Gail Seals
Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics
Three Interesting Women Against Vaccination - Make Sure to View Related Links at the Bottom of the page
Proof of a JFK Assassination Plot Without Debating a Magic Bullet
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Thursday, April 30, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Anti-Aging Research
Conflict April
Published on Apr 26, 2015
Host Richard Syrett welcomed crop circle investigator Patty Greer for a discussion on the latest developments in crop formation research and how she thinks the phenomenon may change the course of human history forever.
In the first hour of the program, David Kekich, President of the Maximum Life Foundation, talked about his work with longevity, life extension, and anti-aging research and why he believes that we all will be living much longer lives.
Debunking Crop Circle Debunkers
Published on Apr 26, 2015
Host Richard Syrett welcomed crop circle investigator Patty Greer for a discussion on the latest developments in crop formation research and how she thinks the phenomenon may change the course of human history forever.
In the first hour of the program, David Kekich, President of the Maximum Life Foundation, talked about his work with longevity, life extension, and anti-aging research and why he believes that we all will be living much longer lives.
Debunking Crop Circle Debunkers
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Tell the U.S. Forest Service: Stop Nestlé’s illegal water extraction
Tell the U.S. Forest Service:
“Immediately halt Nestlé's illegal water withdrawals and stop allowing corporate water profiteering in drought-stricken areas."
Add your name:
This is unbelievable. An investigation by the Desert Sun newspaper has revealed that the Nestlé corporation has been illegally pumping water out of a Southern California national forest for its bottled water with a permit that expired 27 years ago.1
That means for 27 years, Nestlé – the largest bottled water producer in the world – has been profiting by illegally extracting water in one of the most drought-stricken areas in the country, while the U.S. Forest Service – who issues and oversees these permits – has been totally asleep at the switch.
The Forest Service must immediately halt Nestlé’s water withdrawals and stop allowing corporate profiteering in the middle of California’s drought.
Tell the U.S. Forest Service: Stop Nestlé’s illegal water extraction. Click here to sign the petition.
As the world’s leading bottled water producer, and owner of the Perrier and San Pellegrino brands, Nestlé already has a dismal track record on water conservation and human rights. In 2013, Nestlé was forced to back down after fighting a decision in Ontario, Canada, that would limit its water extraction in times of severe drought. That same year, Nestlé’s CEO famously challenged the human right to water.2
No wonder Nestlé has continued to transport water out of the San Bernardino National Forest despite the fact that its permit expired in 1988.
We don’t know how much water Nestlé has been extracting for private profit because in 2009 the company stopped submitting annual reports to local water districts about the groundwater it extracted for its bottled water.3 And furthermore, no agency currently monitors the amount of water Nestlé has been illegally extracting from the San Bernardino National Forest, or its environmental impact.
What we do know is that Nestlé is profiting handsomely by extracting water from public lands. In Sacramento, for example, Nestlé pays the same rates for water as average residential users, and then turns around and sells this water for literally thousands of times more than it pays.4
During a time of increasing drought, this lack of oversight and blatant profiteering at the expense of the public interest is simply inexcusable. Tell the U.S. Forest Service it must immediately stop giving Nestlé a free pass to take our water.
Tell the U.S. Forest Service: Stop Nestlé’s illegal water extraction. Click here to sign the petition.
Thank you for your activism.
Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
Add your name:
Nestlé's water privatization push
“Immediately halt Nestlé's illegal water withdrawals and stop allowing corporate water profiteering in drought-stricken areas."
Add your name:
That means for 27 years, Nestlé – the largest bottled water producer in the world – has been profiting by illegally extracting water in one of the most drought-stricken areas in the country, while the U.S. Forest Service – who issues and oversees these permits – has been totally asleep at the switch.
The Forest Service must immediately halt Nestlé’s water withdrawals and stop allowing corporate profiteering in the middle of California’s drought.
Tell the U.S. Forest Service: Stop Nestlé’s illegal water extraction. Click here to sign the petition.
