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Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Monday, May 29, 2017
Debunking the Jesus VS. Trump Meme
First off, this meme must be seen for what it very likely is, which is an attempt to get conservatives who are often Christian to not vote for Trump. It was likely written byatheists who permeate the Democrat ranks, so it is dishonest, which isn't very Christian. That said, I will tackle this meme on the premise that it is honest. I myself am a spiritual person with great interest in Gnosticism, Tibetan Buddhism, Jewish mysticism, and esoteric Christianity.
Regarding Jesus favoring the poor...
Jesus doesn’t seem to advocate anywhere either a pursuit of poverty or wealth to bring meaning to life, yet he cautions about the difficulty and challenges of wealth. Again and again Jesus points to the answer to our yearnings, which is much different from the daily barrage of advertisement and thoughts that go through our minds.More:
God ministers Justice equally to all- He treats all, rich and poor, fairly without partiality- with equity. God does not have a special love for the Poor- He loves everyone; He loves His Covenant People. God does not favor the Poor (as a class) over the Rich or over the Saints- we must not romanticize or idolize the Poor- some are saved, some unsaved, some are righteous, some evil.
The Law of God spells out Rights and Wrongs. Murder and Theft are murder and theft, etc. God is on the side of anyone who suffers Injustice- those who’s Rights are denied. It is more Scriptural if we say God is on the side of those who suffer injustice, rather than on the side of the poor as such. Not all poor suffer injustice. Many rich people do.
It is not valid to equate the Poor with the Oppressed (this is usually done using contemporary definitions of both words) More than 20 causes of Poverty are mentioned in Scripture. Injustice is a cause of Poverty, but not always. According to the Bible, poverty may also be caused by Disease, Death, War, Lifestyle Choices (Laziness, Addictions, Waste) and Ignorance.
Regarding Trump favoring the rich/loving money...
Donald Trump is a very charitable and kind man. Don't believe me? Take a look...
Also, even though Christians believe that stealing is wrong, the government takes more money from Trump by force than his Democratic counterparts. This of course completely debunks the notion in the meme that Trump "doesn't pay taxes."
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Trying to bring people out of poverty by giving them a hand up instead of a hand out is also arguably a very kind thing to do for the poor...
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This page is dedicated to tracking that number of jobs that Donald Trump has saved, helped create or brought back to America due to his business friendly policies and negotiations...
Aussie Business Leader to Invest $2 Billion in US Thanks to Trump: “Because of His Great Leadership” (VIDEO) - Australian business leader Anthony Pratt of Pratt Industries announced last week he would invest $2 billion to create 5,000 high paying jobs in the United States.
April Jobs Up 211,000, Unemployment 4.4% | CNBC - TRUMP EFFECT: Unemployment rate 10 year low. Illegal Immigration down by 70%
Watch Trump sign orders inside the factory - The executive orders he signed Saturday were designed to keep jobs and wealth in America.
PRESIDENT TRUMP SIGNS THE BUY AMERICAN, HIRE AMERICAN EXECUTIVE ORDER! - Globalist Freak Out: New Trump EO To Favor American Workers, Businesses
Trump Adds Jobs While Dems Complain
Trump's First Full Month in Office Sees Biggest Jobs Gain 'In Years': Report
Trump's first full month brings massive employment boom - RUSH: Obama 'More Than Being IRKED' By Trump's First Month Job Numbers
You’re hired! Trump scores U.S. HUGE jobs deal
The Truth about the Jobs Obama Created
Ford to scrap Mexico plant, invest in Michigan; CEO cites Trump policies
Regarding Obamacare helping the sick and elderly. First off, God helps those who help themselves. Secondly, robbing Peter to pay Paul is not very Christian and not a nice thing to do to US citizens who in their private lives outside of government are the most charitable on the planet. Finally and most importantly, socialized government-run health care is demonstrably not good care.
