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Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Monsanto Isn’t Feeding the World—It’s Killing Our Children
“How could we have ever believed that it is a good idea to grow our food with poisons?” – Dr. Jane Goodall
Two new reports published in recent weeks add to the already large and convincing body of evidence, accumulated over more than half a century, that agricultural pesticides and other toxic chemicals are poisoning us.
Both reports issue scathing indictments of U.S. and global regulatory systems that collude with chemical companies to hide the truth from the public, while they fill their coffers with ill-gotten profits.
According to the World Health Organization, whose report focused on a range of environmental risks, the cost of a polluted environment adds up to the deaths of 1.7 million children every year.
A report by the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council, focused more narrowly on agricultural chemicals. The UN report states unequivocally that the storyline perpetuated by companies like Monsanto—the one that says we need pesticides to feed the world—is a myth. And a catastrophic one at that.
The fact that both these reports made headlines, in mainstream outlets like the Washington Post and the Guardian, is on one hand, good news. On the other, it’s a sad and discouraging commentary on our inability to control corporate greed.
Ever since Rachel Carson, in her book “Silent Spring,” so eloquently outlined the insanity of poisoning our environment, rational thinkers have warned that at the least, we ought to follow the precautionary principle when it comes to allowing the widespread use of poisons to be unleashed into the environment.
And yet, here we are, in 2017, facing the prospect, in what is unfolding as the most corporate-friendly administration in history, of dismantling what little remains of the government’s ability to stop the rampant poisoning of our soils, food, water and air—the very resources upon which all life depends.
In his book, “Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and the EPA,” published in 2014, E. G. Vallianatos, who worked for the EPA for 25 years, wrote:
‘UN experts denounce ‘myth’ pesticides are necessary to feed the world’
The headline in the Guardian’s story on the report delivered this week to the UN Human Rights Council said it all.
From the Guardian:
[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, March 21st, 2017.]
Two new reports published in recent weeks add to the already large and convincing body of evidence, accumulated over more than half a century, that agricultural pesticides and other toxic chemicals are poisoning us.
Both reports issue scathing indictments of U.S. and global regulatory systems that collude with chemical companies to hide the truth from the public, while they fill their coffers with ill-gotten profits.
According to the World Health Organization, whose report focused on a range of environmental risks, the cost of a polluted environment adds up to the deaths of 1.7 million children every year.
A report by the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council, focused more narrowly on agricultural chemicals. The UN report states unequivocally that the storyline perpetuated by companies like Monsanto—the one that says we need pesticides to feed the world—is a myth. And a catastrophic one at that.
The fact that both these reports made headlines, in mainstream outlets like the Washington Post and the Guardian, is on one hand, good news. On the other, it’s a sad and discouraging commentary on our inability to control corporate greed.
Ever since Rachel Carson, in her book “Silent Spring,” so eloquently outlined the insanity of poisoning our environment, rational thinkers have warned that at the least, we ought to follow the precautionary principle when it comes to allowing the widespread use of poisons to be unleashed into the environment.
And yet, here we are, in 2017, facing the prospect, in what is unfolding as the most corporate-friendly administration in history, of dismantling what little remains of the government’s ability to stop the rampant poisoning of our soils, food, water and air—the very resources upon which all life depends.
In his book, “Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and the EPA,” published in 2014, E. G. Vallianatos, who worked for the EPA for 25 years, wrote:
“It is simply not possible to understand why the EPA behaves the way it does without appreciating the enormous power of American’s industrial farmers and their allies in the chemical pesticide industries, which currently do about $40 billion per in year business. For decades, industry lobbyists have preached the gospel of unregulated capitalism, and Americans have bought it. Today, it seems the entire government is at the service of the private interests of America’s corporate class.”That was three years ago. And yet, as public opinion shifts toward condemnation of the widespread use of toxic chemicals on our food, here in the U.S., government officials entrusted with public health and safety appear more determined than ever to uphold the “rights” of corporations to poison everything in sight—including our children.