As the world’s leading bottled water producer, and owner of the Perrier and San Pellegrino brands, Nestlé already has a dismal track record on water conservation and human rights. In 2013, Nestlé was forced to back down after fighting a decision in Ontario, Canada, that would limit its water extraction in times of severe drought. That same year, Nestlé’s CEO famously challenged the human right to water.2
No wonder Nestlé has continued to transport water out of the San Bernardino National Forest despite the fact that its permit expired in 1988.
We don’t know how much water Nestlé has been extracting for private profit because in 2009 the company stopped submitting annual reports to local water districts about the groundwater it extracted for its bottled water.3 And furthermore, no agency currently monitors the amount of water Nestlé has been illegally extracting from the San Bernardino National Forest, or its environmental impact.
What we do know is that Nestlé is profiting handsomely by extracting water from public lands. In Sacramento, for example, Nestlé pays the same rates for water as average residential users, and then turns around and sells this water for literally thousands of times more than it pays.4
During a time of increasing drought, this lack of oversight and blatant profiteering at the expense of the public interest is simply inexcusable. Tell the U.S. Forest Service it must immediately stop giving Nestlé a free pass to take our water.
Tell the U.S. Forest Service: Stop Nestlé’s illegal water extraction. Click here to sign the petition.
Thank you for your activism.
Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
Add your name:
- "Bottling Water Without Scrutiny," The Desert Sun, March 8, 2015.
- "Organizations Denounce Nestlé’s New Human Rights Impact Assessment as a Public Relations Stunt," Food & Water Watch, December 19, 2013.
- "Little oversight as Nestlé taps Morongo reservation water," The Desert Sun, July 12, 2014.
- "Nestlé Continues Stealing Water During Drought," MintPress News, March 20, 2015
Nestlé's water privatization push
Friday, April 24, 2015
Australia Silently Stopped Testing of Food Imports
The north Pacific Ocean is already contaminated by large amounts of toxins and pollution from dumping into the sea by China, a world leader in pollution, and formerly by the United States during decades of unrestricted development with minimal environmental safeguards.
However the largest nuclear disaster in history, Japan's Fukushima
nuclear plants melt-downs have added significantly to the nuclear
contamination of the Pacific and affected not only fish and other food
from Japan but also USA, China, Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia,
Thailand and parts of Malaysia and Indonesia.
Less than one year after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March
2011, by its own admission, the Australian Government's Ministry of
Agriculture all Caesium134 (134Cs), Caesium137 (137Cs) and Iodine131 (131I). Iodine131 (131I) testing ceased in early 2012
based on advice from the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear
Safety Agency (ARPANSA) and Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Apparently in the interests of big business rather than the
Australian public the government stopped all testing for nuclear
contamination doing so on the advise of ARPANSA and FSANZ. Meanwhile the
maximum safe levels for contamination were increased silently and
without any media fanfare twenty fold in 2012.
FSANZ also reported that Australia's Department of Agriculture ceased all testing of food from Japan. Correct, the official website itself declares that the Department of Agriculture decided on 23 January 2014 to not only stop testing for nuclear contamination, but to stop testing of any kind on food imports from Japan.
Tuna and sardines even from Thailand, far from Japan, canned many
years ago and still available for sale with an expiry date later this
year have been tested by independent persons with suitable equipment and
found to have high levels of radiation:
“With these sardines coming from Thailand and not from Japan, I
would say the whole Asian region is feeling the effects of the Fukushima
melt-downs, so it's not just Japan that the food is being contaminated
from but the whole Asian area. With Japan using (a million) gallons of
water daily to cool the melt-downs this water is going right into the
sea into the (Pacific) Ocean”. the health authorities have done in Australia (and elsewhere on the planet) is criminal, and will be genocidal when people start succumbing the effects of low level radiation poisoning.
[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, April 24th, 2015.]
