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Sunday, November 30, 2014
Vaccinated Children Have up to 500% more Disease Than Unvaccinated Children
November 28, 2014
Suspicions have been
confirmed for those wary of vaccinating their children. A recent large
study corroborates other independent study surveys comparing
unvaccinated children to vaccinated children.
They all show that vaccinated children have two to five times more childhood diseases, illnesses, and allergies than unvaccinated children.
Originally, the recent still ongoing study compared unvaccinated children against a German national health survey conducted by KiGGS involving over 17,000 children up to age 19. This currently ongoing survey study was initiated by classical homoeopathist Andreas Bachmair.
However, the American connection for Bachmair’s study can be found at website that has added a link for parents of vaccinated children to participate in the study. So far this ongoing survey has well over 11,000 respondents, mostly from the U.S.A. Other studies have surveyed smaller groups of families.
the results were similar. Of course, none of these studies were picked
up by the MSM (mainstream media). None were funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO) or any national or international health agency or medical profession group (
Dramatic, debilitating, or lethal vaccine injuries were not the focus since so few, five percent or less, actually get reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Injury Reporting System) in the U.S.A. for various reasons including:
* It’s a complicated system that takes time from a doctor’s practice.
* Most parents don’t know about it.
* Only adverse reactions that occur immediately after vaccinations are considered.
* Since VAERS is voluntary, most doctors don’t want to incriminate themselves with vaccination injuries and maintain their denial of vaccine dangers.
* Most parents don’t know about it.
* Only adverse reactions that occur immediately after vaccinations are considered.
* Since VAERS is voluntary, most doctors don’t want to incriminate themselves with vaccination injuries and maintain their denial of vaccine dangers.
Consequently, even the
most terrible adverse reactions are minimally acknowledged, while long
term negative health issues resulting from vaccines are not even considered relevant.
Different surveys summarized
The childhood diseases
usually posed to respondents by the independent surveys involved asthma,
reoccurring tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, allergies,
eczema, ear infections, diabetes, sleep disorders, bedwetting, dyslexia,
migraines, hyperactivity, ADD, epilepsy, depression, and slower
development of speech or motor skills.
In 1992, a New Zealand group called the Immunization Awareness Society (IAS) surveyed 245 families with
a total of 495 children. The children were divided with 226 vaccinated
and 269 unvaccinated. Eighty-one families had both vaccinated and
unvaccinated children.
The differences were
dramatic, with unvaccinated children showing far less incidence of
common childhood ailments than vaccinated children.
From a different survey
in the South Island New Zealand city of Christchurch, among children
born during or after 1977, none of the unvaccinated children had asthma
events where nearly 25% of the vaccinated children were treated for
asthma by age 10.
Many of the comments from non-vaccinating parents to for the ongoing Bachmair survey mentioned vaccination danger and developing true immunity naturally were concerns.
A PhD immunologist who wrote the book Vaccine Illusion,
Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych, has gone against the dogma of her medical
training and background. She asserts that true immunity to any disease
is not conferred by vaccines. Exposure to the disease, whether contracted or not, does. (
Perhaps the most informal grass-roots survey going on now is by Tim O’Shea, DC, author of Vaccination is Not Immunization.
He simply has non-vaccinating parents email him with comparisons of
their children’s health to friends and families they know with
vaccinated children. That and more is available on his site (
Friday, November 28, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Monsanto just got even more evil
Last Tuesday, the voters on the Hawaiian island of Maui passed a moratorium on genetically engineered crops. The very next day, Monsanto announced plans to sue Maui to block the law from going into effect. Maui is one of the most biologically diverse places on earth -- but it's being turned into one giant, open-air biological experiment by the rampant use of GMO crops and pesticides. Monsanto and its allies spent more than $8 million to convince voters to defeat the GMO moratorium and still lost. So now they’re sending an army of lawyers to overturn the will of the people. Can you chip in $1 to stand with Maui and pressure Monsanto to drop the lawsuit? Yes, I'll donate $1 to help stop Monsanto from forcing its GMOs and pesticides on people who don't want them. Monsanto, Dow, BASF, and other huge biotech companies have flocked to Hawaii because the climate allows them to plant and grow seeds that they can sell all over the world. Today, nearly 10 percent of all Hawaii's farmland is owned by just five biotech firms, including Monsanto. That’s why Maui voters have been asking their elected officials to do something about GMOs and the heavy pesticides that go with them. But the politicians, most of them funded by Monsanto, have ignored the people. So earlier this year, they took matters into their own hands, collecting thousands of petition signatures to force the issue to be put before voters directly as a citizen referendum. And last Tuesday, the voters spoke: no GMOs on Maui. Whatever you think about GMO crops and pesticides, it's just wrong for a corporation to use legal action to intimidate the public and override the democratic process. That's why it's so important we stand up, and stand together, whenever Monsanto tries to use these dirty tactics. Together we can stand with Maui, and fight back and win. Will you chip in $1 today? Yes, I'll chip in $1 to help stop Monsanto from forcing its GMOs and pesticides on people who don't want them. Thanks for all that you do, Paul, Jon, and the rest of the team at SumOfUs ******** More information: Monsanto strikes back after Maui voters support GMO moratorium, ABC KITV4 Hawaii, November 5, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
Neurons to Nirvana: Understanding Psychedelic Medicines
A feature documentary about the resurgence of psychedelics as medicine. Psychedelics can be potent tools for getting to know who we are, who we can be. and for healing the trauma of a society that is addicted to greed and consumerism. This film dares to break the taboo surrounding psychedelic medicines, by examining and revealing their proven potential to heal and alleviate suffering on a global scale. Through interviews with the worlds foremost researchers, writers, psychologists and pioneers in psychedelic psychotherapy, the film explores the history of five powerful psychedelic substances (LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA, Ayahuasca and Cannabis) and their previously established medicinal potential.
The Truth about Popular Music & The CIA's War on Conscious Music
Scientists: Psychedelic Drugs ‘Safe As Playing Soccer’
Get High Now (without drugs)
American Drug War Films
The Truth about Popular Music & The CIA's War on Conscious Music
Scientists: Psychedelic Drugs ‘Safe As Playing Soccer’
Get High Now (without drugs)
American Drug War Films
GMO Free Options
Chipotle has said since the beginning of the year that they have been transitioning to a completely GMO-free company using only natural ingredients. Now that promise has (almost) become a reality
Chipotle has announced that amid their unwelcome price-hike, the company will now only use GMO-free ingredients. They would be the first fast food or fast causal restaurant to do so, according to Food Business News.“To date we have eliminated virtually all of the GMO ingredients in our food,” Steve Ells, chairman and co-chief executive officer told Food Business News. “Our corn and flour tortillas are the only foods we currently serve that are made using ingredients that contain or could contain trace amounts of GMOs, and now we are testing new non-GMO recipes for these tortillas and we hope to be able to roll them out by the end of the year.”