‘UN experts denounce ‘myth’ pesticides are necessary to feed the world’
The headline in the Guardian’s story on the report delivered this week to the UN Human Rights Council said it all.
From the Guardian:
A new report, being presented to the UN human rights council on Wednesday, is severely critical of the global corporations that manufacture pesticides, accusing them of the “systematic denial of harms”, “aggressive, unethical marketing tactics” and heavy lobbying of governments which has “obstructed reforms and paralysed global pesticide restrictions.”The UN report was authored by Hilal Elver, special rapporteur on the right to food, and Baskut Tuncak, special rapporteur on toxics.
The report says pesticides have “catastrophic impacts on the environment, human health and society as a whole”, including an estimated 200,000 deaths a year from acute poisoning. Its authors said: “It is time to create a global process to transition toward safer and healthier food and agricultural production.”
[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, March 21st, 2017.]
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Trump’s EPA Sending $100 Million to Michigan for Flint Water Relief
Posted Friday, March 17th 2017 @ 12pm by Staff
The Environmental Protection Agency has awarded $100 million to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to help them recover from the water crisis plaguing the region, reports MLive.
The funds are part of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, which was approved in 2016. The money was officially awarded on Friday, and will help the city accelerate programs to replace service lines that have leached lead in to the city’s water supply.
"The people of Flint and all Americans deserve a more responsive federal government," said EPA head Scott Pruitt. "EPA will especially focus on helping Michigan improve Flint's water infrastructure as part of our larger goal of improving America's water infrastructure."
Flint Mayor Karen Weaver said she was ‘excited and very grateful’ to receive the aid from the federal government.
"The city of Flint being awarded a grant of this magnitude in such a critical time of need will be a huge benefit," said Weaver. "As we prepare to start the next phase of the ... pipe replacement program, these funds will give us what we need to reach our goal of replacing 6,000 pipes this year and make other needed infrastructure improvements. We look forward to the continued support of the EPA and federal government."
The new funding is a supplement to the EPA’s State Revolving Fund (SRF), which supplies over $30 billion to states in need of infrastructure repair.
"Under President Trump's budget blueprint, SRF remains fully funded, and the proposal provides robust funding for the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act program to finance critical drinking and wastewater infrastructure," the EPA said in a statement.
"Under President Trump's budget blueprint, SRF remains fully funded, and the proposal provides robust funding for the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act program to finance critical drinking and wastewater infrastructure," the EPA said in a statement.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Fake News with a Real Point: Nurses Supporting Fast Food Workers Wage Increase to $15/Hour, 93% of Nurses to Benefit
By Doktor Schnabel - May 8, 2015
SILVER SPRING, MD – The American Nurses Association (ANA) made a shocking announcement today: Over 93% of Nurses would benefit from a new proposal to increase the minimum wage of fast food employees to $15/hour, if they can convince legislators be included in this leading group.

“We believe that enough evidence now exists to push legislation forward for nurses to be included in this group,” vowed ANA president, Pam Cipriano. “These days there are lots of similarities between fast food employees and nurses. Both serve and prepare food. Both work early in the morning and late at night. Both cater to hungry patrons. Both take orders, refill drinks, and clean tables. Nurses should be compensated just as much as our fast food employees.”
“Nursing school is nothing compared to McDonald’s Burger School,” stated RN Robert Wakers, with emphasis on RN standing for Refreshments and Narcotics. “Those guys work their butts off and the amount of studying to pass their Fry exam makes our tests look like amateur hour. But, I’m really hoping we can get legislators to lump us into their group.”
“This would really help me pay off my student loans if I could start making at least $15 an hour,” voiced Kelly Witherpoon, a recent nursing graduate. “I hope to break even in about 8 years.”