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Our Minds Have Reality-Shaping Powers
Conflict April
Coast To Coast AM - April 20, 2015 UFO Bases & Secret Government
In the first half, editor in chief of Tarcher/Penguin Books, and well-known voice of occult and esoteric ideas, Mitch Horowitz, discussed the core discovery of the 21st century: how thought controls reality. He reported on the new wave of studies in the placebo effect, neuroplasticity, and psychical research that is confirming what mystics have known for centuries: our minds have reality-shaping powers, and what we think plays a major part in what happens to us. One interesting study showed that if you put elderly people in an environment that evoked their youth and reminded them of an earlier time, they actually showed measurable improvements in such things as their health, muscle tone, weight, and blood pressure, he reported.
In the science of neuroplasticity, brain scans are demonstrating that "if you can deliberately and continually redirect your thoughts on certain patterns, it will actually alter the physical makeup of your brain, and alter the neural pathways," he continued. The hypnopompic state (immediately following sleep) is a great time to employ a visualization, affirmation, or prayer, as the mind is particularly impressionable then, Horowitz revealed. He also talked about "scientific prayer" which involves praying for ideas and virtues rather than material possessions, and summoning the emotions to reach a fuller and greater life, such as espoused in some of the great religious traditions.
Coast To Coast AM - April 20, 2015 UFO Bases & Secret Government
In the first half, editor in chief of Tarcher/Penguin Books, and well-known voice of occult and esoteric ideas, Mitch Horowitz, discussed the core discovery of the 21st century: how thought controls reality. He reported on the new wave of studies in the placebo effect, neuroplasticity, and psychical research that is confirming what mystics have known for centuries: our minds have reality-shaping powers, and what we think plays a major part in what happens to us. One interesting study showed that if you put elderly people in an environment that evoked their youth and reminded them of an earlier time, they actually showed measurable improvements in such things as their health, muscle tone, weight, and blood pressure, he reported.
In the science of neuroplasticity, brain scans are demonstrating that "if you can deliberately and continually redirect your thoughts on certain patterns, it will actually alter the physical makeup of your brain, and alter the neural pathways," he continued. The hypnopompic state (immediately following sleep) is a great time to employ a visualization, affirmation, or prayer, as the mind is particularly impressionable then, Horowitz revealed. He also talked about "scientific prayer" which involves praying for ideas and virtues rather than material possessions, and summoning the emotions to reach a fuller and greater life, such as espoused in some of the great religious traditions.
Comcast, the largest and most hated cable company in the U.S., is about to take over Time Warner in a monster merger that would hand the communications giant an unprecedented monopoly over our internet and cable access.
Rumors are swirling that Comcast might give up on this deal any day because of public backlash, so now is the perfect time for us to all pile on and kill this merger once and for all!
If Comcast wins, we can expect higher bills and a slower internet for everyone. The last thing anyone needs is for their cable and internet prices to be raised, but without competition, Comcast will have free rein to do just that.
Sign the petition to tell the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Congress to reject Comcast's monster merger.
The deal would give Comcast control of nearly 34 million TV subscribers and 32 million broadband customers, meaning the majority of U.S. internet users will be completely dependent on it.
If Comcast is able to control prices through a monopoly on TV and internet access, communities of color and working families will bear the brunt of of the consequences. With communities impacted by this digital divide already suffering lower rates of access to the internet, none of us can afford to let Comcast corner the market.
Rejecting this merger should be a no brainer. But Comcast has spent more than $100 million lobbying to get the government on its side since 2002 and currently employs over 100 lobbyists, so we’ve got our work cut out for us.
The good news? We know from our fight for Net Neutrality that if enough of us speak out we can counter Comcast’s corrupting political influence and protect a free and open internet.
Tell the FCC and Congress to reject Comcast’s monopoly merger.
Last February, millions fought for and won Net Neutrality rules that keep Comcast and companies like it from creating an internet slow lane for those who can’t afford to pay extra. But all that progress could be erased when this merger gives Comcast more control over our access to the internet than any corporation in history.
We know that Comcast is working overtime to get conservatives in Congress to repeal Net Neutrality, one of the most important victories of the past decade for a free and open internet.
That’s why we have to keep the pressure up, now more than ever. If we do, we can stop Comcast from wielding its influence in congress to undo Net Neutrality, and make sure its monopolistic merger is halted.
