if you don't eat at fast food chains, millions of other Americans do. Your opposition to GMO potatoes can help show Simplot and other companies that Americans don't want GMOs in our food. Tell Burger King, Wendy’s, and KFC: Don’t serve GMO frankenfries to your customers. Click the link below to sign the petition: Thanks for all you do to keep our food safe. Josh Nelson, Campaign Manager CREDO Action from Working Assets
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GMO Free USA |
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Congress abruptly overrules D.C. voters, nixes marijuana legalization
By Linda Feldmann December 10, 2014 8:32 AM
Specifically, a press summary of the spending bill posted online by the House Appropriations Committee says it “prohibits both federal and local funds from being used to implement a referendum legalizing recreational marijuana use in the District.”
Advocates of voting rights for the District’s 646,000 residents are outraged.
In November, the District of Columbia voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana, but a new congressional budget deal has a provision barring implementation.
When residents of the District of Columbia
voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana last month, cannabis
fans cheered. Then they quickly realized that Congress – which has
oversight over D.C.’s affairs – could overrule the will of the voters.
it appears, that fear will come true sooner than expected – not in the
next Congress, when Republicans will control both chambers, but during
the lame duck session currently under way.
night, Senate Democrats and House Republicans reached a deal to fund
the federal government through Sept. 30 of next year. That means no
government shutdown. But the deal’s fine print also includes a provision
that bars implementation of Initiative 71, the marijuana legalization
measure D.C. voters approved by a 2-to-1 margin on Nov. 4.
Specifically, a press summary of the spending bill posted online by the House Appropriations Committee says it “prohibits both federal and local funds from being used to implement a referendum legalizing recreational marijuana use in the District.”
Advocates of voting rights for the District’s 646,000 residents are outraged.
reports are true, members of Congress from both parties bargained away
the rights of the people of the District of Columbia and in doing so
compromised the core democratic values of the United States,” Kimberly Perry, head of the group D.C. Vote, said in a statement to The Washington Post.
to secure full voting representation in Congress for D.C. residents
have a long history of frustration. The reality is that the federal
enclave is not a state, and therefore its residents do not enjoy the
same voting rights of states, as granted by the US Constitution. The
Constitution also grants Congress jurisdiction over the District.
1973, Congress established “home rule” in D.C., allowing local
officials to govern the District. But Congress maintains the right to
overrule local decisions, including ballot measures.
Most of the time, Congress leaves D.C. alone, but on social policy, congressional Republicans
have been known to jump in. On abortion policy, the District is not
allowed to use its own tax revenues to fund the procedure for low-income
residents. Republicans in Congress blocked sales of medical marijuana
in D.C. for 11 years.
In the
current Congress, Rep. Andy Harris (R) of Maryland is spearheading the
effort to thwart legalized recreational marijuana in D.C. He claims
“fairly broad-based support in Congress against legalization.”
But marijuana advocates aren’t taking this lying down.
“Tonight we march!” tweeted Adam Eidinger, Chairman of the DC Cannabis Campaign, Wednesday morning.
Tonight we march! “@whiteknightpua: can we rally a protest on the Hill?
Maybe have people set up camp outside Andy Harris' offices?”— Adam
Eidinger (@aeidinger) December 10, 2014
The march Wednesday evening
will begin at the Justice Department and end at Capitol Hill, and civil
disobedience that could lead to arrests.
Medical Marijuana - Cerebral Palsy (Jacqueline Patterson)
A Drop at a Time: How Cannabis Oil is Changing Lives of Cancer Patients in the UK
The Effect of Cannabis on Pregnant Women & Newborns
Medical Marijuana - Cerebral Palsy (Jacqueline Patterson)
A Drop at a Time: How Cannabis Oil is Changing Lives of Cancer Patients in the UK
The Effect of Cannabis on Pregnant Women & Newborns
Check Out What These Two Items do to Improve Your Health
I have many requests to re-post this! So here it is again!
Great information!! Cinnamon and Honey...! Drug companies won't like this one getting around.
Facts on Honey and Cinnamon:
Great information!! Cinnamon and Honey...! Drug companies won't like this one getting around.
Facts on Honey and Cinnamon:
It is found that a mix of honey and cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey
is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today
also note honey as very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases.
Honey can be used without side effects which is also a plus. Today's
science says that even though honey is sweet, when it is taken in the
right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm even diabetic patients.
Researched by western scientists:
HEART DISEASES: Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, put it on toast instead of jelly and jam and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol and could potentially save one from heart attack. Also, even if you have already had an attack studies show you could be kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use of cinnamon honey strengthens the heart beat. In America and Canada, various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as one ages the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and the veins.
ARTHRITIS: Arthritis patients can benefit by taking one cup of hot water with two tablespoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. When taken daily even chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week (out of the 200 people so treated) practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain -- and within a month, most all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis now started walking without pain.
BLADDER INFECTIONS: Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder....who knew?