With hospital administrators now outnumbering nurses and doctors combined, many administrators are worried about potential salary increases to $15 an hour. “We aren’t sure our current health care model is sustainable if we had to raise our compensation to nurses,” said Mike Drookers, a hospital administrator making over $300,000 a year. “If this law passes, we may be forced to lay off more nurses, which may tip the scales on our currently ideal nurse-to-patient ratios.”
Many medical and surgical residents are also looking to jump on the bandwagon too, since they come no where close to $15 an hour! nurses-wage-increase/
GomerBlog is the Earth's leading medical news site with many calling us "The Onion" for Healthcare Professionals. Our job is to make you laugh so that you can take ...
SILVER SPRING, MD – The American Nurses Association (ANA) made a shocking announcement today: Over 93% of Nurses would benefit from a new proposal to increase the minimum wage of fast food employees to $15/hour, if they can convince legislators be included in this leading group.
“We believe that enough evidence now exists to push legislation forward for nurses to be included in this group,” vowed ANA president, Pam Cipriano. “These days there are lots of similarities between fast food employees and nurses. Both serve and prepare food. Both work early in the morning and late at night. Both cater to hungry patrons. Both take orders, refill drinks, and clean tables. Nurses should be compensated just as much as our fast food employees.”
“This would really help me pay off my student loans if I could start making at least $15 an hour,” voiced Kelly Witherpoon, a recent nursing graduate. “I hope to break even in about 8 years.”
With hospital administrators now outnumbering nurses and doctors combined, many administrators are worried about potential salary increases to $15 an hour. “We aren’t sure our current health care model is sustainable if we had to raise our compensation to nurses,” said Mike Drookers, a hospital administrator making over $300,000 a year. “If this law passes, we may be forced to lay off more nurses, which may tip the scales on our currently ideal nurse-to-patient ratios.”
Hopefully legislatures will recognize that nurses possess skills similar to fast food employees and they should be treated with equal respect or at least include them in the minimum raise hike.
Many medical and surgical residents are also looking to jump on the bandwagon too, since they come no where close to $15 an hour!
GomerBlog is the Earth's leading medical news site with many calling us "The Onion" for Healthcare Professionals. Our job is to make you laugh so that you can take ...
Friday, March 17, 2017
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Are #Nevertrump Lawmakers Working To Sabotage Obamacare Repeal So Trump Can’t Take Credit?
As I listen to the back-and-forth between GOP leaders and congressional conservatives over whether the recently-proposed American Health Care Act – touted as Phase One of a three-phase Obamacare repeal-and-replace effort – I’m left wondering if what is being offered thus far is just a starting point or an outright effort to thwart President Donald J. Trump and deny him success in achieving a major campaign pledge.
Because truth be told, something stinks about all of this. Repeal-and-replace legislation shouldn’t be that complicated. It shouldn’t be this controversial. It should be a slam-dunk, given Republican majorities in both chambers of Congress. Getting repeal-and-replace signed by a Republican president who ran on repeal-and-replace is a no-brainer.
— No Republican voted for Obamacare: When the Affordable Care Act was signed into law in March 2010, it passed both chambers of Congress without a single Republican vote. The GOP, outnumbered and despondent after the 2008 election losses, couldn’t manage much tactically, but the part was able to unify against a bill that dramatically expanded Medicaid, grew the government and gave Washington nearly universal control over all healthcare in America.
Yet many of those Republicans now are finicky about a repeal measure that winds down the Medicaid expansion and begins the process of returning healthcare to the private sector? Why? (RELATED: New CBO analysis of GOP healthcare bill predicts 14 million fewer Americans covered, but Obamacare didn’t cover everyone, either.)
— What happened to the last repeal? For six years an increasingly larger Republican congressional majority tried to repeal Obamacare, and finally, in January 2016, after 60 votes, the GOP was able to send President Obama a bill that would repeal his signature law and defund Planned Parenthood.
As expected, Obama vetoed it, and there weren’t enough Republicans in the House to override the veto, so the bill went nowhere.