In the first video below Stefan Molyneux makes a thorough and compelling case for free-market health care. He makes a great point about how some people are good at making money while others are good at being kind. He suggests excelling at the latter if one is not expert at the former. Because if you are good at being kind, you will have an easier time getting kindness in return should deadly illness befall you and you need assistance. He paints a beautiful picture of why we should all want a helping hand from our fellow man when falling through the cracks in a free-market system, as opposed to relying on the power of the state in a tyrannical, subpar, enabling, facade of utopian health care.
The new health care bill seeks to keep noble parts of Obamacare like covering preexisting conditions, but sets out to foot the bill in ways other than using government force, such as high risk insurance pools.
More Info:
Regarding welcoming the outsider/foreigner...
Yes, of course Christians can support Trump’s immigration and refugee policies
The recent news about Donald Trump’s Executive Order seems to have created scores of new Biblical scholars. The interesting thing about these Instant Theologians (Instalogians, for short) is that many of them are secularists who regularly deride the Bible as a collection of childish fairy tales. But every once in a while they’ll take a break from sneering at it to suddenly appeal to its moral authority. Of course, the problem is that these brilliant academics have never actually read the “fairy tales,” so when they try to use it as a cudgel to beat conservative conservatives over the head, they more often end up smacking themselves. I’ve been called a “Bible thumper” many times, but I’ve never thumped anyone with a Bible. I prefer to stand back and let them thump themselves.
I’ve been observing this spectacle these last several days, as Leftists have chided Christians for “disobeying the Bible” and “betraying their faith” by refusing to join in the collective freak out over Trump’s policies on immigration and refugees. I’ve heard over and over again that my faith requires me to advocate for the immediate admission of illegal aliens and un-vetted refugees from terror hot spots. The Bible clearly commands it, they say. You can’t be a “real Christian” unless you’re an advocate for open borders and unfettered immigration. National security and sovereignty are heresies!...
...Let’s look at what the Bible actually says. Can a Christian be faithful to Scripture while also supporting Trump’s approach to Middle Eastern refugees and illegal immigrants? Are we compelled by our religion to denounce Trump for putting a hold on the Syrian refugee program in order to strengthen the vetting process? Are we betraying the very faith we profess when we argue in favor of temporarily prohibiting travel from terrorist breeding grounds while the government reassesses how it handles such travelers?The answers are yes, no, and yes. You can, it turns out, be an advocate for strong borders and national security while also being a sincere Christian. These two things are not in conflict. On the contrary, they’re quite in harmony. Scripture does of course say quite a bit about helping the poor and the downtrodden, but one must pay attention to how these instructions are phrased. A few examples:
Matthew 25:35-40: For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.
Matthew 5:42: Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.
Deuteronomy 15:11: For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’
Luke 12:33-34: Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
James 1:27: Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.Luke 10:25-37: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.
You’ll notice a few similarities in these passages. For one thing, they tell us what we personally should go out and do for others. Christ did not say, “I was naked so you petitioned your congressman to come up with a state funded program that might eventually lead to someone other than yourself supplying me with some clothing.” No, He said, “I was naked so you clothed me.” You. You, personally. Not your neighbor. Not the State. You. Scripture tells you to provide for the less fortunate of your own accord and with your own time and resources. If you aren’t willing to do that, you shouldn’t feel that you’ve covered that base because at least you complained on Twitter about Republicans not instituting policies that might make up for your personal lack of charity.
Another theme: All of these verses deal with people who are physically nearby. “Your neighbor,” “In your land,” are the key phrases here. That isn’t to say that we should ignore other people’s neighbors in other people’s lands, but it does appear that Christ wanted us to particularly focus on those who are actually in our immediate vicinity. That ought to be our first priority, according to the Bible. Indeed, if everyone tended to that first priority, we would never need to have any priority other than the first.
As we can see, there is no way for an honest person to read these passages and arrive at the conclusion that they rule out things like border walls and temporary travel bans. These are measures the government takes precisely to protect those in our land, and certainly that ought to be the first (and second and third and fourth) priority of our government. It’s for this purpose — the purpose of protecting the people of its own land — that government exists, and it’s by God’s will that it exists and passes laws to that end.