Joanna Fantozzi is an Associate Editor with The daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @JoannaFantozzi
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Support the EPA's Clean Water Rule Today!
water is essential to all living things — the wild salmon in the
rushing river, the deer next to the quiet stream, the heron above the
deep blue lake.
Water is energy, a home, a source of life. But right now, we could be heading toward an America where clean, fresh water is just a distant memory.
For more than 40 years, the Clean
Water Act has been critical to protecting our nation’s waterways. But
Supreme Court cases in 2001 and 2006 have made it murky as to which
waterways should be protected. Unsurprisingly, irresponsible
corporations have taken advantage and are polluting our smaller streams
and wetlands at increasingly alarming rates.
EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers are trying to restore vital water
protections, but they're facing attacks from polluters and their allies
in Congress. We need your help to show the EPA that we support their efforts and want them to continue fighting for our clean water.
me break it down, John-Michael. For more than a decade, corporations
have gotten away with polluting small streams and wetlands because the
EPA has not had clear authority to protect them. But after studying the
science, the EPA is taking a stand because it is clear that healthy
downstream waters are only possible if the small streams and wetlands
that feed into them are protected.
The EPA and Army Corps have proposed a new Clean
Water Rule to protect the streams, headwaters, tributaries, and
wetlands that feed our downstream waters — including our bays, our Great
Lakes, and the water that flows through our communities.
If we don't speak out and support the EPA's Clean
Water Rule, the simple glass of water that you sip, not to mention the
habitats for so much of America’s wildlife, could be at risk thanks to
polluters dumping toxic waste into our streams and wetlands. But with your
help, we can fight back and make progress. We’ve collected more than
30,000 signatures so far in support of the EPA’s efforts to protect our
water, but together, we can do even more.
legislators have been attacking the EPA’s authority to implement these
new protections since this summer. And with the new Congress coming into
session, our path to clean water will only become harder to navigate.
That’s why when you take action today, we will not only deliver your support to the EPA and Army Corps, but we'll also send a copy of your message to your
members of Congress so that they know where you stand when legislative
attacks come up on this critical rule. The deadline to submit comments
is tomorrow, so we need you to send your message now.
Thank you for standing with us in the fight for a clean, livable planet.

Kristin Brown
Director of Digital Strategy
League of Conservation Voters
Kristin Brown
Director of Digital Strategy
League of Conservation Voters
P.S. Help us collect 20,000 more signatures to reach our goal of 50,000 — forward this on to a friend today!
Clean Waters for River Otters Petition
Dirty, polluted waters are no place for a family of river otters to play and raise their pups.
Right now, river otters are in danger — Supreme Court rulings are making it unclear whether the Clean Water Act applies to streams, wetlands, and other kinds of waters.
If we don't act, those waterways could end up choked with filthy pollution, killing river otters and other animals who live there.
The EPA has proposed a new rule that would keep those waters clean. But to get the rule passed, we need to put pressure on them now. Sign the letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and help protect river otters!
Right now, river otters are in danger — Supreme Court rulings are making it unclear whether the Clean Water Act applies to streams, wetlands, and other kinds of waters.
If we don't act, those waterways could end up choked with filthy pollution, killing river otters and other animals who live there.
The EPA has proposed a new rule that would keep those waters clean. But to get the rule passed, we need to put pressure on them now. Sign the letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and help protect river otters!
Controlling Blood Pressure Naturally
Hawthorn is a plant. The leaves, berries, and flowers of hawthorn are used to make medicine.
Hawthorn is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain, and irregular heartbeat. It is also used to treat both low blood pressure and high blood pressure, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), and high cholesterol. So far, research suggests that hawthorn might be effective in treating congestive heart failure, but there hasn’t been enough research on other heart-related uses to know if it is effective for them.
Some people use hawthorn for digestive system complaints such as indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach pain. It is also used to reduce anxiety, as a sedative, to increase urine output, and for menstrual problems.
Hawthorn is also used to treat tapeworm and other intestinal infections.
Some people apply hawthorn to the skin for boils, sores, and ulcers. Hawthorn preparations are used as a wash for sores, itching, and frostbite.
You will find hawthorn among the ingredients in candied fruit slices, jam, jelly, and wine.
Before taking hawthorn, talk with your healthcare professional if you take any medications. It has major interactions with several prescription medications.
Hawthorn also seems to have blood pressure-lowering activity, according to early research. It seems to cause relaxing of the blood vessels farther from the heart. It seems that this effect is due to a component in hawthorn called proanthocyanidin.
Research suggests that hawthorn can lower cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad cholesterol”), and triglycerides (fats in the blood). It seems to lower accumulation of fats in the liver and the aorta (the largest artery in the body, located near the heart). Hawthorn fruit extract may lower cholesterol by increasing the excretion of bile, reducing the formation of cholesterol, and enhancing the receptors for LDLs. It also seems to have antioxidant activity.
(NaturalNews) Controlling blood pressure with herbs is an important option, considering that one in four people in the United States suffers from high blood pressure. Many lose their lives to this silent killer every year. It is one of the leading contributors to heart disease and is not always obvious. It is exacerbated by unhealthy living, smoking, fatty foods, excessive drinking and stress. High intake of salt and other products contributes to the problem.
Herbs used for seasonings are basic to many kitchen cupboards: rosemary, elderberry, lemon balm and many others. Chamomile is popular as a soothing tea. Some herbs are more common than others and should be taken sparingly. Everyone responds differently. For example, garlic is good for the body; it is a natural antibiotic, but it is also a blood thinner and should not be eaten excessively.
Herbs are one of the least expensive foods on the market. They can be grown on a kitchen window seal or in a few flowerpots in a favorite sitting area. Thousands of people use grow lights to keep herb gardens when living in apartments, and others use small greenhouses available at local garden shops to grow herbs year round. Many neighborhoods have rooftop gardens or community gardens that satisfy the need for potent herbs. These plants are helpful to the body, and they can be acquired no matter how tight the budget, with a little effort. They are also fun and simple to grow.