What happened to that bill? And why isn’t that bill – which all Republicans voted for – being offered again? It’s already gone through committees; it’s even got the distinction of being the first Obamacare repeal measure to pass. So where is it, and why isn’t that legislation being offered again for a vote?
— Is the process really that difficult? Some GOP leaders now insist the process is too complicated to fully “repeal Obamacare.” They say repealing and replacing Obamacare has to be done piecemeal, through the budget reconciliation process in the Senate, which only requires a bare majority to pass legislation instead of the 60 votes needed to end filibusters.
Fine. But again, why not send through the same piece of legislation GOP lawmakers sent to Obama in 2016? Why do we have to send something entirely different?
At the time, newly installed House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., told reporters that the measure sent to the former president was passed via budget reconciliation, which can only be used once per year.
— What is different between then and now? What’s the difference between the legislation sent to Obama versus what is being debated and offered (and opposed universally by conservative lawmakers and organizations) now?
That’s a great question – and one for the Speaker. During his January 2016 presser, he said: “The idea that Obamacare is the law of the land for good is a myth. This law will collapse under its own weight, or it will be repealed. Because all those rules and procedures Senate Democrats have used to block us from doing this? That’s all history. We have now shown that there is a clear path to repealing Obamacare without 60 votes in the Senate. So, next year, if we’re sending this bill to a Republican president, it will get signed into law.” (RELATED: HYPOCRISY: Nancy Pelosi Now Says Americans Have A Right To Know What’s In Obamacare Repeal BEFORE It Passes.)
Well, it’s next year. And there’s a Republican president. What’s the hold-up?
In using budget reconciliation, the GOP majority can’t completely repeal Obamacare, per se, but they can repeal any part of the law that directly impacts federal spending (like the Medicaid expansion, which provides recipients with taxpayer-supported subsidies). But the bill being offered allows Obamacare exchanges (which are collapsing) to remain in effect and continue enrolling new people through 2020. Plus, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that insurance premiums would rise initially, then decline only moderately – and that’s one of Americans’ biggest concerns, the crazy cost of premiums (for lousy coverage) under the current law.
So what gives? Are #nevertrump Republican leaders trying to sabotage the president by denying him victory over a key campaign pledge – Obamcare repeal and replace?
Follow new developments of this story at
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Obamacare’s “Death Spiral” Spreading From Insurance Companies To Medicaid As Collapse Is Imminent
When former President Barack Obama and Democrats got together to scheme ways to prevent the Affordable Care Act from being repealed at some point in the future – because they knew it was never meant to be sustainable – they wrote certain provisions into the law to make it nearly impossible, politically, to repeal.
And now, six years later, when Republicans finally have a shot at repealing and replacing Obamacare, those provisions are working exactly as planned.
The most formidable of those defenses was Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid. Once envisioned as primarily a medical coverage plan for the poorest Americans, Obamacare dramatically expanded the program to cover far more Americans. As of today, 31 states and the District of Columbia voted to expand Medicaid to cover more of their citizens, and while Democrats and Obama claimed that was the “compassionate” thing to do, the expansion is costing hundreds of billions more dollars per year and, frankly, is unsustainable. (RELATED: Trump Said To Be Open To Negotiating “Obamacare 2.0” Bill Critics Say Will Ruin GOP If It Passes.)
That’s a big deal because now so many states have expanded the program it is making a number of Republicans queasy about repealing Obamacare – just like the expansion was supposed to do.
“We cannot turn our backs on the most vulnerable,” Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican who expanded Medicaid, told CNN last month. “We can give them the coverage, reform the program, save some money, and make sure that we live in a country where people are going to say, ‘At least somebody’s looking out for me.’”
“It’s not a giveaway program,” Kasich said. “It’s one that addresses the basic needs of the people in our country.”
First of all, it is a “giveaway program,” and Kasich – a former member of Congress – knows it. It’s welfare, and by its very nature, it’s a benefit that the government gives to people, after it is paid forby other people. Secondly, John, who’s looking out for the taxpayers who are now on the hook for the billions more in costs each year thanks to the expansion?