Romans 13: Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
Yes, Scripture does clearly exhort us not to “oppress” the “sojourners” from other lands (Exodus 22), but is it a form of “oppression” when our duly elected governing authorities pass immigration laws and travel restrictions designed to protect its own people? I don’t see how a sane adult could interpret it that way. And if you do interpret it that way, then you’ve effectively argued that immigration laws are inherently immoral across the board. But if immigration laws are inherently immoral, that would make the government itself inherently immoral because one of the primary and most essential functions of government is to protect the nation’s borders and maintain its sovereignty. How could a nation have a government if it has no borders? Clearly, Romans tell us that governments are necessary, and if it tells us that governments are necessary then it tells us that borders a necessary. You can’t have one without the other.
So, if you feel that Scripture compels you to do something about the refugee crisis, I would suggest that you take your own money and send it to help those in need. If you feel that Scripture compels the government to admit all refugees without screening or filtering them, I would suggest that you go back and read the text again. And if you feel that Scripture compels conservatives to adopt a left wing approach to this issue — even as you openly deny the validity of Scripture and mock those who read it — I would suggest you find a better argument entirely.More:
- 4th Circuit Appeals Court Keeps Door Open For Enemy Forces - The Forgotten Context of Trump's Comments on Banning All Muslims
- BREAKING: 72 Individuals From Trump’s Seven Named Countries Have Been Convicted In Terrorism Cases Since 9/11
Christians Need To Stop Being So Naive About Muslim Immigration
The Bible has plenty of examples of God’s people taking measures to protect their communities. There’s no reason to fear every single Muslim we meet, but in looking at the bigger picture, there are perfectly valid reasons to fear the violence and political and cultural change a growing Muslim population can bring...
Are they not aware of the widespread problems with migrants assaulting women in Germany, one of the latest victims being the daughter of a European official, who was raped and drowned? Have they not heard about the sharia law courts Muslim immigrants have created in England and the schools where Muslim children are taught barbaric practices?...
We’ve been marinating in a theology that focuses excessively on grace and inner peace to the exclusion of other parts of the Bible that tell us evil is always on the march.
Both the Old and New Testaments make frequent use of words such as battle, soldier, and warfare in both the literal sense and in a metaphorical spiritual sense. But you will be hard-pressed to hear those words in sermons today. Many Christians have been lulled into a childish view of the world and think that deep down everyone is not too different from them. But history and the contemporary world should show us that fundamentalist Islam is radically different from the beliefs of Christians and other Americans. If we don’t fully wake up to this reality, we will pay a heavier price for our delusions than we already have.More:
Surely, Jesus would not be OK with his followers being slaughtered. Being complicit in murder is something thou shall not do me thinks.
FLASHBACK Jul 26, 2014 Christians Being Slaughtered - and What is Being Done?
FLASHBACK The Truth About The Crusades
Regarding Jesus turning the other cheek...
Jesus is well known for His continued emphasis on love, forgiveness, and "turning the other cheek." It is therefore surprising to find Jesus advising the disciples to buy a sword in Luke 22:36: "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." Did Jesus in this verse advocate the use of a sword for self-defense purposes?...
"TURN THE OTHER CHEEK" ALWAYS? It is true that Jesus said to turn the other cheek in Matthew 5:38-42. However, many scholars do not believe pacifism (or nonresistance) is the essential point of His teaching in this passage. These scholars do not believe Jesus was teaching to "turn the other cheek" in virtually all circumstances. Even Christ did not literally turn the other cheek when smitten by a member of the Sanhedrin (see John 18:22-23).
The backdrop to this teaching is that the Jews considered it an insult to be hit in the face, much in the same way that we would interpret someone spitting in our face. Bible scholar R. C. Sproul comments: "What's interesting in the expression is that Jesus specifically mentions the right side of the face [Matthew 5:39]....If I hit you on your right cheek, the most normal way would be if I did it with the back of my right hand....To the best of our knowledge of the Hebrew language, that expression is a Jewish idiom that describes an insult, similar to the way challenges to duels in the days of King Arthur were made by a backhand slap to the right cheek of your opponent."