CHOLESTEROL: Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water given to a cholesterol patient was found to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent within two hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, when taken three times a day, any chronic cholesterol-could be cured. According to information received in the said Journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol.
COLDS: Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and, clear the sinuses, and it's delicious too!
UPSET STOMACH: Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also is said to clear stomach ulcers from its root.
GAS: According to the studies done in India and Japan, it is revealed that when Honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.
IMMUNE SYSTEM: Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacterial and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of Honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles (where DNA is contained) to fight bacterial and viral diseases.
INDIGESTION: Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food is eaten relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.
INFLUENZA: A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural 'Ingredient' which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.
LONGEVITY: Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age. Use four teaspoons of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and three cups of boiling water to make a tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life spans increase and even a 100 year old will start performing the chores of a 20-year-old.
RASPY OR SORE THROAT: When throat has a tickle or is raspy, take one tablespoon of honey and sip until gone. Repeat every three hours until throat is without symptoms.
PIMPLES: Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it off the next morning with warm water. When done daily for two weeks, it removes all pimples from the root.
SKIN INFECTIONS:Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin Infections.
WEIGHT LOSS:Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast and on an empty stomach, and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. When taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.
FATIGUE: Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts are more alert and flexible. Dr. Milton, who has done research, says that a half tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, even when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, when taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3:00 P.M., the vitality of the body increases within a week.
BAD BREATH: People of South America, gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water first thing in the morning so their breath stays fresh throughout the day.
HEARING LOSS: Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts restores hearing.
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For more great recipes, motivation & fun, join our FREE group at Fit for Life Weight Loss Group!!
HEART DISEASES: Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, put it on toast instead of jelly and jam and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol and could potentially save one from heart attack. Also, even if you have already had an attack studies show you could be kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use of cinnamon honey strengthens the heart beat. In America and Canada, various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as one ages the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and the veins.
ARTHRITIS: Arthritis patients can benefit by taking one cup of hot water with two tablespoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. When taken daily even chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week (out of the 200 people so treated) practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain -- and within a month, most all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis now started walking without pain.
BLADDER INFECTIONS: Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder....who knew?
CHOLESTEROL: Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water given to a cholesterol patient was found to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent within two hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, when taken three times a day, any chronic cholesterol-could be cured. According to information received in the said Journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol.
COLDS: Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and, clear the sinuses, and it's delicious too!
UPSET STOMACH: Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also is said to clear stomach ulcers from its root.
GAS: According to the studies done in India and Japan, it is revealed that when Honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.
IMMUNE SYSTEM: Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacterial and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of Honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles (where DNA is contained) to fight bacterial and viral diseases.
INDIGESTION: Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food is eaten relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.
INFLUENZA: A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural 'Ingredient' which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.
LONGEVITY: Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age. Use four teaspoons of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and three cups of boiling water to make a tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life spans increase and even a 100 year old will start performing the chores of a 20-year-old.
RASPY OR SORE THROAT: When throat has a tickle or is raspy, take one tablespoon of honey and sip until gone. Repeat every three hours until throat is without symptoms.
PIMPLES: Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it off the next morning with warm water. When done daily for two weeks, it removes all pimples from the root.
SKIN INFECTIONS:Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin Infections.
WEIGHT LOSS:Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast and on an empty stomach, and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. When taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.
FATIGUE: Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts are more alert and flexible. Dr. Milton, who has done research, says that a half tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, even when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, when taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3:00 P.M., the vitality of the body increases within a week.
BAD BREATH: People of South America, gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water first thing in the morning so their breath stays fresh throughout the day.
HEARING LOSS: Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts restores hearing.
Make sure you SHARE this to save & find on your wall later.