And on that note, has the Medicaid expansion been such a rousing success that it’s now become a permanent entitlement, politically untouchable? Not according to an analysis from The Daily Signal, a news service published by the conservative Heritage Foundation.
Experts who spoke to the news site said the expansion has played a heavy new financial burden on states (and federal taxpayers) that were lured into doing so by the promise of complete funding of any expansion for the first few years. But after those years passed, states that expanded Medicaid would have to begin kicking in more and more of the funding on their own, which is primarily why the 19 states that don’t have expansion decided against it.
“We see this as a moral issue, because what states have done is create this new category within the Medicaid program, which is a program that was originally intended to serve [the] aged, the blind, the disabled, low-income families, pregnant women — [those] we think about as the truly needy and truly vulnerable,” Nic Horton, a senior research fellow at the Foundation for Government Accountability, told The Daily Signal. “Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion changed that in states that accepted it.”
In a November report, Horton’s organization found that Medicaid expansion enrollment was blowing through projections, meaning more people than expected are signing up – and many of them are not healthy.
Horton said according to the report, about twice as many able-bodied adults have signed up than anticipated, doubling the cost of the expansion overall.
What’s worse, in many states funds and resources that were earmarked previously for the disabled and needy are now being diverted to pay for the Medicaid expansion…of largely able-bodied adults.
“Every penny that’s spent on this new group of able-bodied adults, that’s a penny that can’t go to the traditional Medicaid program,” Horton noted. (RELATED: Obamacare REPEAL? It’s more like health care system COLLAPSE!)
These costs are not going to go down, by the way; Kasich is dreaming when he says this program can be “reformed.” Also, the only way for costs to go down is to cut payments to hospitals and healthcare providers, which Medicaid already does, to the fiscal detriment of providers (many of whom are no longer accepting Medicaid patients because the payment schemes are so low).
No, the only true “reform” option here is to kill the Obamacare beast outright and return to the states the authority and flexibility to decide what kind of options they want to offer their own citizens. Obamacare proved once and for all that top-down mandated “care” and “coverage” from Washington, D.C., is an expensive disaster that has failed in every way to live up to its promises.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Demand FULL Repeal of ObamaCare Now
Republicans have promised to repeal ObamaCare for years. Instead of repealing and replacing ObamaCare with a bold conservative plan, these weak kneed Republicans have opted for RINOcare. This is unacceptable.
Paul Ryan’s watered down ObamaCare plan just isn’t going to work. That’s why we’ve got to force these spineless politicians to support Senator Rand Paul and Rep. Mark Sanford’s ObamaCare repeal bill, HR 1072 and S 222.
Help them get it passed by contacting your Members of Congress right now. Tell them to oppose RyanCare. Tell them to support the ObamaCare Replacement Act (HR 1072 & S 222)today.
Trump Said To Be Open To Negotiating “Obamacare 2.0” Bill Critics Say Will Ruin GOP If It Passes
After making promises for six years to repeal and replace the disastrous Obamacare law that is ruining U.S. healthcare, are Republicans getting ready to blow it?
GOP leaders like House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin say no; critics, like Sen. Rand Paul, himself a physician, say yes.
But what does the president of the United States – who will have to sign off on any new measure – say? Only that he’s willing to negotiate with all parties to come up with a final version that a) is acceptable to as many lawmakers as possible; and b) does not saddle the GOP with passage of something that, if not worse than Obamacare certainly is no better.
“I’ve always been for repeal and replace at the same time, but not necessarily in the same bill,” Paul told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM satellite radio Friday. “The reason why I think you need ‘replace’ is we need to offer hope, and we need to offer an insurance product that is inexpensive, and something that will fix the marketplace so everybody can get access to health insurance.” (RELATED: Sen. Paul Says House GOP Leaders “Pulling Wool Over Trump’s Eyes” On Obamacare Repeal Bill.)