Already tens of thousands of SumOfUs members have submitted comments to the FCC opposing this merger, but now it's time for one final push to finish the job.
Tell the FCC and Congress: Say no to Comcast’s monster merger.
Thanks for all you do,
Kaytee, Nick, and the team at
More information:
Comcast Said to End $45 Billion Bid for Time Warner Cable, New York Times, April 23rd
Why Comcast’s merger with Time Warner Cable may be in deep trouble, Washington Post, April 20, 2015
Comcast takes lobbying to new heights, The Dallas Morning News, March 1, 2014
Lobbying Spending Database - Comcast,
Six Myths About the Comcast Time Warner Cable Merger,, February 25, 2014
Why Hispanics hold the key to the Comcast merger, Washington Post, April 21, 2015
We Beat Comcast!
Calling on all candidates: Support Elizabeth Warren's financial reform agenda
“We know what changes we need to make financial markets work better: Strengthen the rules to prevent cheating. Make the cops do their jobs. Cut the banks down to size. Change the tax code to promote more long-term investment. Tackle shadow-banking… It just takes political courage and a strong demand from the public to complete the unfinished business of financial reform.” – speech by Senator Elizabeth Warren, Wednesday April 15
Please join Americans for Financial Reform in asking the presidential candidates to stand behind this no-nonsense set of proposals.
Last week Elizabeth Warren gave a major speech on the state of Wall Street reform, six-and-a-half years after the financial crisis. Some things have improved, she said, citing the work of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as a leading example. Yet other regulators and the Justice Department have failed to act decisively against what she called a “culture of cheating," while the biggest banks have only gotten bigger and Wall Street continues to engage in practices that are pushing this country down an unsustainable path of growing economic inequality. And far too many elected officials continue to parrot Wall Street’s discredited arguments for deregulation.
The overwhelming majority of Americans – across party lines – agree with Senator Warren: banks and lenders need tougher, not weaker, rules.
Please join us in telling the presidential candidates that we expect them to embrace specific policies to move us toward a simpler, safer and fairer financial system.
Together, let’s a send a message to the entire 2016 field: we are calling on you to hold Wall Street accountable and endorse Senator Warren’s agenda of:
- Steps to reduce the size and power of the Too Big to Fail banks, including restoration of the Glass-Steagall division between investment and commercial banking;
- Measures to stop Wall Street from gambling with low-cost, government-backed debt;
- Changes in the tax code to discourage excess leverage and recklessness on the part of bankers and traders, along with a financial transaction tax to restrain high-frequency trading and wasteful speculation; and
- Rules to ensure that the big banks are held accountable when they violate the law.
Lisa Donner
Americans for Financial Reform
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Tell Congress: Pass the ACHE Act and end mountaintop removal mining.
Sign the petition to Congress:
“Mountaintop removal mining has been wreaking havoc on Appalachian communities for far too long. Pass the Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act to enact a moratorium on mountaintop removal coal mining.”
The coal industry is waging a war on Appalachia, detonating millions of pounds of diesel fuel and explosives daily to rip the top off of mountains and access seams of coal contained within.
Dozens of peer reviewed studies have documented the devastation mountaintop removal mining is wreaking on communities in West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee in the form of elevated rates of birth defects and cancer rates nearly triple the national average.
Stunning new research also shows a direct connection between the dust from mountaintop removal mining and lung cancer.1
It is time for Congress to intervene by passing the Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act (ACHE Act), which would place an immediate moratorium on new mountaintop removal mining permits.2
Sign the petition: Pass the ACHE Act and end mountaintop removal mining now. Click here to sign the petition.
Mountaintop removal is the deadliest and most destructive form of coal mining there is.
Explosives are used to blow the tops off of mountains, sending fine particulates of silica, aluminum and molybdenum into nearby communities, and ultimately into the lungs of local residents.
New research from West Virginia University has for the first time shown a direct connection between the inhalation of this dust and cancer. As one of the study’s authors Michael Hendryx explained, “with this study we now have solid evidence that dust collected from residential areas near MTR sites causes cancerous changes to human lung cells.”