About the author:
Sandeep is an mountain climber, runner, and fitness coach. He shares his tips for staying in shape and eating healthy on quickeasyfit.
Green Tea May Interfere With a Blood Pressure Medicine Tiny, early study found reduced blood levels of nadolol among green tea drinkers
WebMD News from HealthDay
By Dr. Mercola
Health Benefits of Green Tea
Electronic Cigarettes Have Slight Impact on Heart: Study
Aug. 27, 2012 | 12:00 p.m. EDT + More
MONDAY, Aug. 27 (HealthDay News) -- Electronic cigarettes appear to be far less harmful than tobacco cigarettes and don't seem to damage the heart, a new, small study suggests.
In recent years, electronic cigarettes -- which simulate the effect of smoking by producing an inhaled vapor -- have been marketed as a safer alternative to regular cigarettes.
Smoking is the most preventable risk factor for heart disease, which is the main cause of illness and death in smokers. Coronary artery disease alone accounts for 40 percent of smokers' deaths, according to the study authors.
For the new study, researchers examined heart function in 20 daily smokers, aged 25 to 45, before and after smoking one tobacco cigarette, and in 22 daily electronic cigarette smokers of similar age before and after they used the device for seven minutes.
Smoking one tobacco cigarette resulted in a significant increase in blood pressure and heart rate, but electronic cigarettes had only a minimal effect on heart function. This indicates that even though electronic cigarettes do contain nicotine, it is absorbed at a lower rate compared to tobacco cigarettes, the researchers said.
The study was presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress, which concludes Wednesday in Munich, Germany.
"It is too early to say whether the electronic cigarette is a revolution in tobacco harm reduction but the potential is there. It is the only available product that deals with both the chemical (nicotine delivery) and psychological (inhaling and exhaling 'smoke', holding it, etc.) addiction to smoking. Laboratory analyses indicate that it is significantly less toxic and our study has shown no significant defects in cardiac function after acute use," study author Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos said in a conference news release.
"More clinical studies need to be done before suggesting that this is a revolutionary product. However, considering the extreme hazards associated with cigarette smoking, currently available data suggest that electronic cigarettes are far less harmful and substituting tobacco with electronic cigarettes may be beneficial to health," added Farsalinos, who's with the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens, Greece.
The data and conclusions of research presented at medical meetings should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
More information
The U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has more about smoking and your heart.
Hawthorn is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain, and irregular heartbeat. It is also used to treat both low blood pressure and high blood pressure, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), and high cholesterol. So far, research suggests that hawthorn might be effective in treating congestive heart failure, but there hasn’t been enough research on other heart-related uses to know if it is effective for them.
Some people use hawthorn for digestive system complaints such as indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach pain. It is also used to reduce anxiety, as a sedative, to increase urine output, and for menstrual problems.
Hawthorn is also used to treat tapeworm and other intestinal infections.
Some people apply hawthorn to the skin for boils, sores, and ulcers. Hawthorn preparations are used as a wash for sores, itching, and frostbite.
You will find hawthorn among the ingredients in candied fruit slices, jam, jelly, and wine.
Before taking hawthorn, talk with your healthcare professional if you take any medications. It has major interactions with several prescription medications.
How does it work?
Hawthorn can help improve the amount of blood pumped out of the heart during contractions, widen the blood vessels, and increase the transmission of nerve signals.
Hawthorn also seems to have blood pressure-lowering activity, according to early research. It seems to cause relaxing of the blood vessels farther from the heart. It seems that this effect is due to a component in hawthorn called proanthocyanidin.
Research suggests that hawthorn can lower cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad cholesterol”), and triglycerides (fats in the blood). It seems to lower accumulation of fats in the liver and the aorta (the largest artery in the body, located near the heart). Hawthorn fruit extract may lower cholesterol by increasing the excretion of bile, reducing the formation of cholesterol, and enhancing the receptors for LDLs. It also seems to have antioxidant activity.
(NaturalNews) Controlling blood pressure with herbs is an important option, considering that one in four people in the United States suffers from high blood pressure. Many lose their lives to this silent killer every year. It is one of the leading contributors to heart disease and is not always obvious. It is exacerbated by unhealthy living, smoking, fatty foods, excessive drinking and stress. High intake of salt and other products contributes to the problem.
Avoid Covering the Problem:
The use of herbs to control high blood pressure aids in reducing high cholesterol and helps blood flow. Using natural methods to control blood pressure is best for the body. Most drugs only cover up the problem, encouraging the body to build up a resistance. Herbs are natural foods giving the body nutrients, solving the nutritional factor that may be feeding the blood pressure problem. Garlic is one of those herbs. People jokingly say garlic is a repellant of friends and other objects, but garlic keeps an abundance of unwanted health problems away from the body.Herbs Detoxify:
Use herbs to detox the body. A huge problem with blood flow is inflammation. Once this problem is solved, the body can get necessary vitamins to affected areas. When preparing foods, include more onions, peppers and spices. These herbs are beneficial to the body. Basil, oregano and cinnamon are also helpful. Blend these herbs into as many dishes as possible and reduce salt and sugar intake. Too many foods are prepackaged with these products, so read labels.Reduce the Inflammation:
Cardamom, olives and ginger work great, reducing inflammation in the body, bringing down blood pressure. Turmeric, hawthorn and celery seed aid in this process. People with a healthy diet of vegetables have far less trouble with blood pressure than most. This shows that eating a large amount of vegetables is a way of getting a variety of nutrients also found in herbs into the body. It is not enough to know about helpful herbs; use them for better health.Herbs used for seasonings are basic to many kitchen cupboards: rosemary, elderberry, lemon balm and many others. Chamomile is popular as a soothing tea. Some herbs are more common than others and should be taken sparingly. Everyone responds differently. For example, garlic is good for the body; it is a natural antibiotic, but it is also a blood thinner and should not be eaten excessively.
Herbs are one of the least expensive foods on the market. They can be grown on a kitchen window seal or in a few flowerpots in a favorite sitting area. Thousands of people use grow lights to keep herb gardens when living in apartments, and others use small greenhouses available at local garden shops to grow herbs year round. Many neighborhoods have rooftop gardens or community gardens that satisfy the need for potent herbs. These plants are helpful to the body, and they can be acquired no matter how tight the budget, with a little effort. They are also fun and simple to grow.
About the author:
Sandeep is an mountain climber, runner, and fitness coach. He shares his tips for staying in shape and eating healthy on quickeasyfit.