He went on to say that President Trump told him he was willing to talk about what ought to be in a final repeal-and-replace measure, which should give hope to the tens of millions of Americans currently saddled with the Obamacare disaster and who voted for the GOP and Trump to fix it.
The plan – known as The American Health Care Act – has been touted by Ryan as the first-and-last best chance to repeal Obamacare that the GOP has had since it took effect. But while Paul says there are elements within the the AHCA that conservatives can agree on, it also retains too much of what is bad about Obamacare.
“Some of those things we actually agree with Paul Ryan on. The problem is Paul Ryan has a lot of Obamacare Lite stuff that he wants to keep in there,” Paul said. “He wants to keep the Obamacare subsidies. He calls them tax credits, refundable tax credits. He wants to keep the Obamacare taxes, all of the taxes, for a year – and then he wants to keep the Cadillac tax, the tax on good insurance, forever.”
Ryan, for his part, says the House had to adhere to strict rules during what he described as a three-phase approach to repealing Obamacare, in order to avoid having the entire measure filibustered in the Senate. “This is the closest we will ever get to repealing and replacing Obamacare,” he said, as reported by the Washington Times. “It really comes down to a binary choice.”
But conservatives aren’t convinced. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., says the bill the House has come up with has no chance in the Senate, so members should go back to the drawing board. “To my friends in the House: pause, start over. Get it right, don’t get it fast,” he tweeted.
Clearly, then, negotiations are in order.
“I talked to [President Trump] again last night. He said he’s open to negotiation, but I reiterated to him that Paul Ryan went on TV for 45 minutes yesterday with a press conference, and he said, ‘The response to this, the choices are binary.’ Well, binary means there are two choices: either we take it or leave it. Either we take Obamacare Lite or we get nothing. That isn’t sitting well with conservatives, and I promise you, the more we hear Paul Ryan say, ‘Take it or leave it,’ the less we’re willing to take it,” Paul said.
Joel Pollack, editor of Breitbart News, seems to think what will eventually play out is quintessential Trump:
The rollout has been less than stunning. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) made a valiant effort, and the White House is backing him. Yet conservatives in both the House and Senate rejected the bill, Democrats want nothing to do with it, and it looks doomed to fail — if it even comes to a vote.
On the surface, this is a big potential failure for the young Trump presidency. But with the Trump White House, as with the campaign, there is always a certain amount of chaos that is deliberate (though Trump, quite deliberately, never indicates how much).
Pollack notes that in his book, “Art of the Deal” – which he advises Democrats, especially, to study – Trump lives by the negotiating principle, “Protect the downside and the upside will take care of itself.” (RELATED: Keep up with all the latest news at
The “upside” is a bill that alleviates the worst parts of Obamacare and makes coverage cheaper and easier for most Americans; the downside is failure, of course – no bill at all or one that “creates new headaches” for the electorate.
As Obamacare 2.0 (or RyanCare as its being called) falters, then GOP leaders will turn to the president to offer a new, better plan. And he will, because he’ll accomplish what Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama refused even to attempt – to bring all interested parties aboard: Lawmakers, doctors, insurance companies, and the like.