The principle taught in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:38-42 would thus seem to be that Christians should not retaliate when insulted or slandered (see also Romans 12:17-21). Such insults do not threaten a Christian's personal safety. The question of rendering insult for insult, however, is a far cry from defending oneself against a mugger or a rapist.
Self-defense may actually result in one of the greatest examples of human love. Christ Himself said, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:14). When protecting one's family or neighbor, a Christian is unselfishly risking his or her life for the sake of others.
Theologians J. P. Moreland and Norman Geisler say that "to permit murder when one could have prevented it is morally wrong. To allow a rape when one could have hindered it is an evil. To watch an act of cruelty to children without trying to intervene is morally inexcusable. In brief, not resisting evil is an evil of omission, and an evil of omission can be just as evil as an evil of commission. Any man who refuses to protect his wife and children against a violent intruder fails them morally."More:
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Trisodium Phosphate in Lucky Charms Cereal - Question: what is trisodium phosphate and what is it doing in our food?
TSP and the FDA's hypocrisy
The FDA has approved TSP to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Because of its alkalinizing cleaning properties, TSP has been used in dishwashing and laundry products over the years. But government studies have found that TSP is bad for the environment and as such TSP was phased out of common household cleaning products in 2011. The hypocrisy of this is outstanding; TSP is bad for our ecology, but it's okay to put it in food!?
Along with GMOs and gluten, TSP is another item you'll probably want to add to your list of things to avoid in foods that you buy and support with your dollar. Luckily, TSP usually is easily visible on the ingredients list, so if you know where to look you can avoid buying it for your family...
The FDA has stated that TSP is not a risk in food, but on the PAN Pesticides Database-Chemicals website it clearly states to avoid contact with TSP, either internally or topically (as in hair products). Some of the health problems that can arise from ingesting TSP are: irritation the gastric mucosa, reduction of lactic acid in muscles, a mineral imbalance leading to loss of calcium from bones, and calcification of the kidneys. The daily recommended value of TSP is 70mg. Western diets consisting of junk food sometimes reach upwards of 500mg of TSP, which leads to an increased risk of developing osteoporosis and other health problems.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Research suggests chocolate could help heart health
Kathleen Coulson1 day ago
That's funny. I was a regular dark chocolate eater - daily dark chocolate. I was diagnosed with A-Fib after it caused me to have a stroke. Most A-Fibbers stay away from chocolate due to the high caffeine content, widely believed to be an a-fib attack trigger.
Herbal Cardiovascular Care - Herbs for Heart Health:
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Friday, May 19, 2017
Thursday, May 18, 2017
It's Finally Admitted: 'We're Living in a Test Already'
A few different types of purported solutions...
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Monday, May 15, 2017
Miss USA Kara McCullough Triggers Liberals With Her Health Care and Feminism Answers (REACTION)
Editor's Note: My answer is that average to sub-par health care is a human right. Excellent health care is a personal responsibility and a privilege. The adages have this figured out. You get what you pay for and beggars can't be choosers. Also, I identify as Miss USA, so my answer is the correct one! :)
Miss District of Columbia 2017 and now Miss USA 2017 Kara McCullough has angered many liberals and self-proclaimed feminists online due to her answers posed to her during the Miss USA beauty pageant. First, she was asked if she describes herself as a feminist and she said that she would rather substitute the word “feminist” for “equalist” and that everyone has a fair shake and no one person is better than the other. She was then asked if health care for all US citizens is a right or a privilege. Her answer was that it is not a right, but a privilege, and our focus as a country should be on providing jobs so people are better able to afford the things they need, such as health care. Beautiful answers from a beautiful brilliant woman (she is a nuclear scientist!)... but apparently not so good for the angry feminist detractors online.