Green Tea May Interfere With a Blood Pressure Medicine Tiny, early study found reduced blood levels of nadolol among green tea drinkers
WebMD News from HealthDay
By Kathleen Doheny
HealthDay Reporter
MONDAY, Jan. 13, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- Drinking
green tea may lessen the effects of the medication nadolol (Corgard),
used to treat high blood pressure, a new small study suggests.
Green Tea Helps Lower Blood Pressure, and Much More...
Pure water is by far the ideal beverage of choice, but high-quality tea can be a valuable addition. Not only does tea rehydrate as well as water does, most teas also have additional health benefits.1
High-quality tea—green tea in particular—contains polyphenol antioxidants that are recognized for their disease prevention and anti-aging properties. Polyphenols can account for up to 30 percent of the dry leaf weight of green tea.
Within the group of polyphenols are flavonoids, which contain catechins. One of the most powerful catechins is epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), found in green tea. EGCG has been shown to positively impact a number of illnesses and conditions.
Previous research2 has shown that green tea polyphenols act on molecular pathways to shut down the production and spread of tumor cells. They also discourage the growth of the blood vessels that feed the tumors.
EGCG even acts as an antiangiogenic and antitumor agent, and helps modulate tumor cell response to chemotherapy.3 Study results also show EGCG can be helpful for the prevention of arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombus, heart attack, and stroke—in part due to its ability to relax your arteries and improve blood flow.4
Green Tea Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally
Some of the latest research in this area again confirms such health benefits. After analyzing 25 randomized controlled trials, the systematic review, published in the British Journal of Nutrition in October5 concluded that long-term tea intake significantly improved blood pressure. As reported in Time Magazine:6
“After 12 weeks of drinking tea, blood pressure was lower by 2.6 mmHg systolic and 2.2 mmHg diastolic. Green tea had the most significant results, while black tea performed the next best...
Reducing systolic blood pressure by 2.6 mmHg ‘would be expected to reduce stroke risk by 8 percent, coronary artery disease mortality by 5 percent and all-cause mortality by 4 percent at a population level...’”While unable to determine exactly how much tea you need to drink to receive these benefits, a number of previous studies have suggested the ideal amount lies around three to four cups of tea per day.7
For example, one 2007 study8 found “clear evidence” showing that three or more cups of tea—in this case black tea—reduced the risk of coronary heart disease.
Similarly, drinking three to four cups of green tea daily has been shown to promote heart and cardiovascular health,9 again courtesy of its ability to relax blood vessels and protect against blood clots.
Green Tea—Helpful Against Obesity, Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s Disease
There are certain compounds and nutrients that seem to have near limitless health potential, and catechins are part of that pack. Fortunately, high-quality green tea is an excellent source of these antioxidants, making them easily available.
Besides its beneficial effects on your circulatory system, previous studies have demonstrated that EGCG in particular has a regulatory effect on fat metabolism, thereby increasing fat oxidation and preventing obesity. It can even help improve exercise performance.
One 2010 study10 evaluating EGCG’s potential in weight loss found it increases fat oxidation by a respectable 33 percent. EGCG may also aid weight loss by inhibiting fat cell development and increasing fat excretion. Obesity and diabetes tend to go hand in hand, and what is beneficial for one is usually beneficial for the other as well.
Indeed, one animal study11 found that EGCG was as effective as the diabetic drug Avandia in moderately diabetic mice, suggesting green tea, or a high-quality green tea extract, could be helpful for the prevention and/or treatment of diabetes.
Researchers have also discovered that green tea has the potential to enhance the function of your brain, and prevent age-associated brain degeneration.
Specifically, EGCG appears to decrease the production of the protein beta-amyloid, which can over-accumulate in your brain, resulting in nerve damage and memory loss over time12 – a condition related to Alzheimer’s disease.
In one study,13 published in 2005, researchers injected pure EGCG into mice genetically programmed to develop Alzheimer’s; the results showed a decrease of as much as 54 percent in the plaque associated with Alzheimer’s.
Other Health Benefits of Green Tea
Catechins in green tea may also help protect against glaucoma and other eye diseases. In one study,14 scientists analyzed eye tissue from rats that drank green tea and found that eye tissues such as the lens and retina had in fact absorbed green tea catechins.
According to the authors, oxidative stress causes biological disturbances such as DNA damage and activation of proteolytic enzymes that can lead to tissue cell damage or dysfunction—and, eventually, ophthalmic diseases. Green tea catechins have also been found to:
A botanical ointment containing a green tea extract was even found to be an effective treatment for external genital and anal warts, according to the results of one 2008 study.16 Genital and anal warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), and there has been a lack of effective, well tolerated treatments.
- Lower your breast cancer risk
- Ease inflammation and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)15
- Reduce your risk of autoimmune diseases
- Promote healthy gums
- Improve digestion
The researchers assigned over 500 adults with up to 30 warts to receive either an ointment containing sinecatechins, or a placebo. In the sinecatechins groups, warts cleared completely in roughly 57 percent of patients, compared to just 34 percent of subjects in the control group.
Quality Green Tea Is Green
Out of the seemingly endless varieties of tea out there, there is only a handful I would recommend drinking. My two favorites are Matcha green tea and Tulsi—a powerful adaptogenic herb that also provides important therapeutic benefits.
Green tea in general is among the least processed kinds of tea, which is why it contains some of the highest amounts of EGCG. Unlike other teas that you steep and strain, Matcha tea comes in the form of a powder that you add right into the water.
Matcha tea can contain over 100 times the EGCG provided by regular brewed green tea, and since you’re consuming the entire ground tea leaf, you’re getting the most benefit from each cup of tea you drink.
Besides being an excellent source of antioxidants, green tea is also packed with vitamins A, D, E, C, B, B5, H, and K, manganese, and other beneficial minerals such as zinc, chromium, and selenium. A telltale sign of high quality is that the tea is in fact green. If your green tea looks brown rather than green, it’s likely been oxidized, which can damage or destroy many of its most valuable compounds.
To boost the benefits of green tea, add a squirt of lemon juice to your cup. Previous research has demonstrated that vitamin C significantly increases the amount of catechins available for your body to absorb. In fact, citrus juice increased available catechin levels by more than five times, causing 80 percent of tea's catechins to remain bioavailable!
Tea Can Be a Valuable Part of a Healthy Diet
If you enjoy green tea, by all means add a few cups to your day. Just be sure to drink your green tea “straight.” Adding sugar, milk, or other “embellishments” (one exception being some citrus juice), will counter many of the benefits of the tea. Again, green tea contains the most EGCG of all tea varieties, and other than water, I believe high-quality green tea is one of the most beneficial beverages you can consume.