In the coming weeks, leaders in the fight to stop mountaintop removal meeting will bring the signatures on this petition to meetings with key congressional staff as they work to build support on Capitol Hill for the ACHE Act. Add your name to the petition today to join the growing campaign to put an end to the coal industry’s war on Appalachia once and for all.
Tell Congress: Pass the ACHE Act and end mountaintop removal mining now. Click here to sign the petition.
We need a national, coordinated response to the humanitarian disaster of mountaintop removal mining. The ACHE Act, which is the preferred approach of Appalachian leaders who have been fighting mountaintop removal mining for decades, has three main provisions.
First, it would place an immediate, emergency moratorium on any new mountaintop removal mining permits and prohibit the expansion of any existing permits. Second, it would require the Department of Health and Human Services to launch a comprehensive, federal health study. No new permits will be allowed until and unless the U.S. Secretary of Health declares mountaintop removal does not present a harm to human health. Finally, it would require air and water monitoring at all existing mountaintop removal mining sites, with results reported to the Department of Health and Human Services.
It’s a smart approach for beginning to deal with a public health crisis Appalachian communities have faced for far too long – but it needs national grassroots support to gain traction in Congress.
Tell Congress: Pass the ACHE Act and end mountaintop removal mining now. Click here to sign the petition.
Thanks for fighting to put an end to mountaintop removal mining.
Josh Nelson, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
1. "Mountaintop removal mining is a crime against Appalachia," Al Jazeera America, April 7, 2015.
2. "What is the Ache Act?,"
“Mountaintop removal mining has been wreaking havoc on Appalachian communities for far too long. Pass the Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act to enact a moratorium on mountaintop removal coal mining.”
Add your name:
The coal industry is waging a war on Appalachia, detonating millions of pounds of diesel fuel and explosives daily to rip the top off of mountains and access seams of coal contained within.
Dozens of peer reviewed studies have documented the devastation mountaintop removal mining is wreaking on communities in West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee in the form of elevated rates of birth defects and cancer rates nearly triple the national average.
Stunning new research also shows a direct connection between the dust from mountaintop removal mining and lung cancer.1
It is time for Congress to intervene by passing the Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act (ACHE Act), which would place an immediate moratorium on new mountaintop removal mining permits.2
Sign the petition: Pass the ACHE Act and end mountaintop removal mining now. Click here to sign the petition.
Mountaintop removal is the deadliest and most destructive form of coal mining there is.
Explosives are used to blow the tops off of mountains, sending fine particulates of silica, aluminum and molybdenum into nearby communities, and ultimately into the lungs of local residents.
New research from West Virginia University has for the first time shown a direct connection between the inhalation of this dust and cancer. As one of the study’s authors Michael Hendryx explained, “with this study we now have solid evidence that dust collected from residential areas near MTR sites causes cancerous changes to human lung cells.”
In the coming weeks, leaders in the fight to stop mountaintop removal meeting will bring the signatures on this petition to meetings with key congressional staff as they work to build support on Capitol Hill for the ACHE Act. Add your name to the petition today to join the growing campaign to put an end to the coal industry’s war on Appalachia once and for all.
Tell Congress: Pass the ACHE Act and end mountaintop removal mining now. Click here to sign the petition.
We need a national, coordinated response to the humanitarian disaster of mountaintop removal mining. The ACHE Act, which is the preferred approach of Appalachian leaders who have been fighting mountaintop removal mining for decades, has three main provisions.
First, it would place an immediate, emergency moratorium on any new mountaintop removal mining permits and prohibit the expansion of any existing permits. Second, it would require the Department of Health and Human Services to launch a comprehensive, federal health study. No new permits will be allowed until and unless the U.S. Secretary of Health declares mountaintop removal does not present a harm to human health. Finally, it would require air and water monitoring at all existing mountaintop removal mining sites, with results reported to the Department of Health and Human Services.
It’s a smart approach for beginning to deal with a public health crisis Appalachian communities have faced for far too long – but it needs national grassroots support to gain traction in Congress.
Tell Congress: Pass the ACHE Act and end mountaintop removal mining now. Click here to sign the petition.