For more great recipes, motivation & fun, join our FREE group at Fit for Life Weight Loss Group!!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Why Public Officials Oppose Fluoridation
December 12, 2014 Fundraising Update Since yesterday’s bulletin the Fluoride Action Network received $2,370 from 15 donors for a grand total of $24,244 from 166 donors. We have been given an incredible and exciting challenge: All donations will be doubled up to $10,000! This is a great time to donate. We trust that with your support we will reach $150,000 from 1,000 donors for FAN’s 2015 operating budget. Can “we” do it? To make a tax-deductible donation you can either:
FAN, 104 Walnut Street, Binghamton NY 13905 In Their Own Words: Why Public Officials Oppose Fluoridation Irish Senator Mary Ann O’Brien "My job as a senator is to protect the people, not to protect a failed government policy. It is inarguably a breach of human rights to drug a population against their will, via the water system…My motion in the Senate is to give back the human right to choose what drug each Irish citizen does or does not take into their body. I urge everyone to put pressure on their TDs, councilors and anyone else in a position of power to join the fight for Ireland's health freedom." - (Read Entire Letter) "The federal government should have zero...nothing to do with the promotion of fluoridation unless it’s on a military base...and hopefully there they would do the right thing. So no, federal fluoride promotion shouldn't exist, they shouldn't be telling you or anyone else what should happen because even though it was well intended at the time--I remember that I thought it was a bad principle because in a way it was massive treatment--and at the time everybody accepted the idea that fluoride was great and that you would never get a cavity and there was no downside, now there is a big question, that's why you don't want government doing these kinds of things. You or I should decide, someone should give us bottled water with fluoride, or we should have the ability to buy water with fluoride, but we should not have the federal government promoting fluoridation...sometimes their right, most of the time their wrong. They shouldn't have the authority to do this. Especially with the information out there now about fluoride, I would do my best to stop federal involvement with state and local fluoride decisions." Ralph Nader, Independent & Green Party Presidential Candidate "There should be no mandatory fluoridation without the approval of people in a public referendum preceded by full and open public debate with disclosures. There is an old Roman law adage that says, 'What touches all should be decided by all.'" – (also see our video interview) “I remember as a kid, one of the big battles going on was about fluoridation of the water. Well, I don’t know whether or not fluoridating the water helps people’s teeth become better or not. I don’t know that. But, I do know that in this country, we should be the ones who should be deciding what we put into our bodies one way or the other. Not the federal government or the local government putting fluoride into our water. A lot of these things come down to freedom issues. They come down to whether or not we will control our own destiny. The fact that we will be consistent with what our founding fathers had in mind for us in controlling our own lives.” Joey Hensley, Tennessee State Representative & Family Practice Physician “As a legislator and practicing physician serving in the Tennessee Legislature, I am writing this letter to advise you of my recommendation that water districts in Tennessee no longer add fluoride to drinking water supplies…There is no requirement to add fluoride and with the new evidence of possible risks to various organs in the body and the very limited benefit of continued fluoridation, it would be prudent for each water system to weigh all the evidence concerning risks to the water customers they serve. 1would urge you to end the practice of adding fluoride for the welfare of your friends and neighbors.” – (Read Entire Letter and see video interview) Peter Vallone, Jr., City Councilmember, New York City “This legislation will have an immediate and critical impact – the city will save between seven and 10 million dollars per year, and New Yorkers will no longer ingest a toxic chemical every time they take a sip of water, take a shower or wash a piece of fruit. While four out of five dentists may be enough to pick a gum, all should agree before we force-medicate the public. I hope to prevent little babies from being poisoned. No one should be forced to ingest this toxic poison every day of their life.” Anthony Connaghan, City Councilor, Dublin, Ireland “My motion seeking to end water fluoridation in Ireland was approved at Dublin City Council last night. 98% of Europe has rejected the practice of water fluoridation and it was banned in Holland in 1976. Numerous studies worldwide have indicated potential harm to human health from adding fluoride to our drinking water. Why are we taking this risk when dental health can be dealt with by conventional methods? There’s a lot of questions to be answered. My argument is it’s universal medication, it’s one size fits all, but even the World Health Organization, which recommends fluoride, recommends it – but only where intake of fluoride is known. Even our own government should be looking into it more…[removing fluoride] is in the interest of safety and erring on the side of safety” “New research shows that ingesting fluoride delivers health risks without benefit of less tooth decay which makes water fluoridation obsolete, unhealthy and a waste of money, and that is why I introduced legislation calling for the end of Milwaukee's water fluoridation program…We have served as guinea pigs in this ongoing and failed experiment for far too long. In my position as Alderman, it is my duty to promote the health, safety and welfare of all our residents. Adding fluoride chemicals into our public water supply runs counter to this and therefore needs to end.” - (Read his entire statement) “It was evident to me during my election campaign that a lot of people were very vocal on their concerns about their water supply being medicated by fluoride against their will and they were asking for this to be addressed. I carried out a small degree of research and found that in other countries across Europe and in N Ireland that fluoridation of water does not exist, for me this was alarming. I am elected to voice the concerns of the public and I will continue to do this. This was passed unanimously in KCC, no other Councillor from any party disagreed with my motion in calling on the removal of Fluoride from our water supply here in Co Kerry. I hope that other councils around the country will follow suit. Irish water expect us now on top of this to add insult to injury to pay for the water that they medicate against our wishes, they must be joking, I personally will not be paying one red cent as I do not or my family do not want fluoride in our water supply. I will continue to support the campaigns for the removal of fluoride from our water supply going forward.” “Firstly [rejecting a plan to fluoridate] is good for the people of Southampton and the surrounding area that would have received this medication via their tap water. But it’s also good news because I think it sends out a message nationally that public health bodies cannot impose their wishes upon people without their consent.” “I understand the arguments about children’s teeth, but each individual should decide what they take in their water. It’s fundamental. If you agree to the principle that the government can add to water, they might put all sorts of things in the water. Our water should be pure and to put fluoride in water is mass medication, which is illegal.” Sincerely, Stuart Cooper Campaign Manager Fluoride Action Network |
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