Another excellent choice is Tulsi tea, which is also chockfull of antioxidants. The complex and unique chemistry of this aromatic herb also offers benefits that go over and beyond that of other teas. Tulsi tea contains hundreds of beneficial compounds known as phytochemicals—non-nutritive plant compounds that have protective and health promoting properties. Working together, these compounds possess potential antioxidant, adaptogenic, and immune-enhancing properties that can fight stress and help promote your general health in multiple ways, including:Related:
- Bolstering your immune system
- Providing you with a calming effect and relief from occasional stress
- Promoting healthy metabolism
- Helping maintain optimal blood sugar levels
- Supporting normal cholesterol levels
Health Benefits of Green Tea
Electronic Cigarettes Have Slight Impact on Heart: Study
Appear to be far less toxic than tobacco cigarettes, researcher says
Aug. 27, 2012 | 12:00 p.m. EDT + More
MONDAY, Aug. 27 (HealthDay News) -- Electronic cigarettes appear to be far less harmful than tobacco cigarettes and don't seem to damage the heart, a new, small study suggests.
In recent years, electronic cigarettes -- which simulate the effect of smoking by producing an inhaled vapor -- have been marketed as a safer alternative to regular cigarettes.
Smoking is the most preventable risk factor for heart disease, which is the main cause of illness and death in smokers. Coronary artery disease alone accounts for 40 percent of smokers' deaths, according to the study authors.
For the new study, researchers examined heart function in 20 daily smokers, aged 25 to 45, before and after smoking one tobacco cigarette, and in 22 daily electronic cigarette smokers of similar age before and after they used the device for seven minutes.
Smoking one tobacco cigarette resulted in a significant increase in blood pressure and heart rate, but electronic cigarettes had only a minimal effect on heart function. This indicates that even though electronic cigarettes do contain nicotine, it is absorbed at a lower rate compared to tobacco cigarettes, the researchers said.
The study was presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress, which concludes Wednesday in Munich, Germany.
"It is too early to say whether the electronic cigarette is a revolution in tobacco harm reduction but the potential is there. It is the only available product that deals with both the chemical (nicotine delivery) and psychological (inhaling and exhaling 'smoke', holding it, etc.) addiction to smoking. Laboratory analyses indicate that it is significantly less toxic and our study has shown no significant defects in cardiac function after acute use," study author Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos said in a conference news release.
"More clinical studies need to be done before suggesting that this is a revolutionary product. However, considering the extreme hazards associated with cigarette smoking, currently available data suggest that electronic cigarettes are far less harmful and substituting tobacco with electronic cigarettes may be beneficial to health," added Farsalinos, who's with the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens, Greece.
The data and conclusions of research presented at medical meetings should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
More information
The U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has more about smoking and your heart.
Health Benefits of Green Tea
Your Body on Green Tea
Prevention Magazine September 2014
Anti-inflammatory antioxidants and good ol' caffeine make a trip to the green tea side a very smart move. Learn how the ancient elixir heals you from your brain to your belly.
For the biggest benefit, go BIY (brew-it-yourself). Bottled tea contains significantly fewer health-bolstering polyphenols than home-steeped stuff, plus added sugar your body won't thank you for.
A drink with 250 mg of green tea extract increased the brain connections that process and store information.
EGCG, a polyphenol in green tea, may guard against neurological diseases, studies on mice show.
Digestive cancer risk was 17% lower in women who drank at least 3 cups a week.
Drinking 3 cups of green tea could reduce risk of stroke by up to 20%.
Human studies are far from conclusive, but (per research on mice) green tea + exercise = 36% less belly fat.

Increasing your chances of living longer may be no harder than drinking a cup of green tea. Research in Japan published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found that people who drink green tea have increased life expectancy compared to non-drinkers. In a study of more than 40,000 people, scientists found that those who indulged in green tea had a lower death rate and a lower rate of heart disease.
Women who had five or more cups of tea per day reduced their risk of death from cardiovascular disease by more than 30 percent.
Green Tea May Interfere With a Blood Pressure Medicine Tiny, early study found reduced blood levels of nadolol among green tea drinkers
WebMD News from HealthDay
MONDAY, Jan. 13, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- Drinking green tea may lessen the effects of the medication nadolol (Corgard), used to treat high blood pressure, a new small study suggests.
Green Tea Helps Lower Blood Pressure, and Much More...
Prevention Magazine September 2014
Anti-inflammatory antioxidants and good ol' caffeine make a trip to the green tea side a very smart move. Learn how the ancient elixir heals you from your brain to your belly.
For the biggest benefit, go BIY (brew-it-yourself). Bottled tea contains significantly fewer health-bolstering polyphenols than home-steeped stuff, plus added sugar your body won't thank you for.
A drink with 250 mg of green tea extract increased the brain connections that process and store information.
EGCG, a polyphenol in green tea, may guard against neurological diseases, studies on mice show.
Digestive cancer risk was 17% lower in women who drank at least 3 cups a week.
Drinking 3 cups of green tea could reduce risk of stroke by up to 20%.
Human studies are far from conclusive, but (per research on mice) green tea + exercise = 36% less belly fat.
Green Tea Boosts Life Expectancy
Increasing your chances of living longer may be no harder than drinking a cup of green tea. Research in Japan published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found that people who drink green tea have increased life expectancy compared to non-drinkers. In a study of more than 40,000 people, scientists found that those who indulged in green tea had a lower death rate and a lower rate of heart disease.
Women who had five or more cups of tea per day reduced their risk of death from cardiovascular disease by more than 30 percent.
Green Tea May Interfere With a Blood Pressure Medicine Tiny, early study found reduced blood levels of nadolol among green tea drinkers
WebMD News from HealthDay
By Kathleen Doheny
HealthDay ReporterGreen Tea Helps Lower Blood Pressure, and Much More...
By Dr. Mercola
Clinical Evidence
Obstructive sleep apnea is often associated with oxidative stress caused by free radicals and certain types of cognitive deficits due to hypoxemia -- or low blood oxygen levels. According to a study published in the November 1986 issue of "Chest," people who have obstructive sleep apnea with hypoxemia display deficits in cognitive skills such as attention, concentration, complex problem-solving and short-term memory recall. A study published in the May 2008 issue of the "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine" showed that administration of green tea polyphenols to laboratory rats subjected to oxygen depletion resulted in less oxidative stress and cognitive deficits. The results suggest that green tea may have similar applications to humans suffering from sleep apnea, although further clinical research is needed.