Thanks for fighting to put an end to mountaintop removal mining.
Josh Nelson, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
Add your name:
1. "Mountaintop removal mining is a crime against Appalachia," Al Jazeera America, April 7, 2015.
2. "What is the Ache Act?,"
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Burlakov's Fish Egg Experiment
"Further support for this
concept was given by Dr. A. B. Burlakov, another Russian scientist. In
this case, Burlakov placed growing fish eggs near each other, so photons
could pass freely between them. When he put older, more mature eggs in
front of younger, newer eggs, the older eggs literally pulled the health
right out of the younger eggs. The younger eggs soon developed obvious
health problems, including withering, deformities, and even death.
(142) Thus, it seemed that the older, stronger eggs were directly
absorbing life-force out of the younger, weaker eggs–feeding on them for
their own survival. This same mechanism can also allow us to transfer
health to others as well. When slightly younger eggs were placed near
slightly older eggs in Burlakov’s experiment, the younger eggs actually
sped up in their development–and experienced accelerated growth until
they reached the same apparent age
level as the older eggs."
142: Wolfgang Lillge, “Vernadsky’s Method: Biophysics and the Life Processes,” 21st Century Science & Technology, summer 2001
143: Ibid
Light, Cancer and Fritz-Albert Popp
Innovative light therapy reaches deep tumors
The Pharmaceutical Industry Conspiracy

142: Wolfgang Lillge, “Vernadsky’s Method: Biophysics and the Life Processes,” 21st Century Science & Technology, summer 2001
143: Ibid
Light, Cancer and Fritz-Albert Popp
Innovative light therapy reaches deep tumors
The Pharmaceutical Industry Conspiracy
Teaching Does NOT Go Better with Coke

Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Tell Congress how you want your money spent!
This Tax Day, tell Congress how you'd like your money spent.
Our security requires investment in education, good jobs, infrastructure, nutrition, health care, affordable housing and other services that provide economic security to our families and a brighter future for our children.
When we spend more than half of our federal discretionary budget on the Pentagon, it starves our real needs and makes us less secure.
Let’s stop pouring money into defense profiteers and look for comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of conflict.
Subject: Stop useless tax spending!
Tell President Obama: End tax giveaways to the 1%
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Tosh.0 - Scientology
Daniel offers his take on HBO's "Going Clear" and throws his hat in the ring to be the new celebrity face of Scientology.
Deep Shamanic, Tibetan Meditation Music with 4.5Hz Theta Binaural Brainwaves. Total Peace ☯008
Binaural Beats
Choose a Binaural Beat to suit your mood from the below. Note that in
order for Binaural Beats to work, they must be played though
WARNING: DO NOT listen to Binaural Beats while driving, operating equipment, or any other task that requires concentration. DO NOT listen to Binaural Beats if you have experienced seizures in the past or have epilepsy. Those with heart disorders or taking mood-altering pharmaceutical drugs should consult a doctor before trying. We’re serious. Use common sense, people. Sure, Get High Now (without drugs). . .but don’t die!
How It Works
When two tones of specific frequencies are played through headphones,
the brain can become confused and produce its own, imagined tone—a
three-dimensional audio hallucination heard only within the head of the
listener. The frequencies that produce this phenomenon are known as
Binaural Beats.
What is happening is that the brain is not used to hearing
frequencies in each ear so close together and with such intensity—these
sounds do not occur in nature and so a mechanism in our brains has not
evolved to understand them. Instead, the superior olivary nucleus, the
area of the brain which controls aspects of three-dimensional sound
perception, bridges the difference between the varying frequencies in
Binaural Beats with a common “third tone” in an attempt to normalize
this audio into something we can understand. What’s weirder is that
each person hears the “third tone” differently: People with Parkinson’s
disease can’t hear it at all; women will hear different tones as they
move through their menstrual cycle.
Binaural Beats were discovered in 1839 by Prussian physicist Heinrich
Wilhelm Dove (1803 – 1879) but they didn’t gain much public interest
until the early 1970s. Then, scientist Gerald Oster postulated that the
brain wasn’t solely affected by Binaural Beats. He tested this theory
with fMRIs and found he was right. The neurological system as well as
other parts of the body responded to the frequencies.