Twitter nearly exploded when she read the answers to the questions and at this point she was participating in the competition to become Miss USA like everyone else. When she won the crown of Miss USA 2017, another wave of vitriol came in her direction from some of the aforementioned people plus a whole lot more. They were wondering how she was able to win with such “non-progressive” views on health care and feminism. At the same time, however, she got a lot of support, including Miss Massachusetts (of Miss America) who said that she shouldn’t be getting so much grief for simply not expressing a socialist viewpoint.
A take away from the whole kerfuffle here is that not everyone is a walking dead zombie hooked on liberalism, socialism, and/or communism. Some people are able to think for themselves and develop their own sense of self rather than a toxic form of tribalism. Another thing to think about is that you cannot judge a book by it’s cover. Or location for that matter. Just because Kara McCullough lives in Washington DC and is a woman does not mean she has to be a liberal or a feminist. She does not have to be masculine just because she is in a male dominated profession of a nuclear scientist. At the end of the day, those characteristics she possess, along with her striking beauty, appear to be why she won Miss USA 2017.
Miss District of Columbia 2017 and now Miss USA 2017 Kara McCullough has angered many liberals and self-proclaimed feminists online due to her answers posed to her during the Miss USA beauty pageant. First, she was asked if she describes herself as a feminist and she said that she would rather substitute the word “feminist” for “equalist” and that everyone has a fair shake and no one person is better than the other. She was then asked if health care for all US citizens is a right or a privilege. Her answer was that it is not a right, but a privilege, and our focus as a country should be on providing jobs so people are better able to afford the things they need, such as health care. Beautiful answers from a beautiful brilliant woman (she is a nuclear scientist!)... but apparently not so good for the angry feminist detractors online.
Twitter nearly exploded when she read the answers to the questions and at this point she was participating in the competition to become Miss USA like everyone else. When she won the crown of Miss USA 2017, another wave of vitriol came in her direction from some of the aforementioned people plus a whole lot more. They were wondering how she was able to win with such “non-progressive” views on health care and feminism. At the same time, however, she got a lot of support, including Miss Massachusetts (of Miss America) who said that she shouldn’t be getting so much grief for simply not expressing a socialist viewpoint.
A take away from the whole kerfuffle here is that not everyone is a walking dead zombie hooked on liberalism, socialism, and/or communism. Some people are able to think for themselves and develop their own sense of self rather than a toxic form of tribalism. Another thing to think about is that you cannot judge a book by it’s cover. Or location for that matter. Just because Kara McCullough lives in Washington DC and is a woman does not mean she has to be a liberal or a feminist. She does not have to be masculine just because she is in a male dominated profession of a nuclear scientist. At the end of the day, those characteristics she possess, along with her striking beauty, appear to be why she won Miss USA 2017.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
New National ‘Ratios’ Bills Set Safety Limits on Number of Patients Assigned to Nurses
Editor's Note: My wife is an RN and I can attest that this is very much needed. Please contact your representatives and ask that they support these bills...
New National ‘Ratios’ Bills Set Safety Limits on Number of Patients Assigned to Nurses

Bonnie Castillo, NNU Director of Health & Safety, 5/5/17

Bonnie Castillo, NNU Director of Health & Safety, 5/5/17
With the boom in assembly lines during the industrial revolution, employers were able to move products faster, using less staff, padding their bottom line. As I’ve written before, we’ve all seen pop culture comedy examples of what happens next, when profit-driven corporations speed up the pace faster and faster — until a character like Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times works so frantically that he falls right into the machine, getting ground up in the gears.
Our patients are not products, and nurses are not assembly line workers — but you would not know that by the frantic pace at which our hospital employers, who currently have no repercussions for saving money by cutting corners on safe staffing, expect nurses to provide care. When we are saddled with 9 or 10 patients at once, we are not practicing at our full capacity, and the repercussions for our patients, who come to us with illnesses and injuries where every moment of attention counts, include loss of life.