While green tea may provide certain benefits to people suffering from sleep apnea, it is not a cure for the condition. Do not attempt to self-diagnose or self-treat any symptoms if you suspect that you have either form of sleep apnea. Consult your doctor to discuss your concerns and obtain advice about possible treatments. Green tea may interact with a number of medications, so inform your doctor if you plan to use green tea or green tea supplements. Green Tea and Sleep Apnea
Two Groundbreaking New Treatments Can Practically Cure Sleep Apnea
How green tea could help you stay slim: Extract in the drink found to reduce amount of starch that is absorbed from food
Pure water is by far the ideal beverage of choice, but high-quality tea can be a valuable addition. Not only does tea rehydrate as well as water does, most teas also have additional health benefits.1
High-quality tea—green tea in particular—contains polyphenol antioxidants that are recognized for their disease prevention and anti-aging properties. Polyphenols can account for up to 30 percent of the dry leaf weight of green tea.
Within the group of polyphenols are flavonoids, which contain catechins. One of the most powerful catechins is epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), found in green tea. EGCG has been shown to positively impact a number of illnesses and conditions.
Previous research2 has shown that green tea polyphenols act on molecular pathways to shut down the production and spread of tumor cells. They also discourage the growth of the blood vessels that feed the tumors.
EGCG even acts as an antiangiogenic and antitumor agent, and helps modulate tumor cell response to chemotherapy.3 Study results also show EGCG can be helpful for the prevention of arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombus, heart attack, and stroke—in part due to its ability to relax your arteries and improve blood flow.4
Green Tea Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally
Some of the latest research in this area again confirms such health benefits. After analyzing 25 randomized controlled trials, the systematic review, published in the British Journal of Nutrition in October5 concluded that long-term tea intake significantly improved blood pressure. As reported in Time Magazine:6
“After 12 weeks of drinking tea, blood pressure was lower by 2.6 mmHg systolic and 2.2 mmHg diastolic. Green tea had the most significant results, while black tea performed the next best...
Reducing systolic blood pressure by 2.6 mmHg ‘would be expected to reduce stroke risk by 8 percent, coronary artery disease mortality by 5 percent and all-cause mortality by 4 percent at a population level...’”While unable to determine exactly how much tea you need to drink to receive these benefits, a number of previous studies have suggested the ideal amount lies around three to four cups of tea per day.7
For example, one 2007 study8 found “clear evidence” showing that three or more cups of tea—in this case black tea—reduced the risk of coronary heart disease.
Similarly, drinking three to four cups of green tea daily has been shown to promote heart and cardiovascular health,9 again courtesy of its ability to relax blood vessels and protect against blood clots.
Green Tea—Helpful Against Obesity, Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s Disease
There are certain compounds and nutrients that seem to have near limitless health potential, and catechins are part of that pack. Fortunately, high-quality green tea is an excellent source of these antioxidants, making them easily available.
Besides its beneficial effects on your circulatory system, previous studies have demonstrated that EGCG in particular has a regulatory effect on fat metabolism, thereby increasing fat oxidation and preventing obesity. It can even help improve exercise performance.
One 2010 study10 evaluating EGCG’s potential in weight loss found it increases fat oxidation by a respectable 33 percent. EGCG may also aid weight loss by inhibiting fat cell development and increasing fat excretion. Obesity and diabetes tend to go hand in hand, and what is beneficial for one is usually beneficial for the other as well.
Indeed, one animal study11 found that EGCG was as effective as the diabetic drug Avandia in moderately diabetic mice, suggesting green tea, or a high-quality green tea extract, could be helpful for the prevention and/or treatment of diabetes.
Researchers have also discovered that green tea has the potential to enhance the function of your brain, and prevent age-associated brain degeneration.
Specifically, EGCG appears to decrease the production of the protein beta-amyloid, which can over-accumulate in your brain, resulting in nerve damage and memory loss over time12 – a condition related to Alzheimer’s disease.
In one study,13 published in 2005, researchers injected pure EGCG into mice genetically programmed to develop Alzheimer’s; the results showed a decrease of as much as 54 percent in the plaque associated with Alzheimer’s.
Other Health Benefits of Green Tea
Catechins in green tea may also help protect against glaucoma and other eye diseases. In one study,14 scientists analyzed eye tissue from rats that drank green tea and found that eye tissues such as the lens and retina had in fact absorbed green tea catechins.
According to the authors, oxidative stress causes biological disturbances such as DNA damage and activation of proteolytic enzymes that can lead to tissue cell damage or dysfunction—and, eventually, ophthalmic diseases. Green tea catechins have also been found to:
A botanical ointment containing a green tea extract was even found to be an effective treatment for external genital and anal warts, according to the results of one 2008 study.16 Genital and anal warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), and there has been a lack of effective, well tolerated treatments.
- Lower your breast cancer risk
- Ease inflammation and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)15
- Reduce your risk of autoimmune diseases
- Promote healthy gums
- Improve digestion
The researchers assigned over 500 adults with up to 30 warts to receive either an ointment containing sinecatechins, or a placebo. In the sinecatechins groups, warts cleared completely in roughly 57 percent of patients, compared to just 34 percent of subjects in the control group.
Quality Green Tea Is Green
Out of the seemingly endless varieties of tea out there, there is only a handful I would recommend drinking. My two favorites are Matcha green tea and Tulsi—a powerful adaptogenic herb that also provides important therapeutic benefits.
Green tea in general is among the least processed kinds of tea, which is why it contains some of the highest amounts of EGCG. Unlike other teas that you steep and strain, Matcha tea comes in the form of a powder that you add right into the water.
Matcha tea can contain over 100 times the EGCG provided by regular brewed green tea, and since you’re consuming the entire ground tea leaf, you’re getting the most benefit from each cup of tea you drink.
Besides being an excellent source of antioxidants, green tea is also packed with vitamins A, D, E, C, B, B5, H, and K, manganese, and other beneficial minerals such as zinc, chromium, and selenium. A telltale sign of high quality is that the tea is in fact green. If your green tea looks brown rather than green, it’s likely been oxidized, which can damage or destroy many of its most valuable compounds.
To boost the benefits of green tea, add a squirt of lemon juice to your cup. Previous research has demonstrated that vitamin C significantly increases the amount of catechins available for your body to absorb. In fact, citrus juice increased available catechin levels by more than five times, causing 80 percent of tea's catechins to remain bioavailable!