“Do not be fooled by the bill’s early troubles. Another principle in Art of the Deal is: ‘Deliver the Goods.’ Watch,” Pollack writes.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Natural Treatments For Psoriasis & Autoimmune Diseases Like Psoriatic Arthritis and Lupus
Treating Lupus Naturally
Understanding Autoimmunity and the Mind/Body Connection With Body Belief Author Aimee Raupp:
5 Mushrooms Reserve Blend - Lions Mane, Cordyceps, Reishi, Chaga, Turkey Tail Mushroom:
Psoriasis is cause by Candida Albicans. It is a naturally occurring yeast in your gut. Because of very acidic diets (A human body functions best when it has a 80% alkaline to 20% acidity ratio within itself) you destroy your stomach's inner lining of mucus and beneficial bacteria. The Candida thus finds its way into your blood stream and deposits spores where it can. In my case it was the scalp and ears as they have tons of blood vessels. I only came across this because someone told me I might have a yeast infection and that psoriasis is not your cells reproducing faster in certain areas, but it's just the skin's normal reaction to inflame because of a fungus growing within the layers. I was told to take a see through glass of water and spit in it. Leave it for about half an hour and then check for strands of saliva sinking towards the bottom of the glass (U can do this at home too). I checked and sure enough I was able to see with my own eyes the strands going down from my saliva. This proved that I had Candida spores in my body. Then I saw this picture:
I now eat a lot of garlic, I avoid bread and sugar at all costs, I eat coconut butter daily and I basically am trying to reduce my body's acidity, bring the ratio back to normal and eat a mostly raw vegan diet with kefir and sauerkraut to increase beneficial bacteria growth so they can build the inner lining back up. The Candida is starved and will eventually die off, the way acne dies off with proper diet. Doctors lied to me telling me I had Wolverine shit disease that my skin was regenerating faster. I always did my own research and found out the truth. You owe it to yourself to do the Candida test and see if you can fix this starting with today. What I could have stopped in 9 months took me 9 painful years and spending a shit tone of money on cremes and other stuff that never cured, just make it go away for a while. Like when I went to the seaside it went away. Cause that is what fungus does when exposed to salt water and direct sunlight. It disappears and my skin was always better in the summer. The fire was still raging inside of me though cause it is in your gut. I saw that most psoriasis medication was mostly anti-fungal so then I made the final connection. Check the candida diet on google totally free. Check foods to avoid, foods to eat and strap in cause you might get flare ups, as I have had. But eventually you will starve it off your skin.
Ashwagandha: Anti-Cancer, Neuronal Regeneration, Stem Cell Production - Second HIV patient appears cured after stem cell transplant: Report
Understanding Autoimmunity and the Mind/Body Connection With Body Belief Author Aimee Raupp:
5 Mushrooms Reserve Blend - Lions Mane, Cordyceps, Reishi, Chaga, Turkey Tail Mushroom:
Great Info...
Colloidal Silver Beats Psoriasis
Using your computer as a rife machine:
Colloidal Silver Beats Psoriasis
According to WebMD, “Psoriasis is one of the most baffling and persistent of skin disorders. It's characterized by skin cells that multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. As underlying cells reach the skin's surface and die, their sheer volume causes raised, red plaques covered with white scales.”
WebMD goes on to say, “Psoriasis typically occurs on the knees, elbows, and scalp and it can also affect the torso, palms, and soles of the feet... While there are medications and other therapies that can help to clear up the patches of red, scaly, thickened skin that are the hallmark of psoriasis, there is no cure.”
Unfortunately, according to people suffering from psoriasis, oftentimes the medications prescribed for this condition simply don’t work or cause unwanted side effects. Fortunately, many psoriasis victims say safe, natural colloidal silver – long known for its ability to stimulate healing of skin – provides them with phenomenal relief and healing. Here’s the story no one else is telling...
Mainstream Medical Science Will Be Forced to Admit Royal Rife Was Right
Using your computer as a rife machine:
R.I.F.E. instruments. (Resonant Initiated Field Effects) - This term was created by Dr. James Bare D.C. who pioneers research in biology and warm fusion plasma instruments using frequency therapy. More Info...
More Info on Sound Therapy ---> Healing Solfeggio Frequencies
Devices that supposedly heal with sound incorporate light...
More Info on Sound Therapy ---> Healing Solfeggio Frequencies
Devices that supposedly heal with sound incorporate light...
Smiling Bomb8 months ago
Ashwagandha: Anti-Cancer, Neuronal Regeneration, Stem Cell Production - Second HIV patient appears cured after stem cell transplant: Report
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