This is unacceptable. Nurses across the U.S. — where 49 out of 50 states currently have no limit on the number of patients nurses can be assigned — are standing up to say the focus on profit over patients must end. Nurses demand safe staffing now.
To that end, National Nurses United (NNU) — the largest union of registered nurses in the country — is proud to announce the introduction today in the U.S. Senate by Sen. Sherrod Brown (S.1063) and in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (H.R. 2392) NNU-sponsored legislation setting specific safety limits on the numbers of patients each RN can care for in hospitals throughout the U.S.
The bills, both known as the Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act, establish minimum RN-to-patient ratios for every hospital unit at all times. They also provide whistleblower protection to assure that nurses are free to speak out for enforcement of safe staffing standards.
The bills are modeled on a California law, fought for and won by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU), that has saved patient lives, improved the quality of care, and reduced nurse burnout keeping experienced RNs at the patient bedside.
Nurses applaud Sen. Brown and Rep. Schakowsky for doing the right thing by our patients, and we hope other elected officials will do the same. After all, the benefit to enacting these protections at the national level would be immense. Studies have shown again and again that mandatory safe staffing ratios save lives.
A 2010 study (Aiken et. al), for example, found that compared to California, New Jersey hospitals would have 13.9 percent fewer patient deaths and Pennsylvania 10.6 percent fewer deaths if they matched California’s ratios in medical-surgical units.
Safe staffing is also critical for the health and safety of nurses. A 2015 study in the International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health showed that the California safe staffing law was associated with 55.57 fewer occupational injuries and illnesses per 10,000 RNs per year, a value 31.6 % lower than the expected rate without the law.
Sometimes change is a long game (California’s regulations were enacted in 2004, after nurses with CNA/NNU, fought for 13 years to achieve them), but nurses never give up on our patients. That’s why we will never give up in our fight to ensure nurses across America have safe staffing protections. It’s a two-fold fight, as we push for legislation at the national level, and also at the state level.
On February 14, for example, NNU registered nurses in Ohio and elected officials gathered at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, to mark the reintroduction by Senator Michael Skindell of the Ohio Patient Protection Act — a bill which sets specific limits on how many patients nurses can care for at once in hospitals throughout Ohio. NNU is also sponsoring safe staffing legislation in Florida and fighting for safe patient ratios legislation in other states.
Hospital corporations have a lot of money to fight against safe staffing legislation. But the evidence, and morality, is on nurses’ side. Nurses will never accept that the fragile lives entrusted to our care are a means of increased profit for corporate employers. Patients are not products, we are not assembly line workers, and when these safe staffing bills are voted into law, nurses will finally be protected in the process of doing our life’s work: providing the focused, professional, safe care that saves lives.

Bonnie CastilloDirector of Health & Safety at @NationalNurses, Director of RN Response Network; I’m an RN & healthcare champion who believes healthcare is a human right!
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Migrant Measles Outbreak: Blame Vax Opponents
There has been a measles outbreak of about 50 people — mostly (but not all) unvaccinated. Establishment press ignores that it is concentrated in a migrant community — the largest Somali community in the US, called “Little Mogadishu”. They misdirect concern about health issues related to unvetted immigration and attack those who have concerns about the side effects of vaccines, not limited to autism.
Aetna Pushes Govt HealthCare: Senate Delays Until August - The TRUTH About Universal Healthcare! (from a Canadian)
Obamacare, Trumpcare, Ryancare, Berniecare. Doesn't matter what you call it, when you hand over control of healthcare to the Government through a single-payer, universal system: it sucks. Allow me, someone who grew up with socialized medicine in Montreal, Canada, explain why.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Protesters laugh at cancer survivor story
Madison Anderson | May 8th, 2017
Just wanted to flag this for you – earlier today, Rodney Davis was laughed at by protesters from Organizing for America when he attempted to tell his wife’s story of fighting cancer.
He was interrupted by laughter and groans three times in the span of 2 minutes.