Tea Can Be a Valuable Part of a Healthy Diet
If you enjoy green tea, by all means add a few cups to your day. Just be sure to drink your green tea “straight.” Adding sugar, milk, or other “embellishments” (one exception being some citrus juice), will counter many of the benefits of the tea. Again, green tea contains the most EGCG of all tea varieties, and other than water, I believe high-quality green tea is one of the most beneficial beverages you can consume.
Another excellent choice is Tulsi tea, which is also chockfull of antioxidants. The complex and unique chemistry of this aromatic herb also offers benefits that go over and beyond that of other teas. Tulsi tea contains hundreds of beneficial compounds known as phytochemicals—non-nutritive plant compounds that have protective and health promoting properties. Working together, these compounds possess potential antioxidant, adaptogenic, and immune-enhancing properties that can fight stress and help promote your general health in multiple ways, including:Green Tea and Sleep Apnea
- Bolstering your immune system
- Providing you with a calming effect and relief from occasional stress
- Promoting healthy metabolism
- Helping maintain optimal blood sugar levels
- Supporting normal cholesterol levels
Clinical Evidence
Obstructive sleep apnea is often associated with oxidative stress caused by free radicals and certain types of cognitive deficits due to hypoxemia -- or low blood oxygen levels. According to a study published in the November 1986 issue of "Chest," people who have obstructive sleep apnea with hypoxemia display deficits in cognitive skills such as attention, concentration, complex problem-solving and short-term memory recall. A study published in the May 2008 issue of the "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine" showed that administration of green tea polyphenols to laboratory rats subjected to oxygen depletion resulted in less oxidative stress and cognitive deficits. The results suggest that green tea may have similar applications to humans suffering from sleep apnea, although further clinical research is needed.
While green tea may provide certain benefits to people suffering from sleep apnea, it is not a cure for the condition. Do not attempt to self-diagnose or self-treat any symptoms if you suspect that you have either form of sleep apnea. Consult your doctor to discuss your concerns and obtain advice about possible treatments. Green tea may interact with a number of medications, so inform your doctor if you plan to use green tea or green tea supplements. Green Tea and Sleep Apnea
Two Groundbreaking New Treatments Can Practically Cure Sleep Apnea
How green tea could help you stay slim: Extract in the drink found to reduce amount of starch that is absorbed from food
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Electronic Cigarettes. The good, the bad, and the ... intriguing
Electronic Cigarettes Have Slight Impact on Heart: Study
Appear to be far less toxic than tobacco cigarettes, researcher says
Aug. 27, 2012 | 12:00 p.m. EDT + More
MONDAY, Aug. 27 (HealthDay News) -- Electronic cigarettes appear to be far less harmful than tobacco cigarettes and don't seem to damage the heart, a new, small study suggests.
In recent years, electronic cigarettes -- which simulate the effect of smoking by producing an inhaled vapor -- have been marketed as a safer alternative to regular cigarettes.
Smoking is the most preventable risk factor for heart disease, which is the main cause of illness and death in smokers. Coronary artery disease alone accounts for 40 percent of smokers' deaths, according to the study authors.
For the new study, researchers examined heart function in 20 daily smokers, aged 25 to 45, before and after smoking one tobacco cigarette, and in 22 daily electronic cigarette smokers of similar age before and after they used the device for seven minutes.
Smoking one tobacco cigarette resulted in a significant increase in blood pressure and heart rate, but electronic cigarettes had only a minimal effect on heart function. This indicates that even though electronic cigarettes do contain nicotine, it is absorbed at a lower rate compared to tobacco cigarettes, the researchers said.
The study was presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress, which concludes Wednesday in Munich, Germany.
"It is too early to say whether the electronic cigarette is a revolution in tobacco harm reduction but the potential is there. It is the only available product that deals with both the chemical (nicotine delivery) and psychological (inhaling and exhaling 'smoke', holding it, etc.) addiction to smoking. Laboratory analyses indicate that it is significantly less toxic and our study has shown no significant defects in cardiac function after acute use," study author Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos said in a conference news release.
"More clinical studies need to be done before suggesting that this is a revolutionary product. However, considering the extreme hazards associated with cigarette smoking, currently available data suggest that electronic cigarettes are far less harmful and substituting tobacco with electronic cigarettes may be beneficial to health," added Farsalinos, who's with the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens, Greece.
The data and conclusions of research presented at medical meetings should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
More information
The U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has more about smoking and your heart.
Health Canada, Protect the Bees and Reject New Insecticide!
The bee population is currently on the decline throughout the world. This is a concern as 25% of the world's crops are dependent on bees. While there are several reasons for the decline in the bee population, insecticides are one of them.
Research has shown that neonicotinoids are found in the majority of dead bees, and only in a minority of alive bees. This shows that neonicotinoids negatively affect the bee population. However, Health Canada is still approving a new insecticide that is similar to neonicotinoids.
Tell Health Canada to protect the bees and reject this new insecticide!
Signature needed: Huge momentum to save the bees
37 Million Bees Found Dead In Ontario, Canada After Planting Large GMO Corn Field
Save Our Bees with Moby
Research has shown that neonicotinoids are found in the majority of dead bees, and only in a minority of alive bees. This shows that neonicotinoids negatively affect the bee population. However, Health Canada is still approving a new insecticide that is similar to neonicotinoids.
Tell Health Canada to protect the bees and reject this new insecticide!
Signature needed: Huge momentum to save the bees
37 Million Bees Found Dead In Ontario, Canada After Planting Large GMO Corn Field
Save Our Bees with Moby
Millions of Kids Are Vulnerable to a Chemical Disaster
In 2013, a West, Texas fertilizer plant exploded, killing 15 people and destroying three nearby schools. Having children's schools less than a mile from facilities storing large amounts of hazardous chemicals is dangerous — yet this is the case for nearly 10,000 schools.
Tell The EPA To Protect Children From Dangerous Chemical Facilities.
Tell The EPA To Protect Children From Dangerous Chemical Facilities.
New Study Links GMO Food To Leukemia
A groundbreaking new study published in the current issue of the Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases reveals the potential "leukemogenic" properties of the Bt toxin biopesticides engineered into the vast majority of GMO...
Monday, November 10, 2014
Three Interesting Women Against Vaccination
Editor's Note: I'm pro safe vaccination, meaning ingredients and scheduling load. I'm anti forced inoculation.