OFA Protestors Laugh as Republican Tells Story of Wife’s Fight With Cancer
Washington Free Beacon
Brent Scher
May 8, 2017
Organizing for Action activists gathered outside the Illinois office of Republican Rep. Rodney Davis laughed at the congressman as he attempted to tell the story about his wife’s fight with cancer.
Davis attempted to tell the protestors, who gathered outside his office with signs protesting his vote for the American Health Care Act, about his experience with the healthcare system back when his wife was diagnosed with colon cancer, but from the beginning he was interrupted and laughed at by the group.
After being told by a woman about how great her experience with the health care system was in Canada, Davis wanted to explain his experience dealing with the Canadian health care system. Just as Davis started his story about his wife, he stopped once he heard groans from somebody in the crowd.
“Did I just hear an ‘ugh’?” Davis said. “Wow, Did I just hear an ‘ugh’ as I’m about to talk about somebody who had cancer? That’s offensive.”
Davis began to tell his story again after the interruption.
“My wife when she was diagnosed 18 years ago,” was all Davis was able to say before the man holding the camera, a staffer for Protect Our Care Illinois, audibly laughed and caused the congressman to again stop speaking.
After the laughter stop, Davis again continued to tell his story.
“When my wife was diagnosed eighteen years ago she was told by her primary care physician that it was in her head,” Davis said. “But because she was a great advocate and was able to push for the right tests, she was able to get diagnosed, and had colon cancer, stage two.”
“We were able to fire that primary care doctor, and we were able to go out and get a new one. He was from Canada, and you know what he told my wife? He said, in Canada we wouldn’t have gotten to you until you were in stage four.”
“That’s my experience talking with somebody that used to practice in the Canadian medical system. And that’s a personal experience that I have, which is why I prefer our system—because it saved my wife.”
It is unclear what exactly about the cancer story made the protestor with the camera laugh.
The full interaction, which was broadcast on Facebook Live by OFA, can be viewed below.
CANCER IS CURABLE NOW FULL LENGTH DOCUMENTARY - Make Sure to View Related Links at the Bottom of the Page
CANCER IS CURABLE NOW FULL LENGTH DOCUMENTARY - Make Sure to View Related Links at the Bottom of the Page
Welcome to the beginning of the end of Obamacare! And apparently, we’re all going to die. We’re all going to die here in short order and we’ll all have Republicans, who were elected to Congress in record majorities, to blame. Good job everyone. That’s the message coming out of Democrats and duly picked up by national media after yesterday’s House passage of the amended American Health Care Act. “Families will go bankrupt. People will die,” Chief Elizabeth Warren signaled on Twitter. ““This will cost American lives if it ever becomes law,” claimed Cory Booker on MSNBC. “This will mean death, pain, and suffering to people’s families.” Chris Murphy, never one to be outdone in using death to exploit, tweeted: “House GOP, I hope you slept well last night. Because after this vote, you will have the death of thousands of your conscience forever.”
The Daily Kos shouted: “House Republicans vote to sentence millions of Americans to death!” The newly ‘elected’ head of the DNC, Tom Perez said: “Trump and Republicans will own every preventable death.”. Perez is somehow allowed to go unchallenged on what constitutes a preventable death.
Democrats have been riding the death wave now for awhile. When it comes to the climate cycles of the planet, we’re all going to die. Healthcare, all dead. Soda tax? Gotta do it or we’re all dead. A Donald Trump tweet about North Korea? Now he really went and killed everyone.
As Democrats –fueled more and more by a willing media and celebrity microphones– have amplified their dire warnings, the smaller and smaller their electorate has become. Their entire party philosophy for almost a decade now has become “Vote for us or people will die”. On top of these childish hysterics, popular media is all too willing to oblige them. Vox continues to roll out story after story of people who really love Obamacare, and who are all going to die without it. The Washington Post got on the ball with a story of a rape survivor who now is going to die.
The primary problem, among many others with this strategy, is simple: Nobody believes them anymore. When everything is an imminent catastrophe, nothing is and life now moves at the speed of Twitter. Of course, quoting Chuck Palahniuk, “In the Tibetan philosophy, Sylvia Plath sense of the word I know we’re all dying…”
But the party of the happy grim reaper (on everything it seems except Planned Parenthood) is missing historical context. When almost six million Americans received policy cancellation notices in 2013–a shock to many as they were promised by Barack Obama they wouldn’t be getting those letters–there were not dire warnings of bodies in the streets from “the party of compassion”. Americans were told they would simply be receiving something better in return. Their old policies were outdated. There were no cable news hysterics.
Another point: for every Democrats’ story of someone affected by losing their Obamacare plan that Vox puts up in lights, there are stories of people either losing their own life saving insurance or not being able to afford their new plan. For every cancer patient with a reporter in their living room now, there is a family member of one who lost their own oncologist during treatment. Democracy dying in darkness, indeed. Read more at
Trump, GOP Celebrate Repeal Of ObamaCare-Full Event - Limbaugh's Side-By-Side Comparison Of Obamacare vs GOP Health Care Bill - CONGRESS VOTES TO DEFUND MURDER FACTORY
LIMBAUGH: HYSTERIA Over GOP Health Care Bill Is GROTESQUE! - RUSH: The END Of Obamacare Is BIGGER Than The Bill Itself
Monday, May 8, 2017
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Levamisole (That’s not cocaine)
Levamisole is one of those drugs that was discovered quite awhile ago, when we had even less idea what target things were hitting. It’s not used often in people these days. What’s interesting about it is that it is occasionally found as an adulterant in cocaine (PDF) – and it popped up again recently.
It is truly bizzare what people use to cut drugs. I once heard of a chemistry professor who told his class about how he walked into a head shop and saw a big sack of mannitol behind the counter (which is used as a cutting or bulking agent for street drugs as well). He marvelled that he had just bought mannitol from Aldrich for his lab (presumably for more mundane, licit purposes) and that the shop was charging much too high a price. So, if you were thinking of saving on lab supplies at the bong store, that’s right out.
Levamisole, sold under the trade name Ergamisol among others, is a medication used to treat parasitic worm infections.[1]Specifically it is used for ascariasis and hookworm infections. It is taken by mouth.[2]...
Levamisole has increasingly been used as a cutting agent in cocaine sold around the globe with the highest incidence being in the USA. In 2008–2009, levamisole was found in 69% of cocaine samples seized by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).[15] By April 2011, the DEA reported the adulterant was found in 82% of seizures.[26]
Levamisole adds bulk and weight to powdered cocaine (whereas other adulterants produce smaller "rocks" of cocaine) and makes the drug appear purer.[27] In a series of investigative articles for The Stranger, Brendan Kiley details other rationales for levamisole's rise as an adulterant: possible stimulant effects, a similar appearance to cocaine, and an ability to pass street purity tests.[28]
Levamisole suppresses the production of white blood cells, resulting in neutropenia and agranulocytosis. With the increasing use of levamisole as an adulterant, a number of these complications have been reported among cocaine users.[15][29][30] Levamisole has also been linked to a risk of vasculitis,[31] and two cases of vasculitic skin necrosis have been reported in users of cocaine adulterated with levamisole.[32]
Levamisole-tainted cocaine was linked to several high-profile deaths. Toxicology reports showed levamisole, along with cocaine, was present in DJ AM's body at the time of his death.[33] Andrew Koppel, son of newsman Ted Koppel, was also found with levamisole in his body after his death was ruled a drug overdose.[34] More recently it has also been suspected in the death of a Sydney teenager.[35]
In response to the dangers, The Stranger, People's Harm-Reduction Alliance and DanceSafe began producing tests to identify levamisole's presence in cocaine. The kits include a survey postcard, and one revealed its presence in a 1/4-kg block of cocaine, indicating both users and dealers were using the kits.[36]
Stop Using Cocaine Hypnosis Session
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