RFK, Jr: My meeting with Trump on vaccine commission
Related:#Trump’s new HHS department may BAN mandatory #vaccinations nationwide and restore health and religious #freedom.— HealthRanger (@HealthRanger) January 4, 2019
RFK, Jr: My meeting with Trump on vaccine commission
"We are a non-vaccinating family, but I make no claims about people’s individual decisions. We based ours on research and discussions with our pediatrician, and we’ve been happy with that decision, but obviously there’s a lot of controversy about it." ~ Mayim Hoya Bialik, PhD in Neuroscience
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Are Vaccines Safe ?
Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a highly educated medical doctor with specialities in internal medicine and nephrology talks about vaccines, diseases and health in an interview with Canal 2nd Opinion recorded in Ängelholm, Sweden in september 2014.
Dr. Humphries worked as a kidney specialist, when she saw a connection between vaccinations and kidney damage.
She started questioning whether vaccines are safe and after doing a lot of research, she wrote a book together with Roman Bystrianyk called Dissolving Illusions, Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History. A book that thoroghly investigates what really reduced the death rate from different diseases that we currently vaccinate against.
Are vaccines safe? Dr Humphries gives her answer to that question by letting you decide yourself. She gives you the side of the story that is often suppressed, but necessary if you want to make your own balanced decision, and also what reduced some deadly diseases like cholera and tuberculosis in parts of the world without any vaccines at all.
Dr. Suzanne points out that she would never tell people not to vaccinate. She wants the people to listen to both sides, the for and against, and then make a decision themselves. She says the pro vaccine people are often aggressive and don't want you to hear the other side and often don’t even understand the down side to vaccination themselves.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Are Vaccines Safe ?
Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a highly educated medical doctor with specialities in internal medicine and nephrology talks about vaccines, diseases and health in an interview with Canal 2nd Opinion recorded in Ängelholm, Sweden in september 2014.
Dr. Humphries worked as a kidney specialist, when she saw a connection between vaccinations and kidney damage.
She started questioning whether vaccines are safe and after doing a lot of research, she wrote a book together with Roman Bystrianyk called Dissolving Illusions, Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History. A book that thoroghly investigates what really reduced the death rate from different diseases that we currently vaccinate against.
Are vaccines safe? Dr Humphries gives her answer to that question by letting you decide yourself. She gives you the side of the story that is often suppressed, but necessary if you want to make your own balanced decision, and also what reduced some deadly diseases like cholera and tuberculosis in parts of the world without any vaccines at all.
Dr. Suzanne points out that she would never tell people not to vaccinate. She wants the people to listen to both sides, the for and against, and then make a decision themselves. She says the pro vaccine people are often aggressive and don't want you to hear the other side and often don’t even understand the down side to vaccination themselves.
Raggedy Ann is a character created by American writer Johnny Gruelle (1880–1938) in a series of books he wrote and illustrated for young children. Raggedy Ann is a rag doll with red yarn for hair and has a triangle nose. Johnny Gruelle received US Patent D47789 for his Raggedy Ann doll on September 7, 1915. The character was created in 1915 as a doll, and was introduced to the public in the 1918 book Raggedy Ann Stories. When a doll was marketed with the book, the concept had great success. A sequel, Raggedy Andy Stories (1920) introduced the character of her brother, Raggedy Andy, dressed in sailor suit and hat. Gruelle created Raggedy Ann for his daughter, Marcella, when she brought him an old hand-made rag doll and he drew a face on it. From his bookshelf, he pulled a book of poems by James Whitcomb Riley, and combined the names of two poems, "The Raggedy Man" and "Little Orphant Annie." He said, "Why don't we call her Raggedy Ann?"[1]
Marcella died at age 13, shortly after being vaccinated at school for smallpox without her parents' consent. Authorities blamed a heart defect, but her parents blamed the vaccination. Gruelle became an opponent of vaccination, and the Raggedy Ann doll was used as a symbol by the anti-vaccination movement.[2]
Raggedy Ann dolls were originally handmade. Later, PF Volland, a Gruelle book publisher, made the dolls. In 1935 Volland ceased operation and Ann and Andy were made under Gruelle's permission by Exposition Dolls, and without permission (during legal limbo) by MollyE's Dolls, resulting in Gruelle v (Mollye) Goldman.
Marcella died at age 13, shortly after being vaccinated at school for smallpox without her parents' consent. Authorities blamed a heart defect, but her parents blamed the vaccination. Gruelle became an opponent of vaccination, and the Raggedy Ann doll was used as a symbol by the anti-vaccination movement.[2]
Raggedy Ann dolls were originally handmade. Later, PF Volland, a Gruelle book publisher, made the dolls. In 1935 Volland ceased operation and Ann and Andy were made under Gruelle's permission by Exposition Dolls, and without permission (during legal limbo) by MollyE's Dolls, resulting in Gruelle v (Mollye) Goldman.
Wayne Rohde, investigative researcher & author of “The Vaccine Court,” joins Del to discuss how the flu shot fares in vaccine injury court. The flu shot has now passed over one billion dollars in pay outs in court for serious injuries, including paralysis.
The Evidence That Yes Indeed Autism Is Linked To Vaccines
Interesting Facts about Tetnus and the Vaccine
Dr. Wakefield Breaks Silence on Vaxxed
Herd Immunity: Three Reasons Why I Don’t Vaccinate My Children… And Why Vaccine Supporters Shouldn’t Care That I Use Vaccine Exemption Forms
To the Parent of the Immunocompromised Child Who Thinks My Kid is a Threat
Wayne Rohde, investigative researcher & author of “The Vaccine Court,” joins Del to discuss how the flu shot fares in vaccine injury court. The flu shot has now passed over one billion dollars in pay outs in court for serious injuries, including paralysis.
The Evidence That Yes Indeed Autism Is Linked To Vaccines
Interesting Facts about Tetnus and the Vaccine
Dr. Wakefield Breaks Silence on Vaxxed
Herd Immunity: Three Reasons Why I Don’t Vaccinate My Children… And Why Vaccine Supporters Shouldn’t Care That I Use Vaccine Exemption Forms
To the Parent of the Immunocompromised Child Who Thinks My Kid is a Threat
You Want To Vaccinate My Child? No Problem, Just Sign This Form
What They Aren't Telling You About The Flu Vaccines
Former Merck doctor says Gardasil vaccine is deadly - HOW to DETOX FROM GARDASIL
Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics
What They Aren't Telling You About The Flu Vaccines
Former Merck doctor says Gardasil vaccine is deadly - HOW to DETOX FROM GARDASIL
Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics
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