Since Oster’s discovery, Binaural Beats have been used as cure-alls
for everything from impotence to bulimia. Spurious, right? Sure, but the
difference between Binaural Beats, and, say, magic healing crystals, is
that Binaural Beats have been clinically shown to physically affect the
listener’s brain and body, even triggering the pituitary gland to flood
the body with good-feeling hormones like dopamine. In other words,
Binaural Beats are proven to get us mentally, physically,
physiologically, biologically, scientifically, inextricably high.
Remember that people hear Binaural Beats differently, and some may
have trouble hearing the “third tone” at all. How will you know if you
can hear them? Say you can, get some headphones, and try them out. Every
single member of HighLab heard them, and regaled Binaural Beats as one
of the most fantastic audio highs in this fantastic app. What are you
waiting for?
How Meditation Can Reshape Our Brains
A Buddhist Monk Shows “Unheard Of” Brain Activity During Meditation.
Get High Now (without drugs)
Monday, April 13, 2015
Federal Reserve Petitions
Pass Audit the Fed Petition to:
My Congressman and U.S. Senators
Whereas: The Federal Reserve still refuses to give a full public accounting of the TRILLIONS in recent taxpayer-backed loans; and
Whereas: Allowing the Fed to remain out of control and shrouded in secrecy clearly allows for abuse and the continued bankrupting of our nation through inflation and unaccounted electronic bank "loans"; and
Whereas: The Federal Reserve's abuses lead to constant economic crises like the current housing crisis, international banking crisis, and the resulting chaos; and
Whereas: The Federal Reserve System forces fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs upward, meaning that everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of money slowly decreases.
Therefore: I urge you to support a complete and thorough audit of the Federal Reserve.
Fellow Patriot,
This Tuesday, the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee will hold a hearing titled "Federal Reserve Reform." Unfortunately, Audit the Fed (S. 264), despite its massive popularity among the American people, isn't on the agenda.
But that doesn’t mean the Fed’s allies on the Committee will not use the hearing to attack the bill, just like they did at Tuesday’s monetary policy hearing, where they helped Janet Yellen spread misinformation about the bill.
The Senate Banking Committee has heard from the Fed and its cronies…
Now they need to hear from you!
That's why C4L is launching a "Bring it to the Floor" Blitz designed to FLOOD the Senate offices of Chairman Richard Shelby and other members of the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee with over 50,000 petitions URGING them to pass Audit the Fed through Committee and bring it to the floor for an up or down vote.
Please help us reach 50,000 petitions by adding your name below. After you sign your petitions, please consider chipping in $10 or more to help us FLOOD the Senate with Audit the Fed petitions and mobilize millions more Americans to take action on Audit the Fed.
For Liberty,
Ron Paul
Shut Down The Federal Reserve: Save America!
Abolish The Federal Reserve System
Audit/End The Federal Reserve
End The Fed
Please introduce and pass legislation to end the Federal Reserve System and to allow systems of competing currency so that no one entity can manipulate the monetary system for its own benefit.
End the Federal Reserve
End the Federal Reserve
End the Fed
Stop the Fed
David Wilcock | Financial Tyranny on Russian TV - Our Street Activism
No More Mortgage Mayhem
Beginning this afternoon, the House of Representatives will be voting on two bills that would open the door to costlier and trickier mortgage loans, undermining new rules intended to prevent more of the kind of predatory practices that wrecked the housing market and the economy in 2008.
These rules were put in place to stop abuses that devastated our communities. Now some lenders want to roll them back. Tell your representative not to let them.
The first of these bills, HR 685 (the “Mortgage Choice Act”), creates a loophole that would allow some higher-fee mortgages to gain special legal protection, despite those higher fees. It would do so by reversing a longstanding practice, in reckoning the cost of the loan, of counting all the fees charged by the lender or any of its affiliated companies. More specifically, it would exclude fees charged by title insurance companies connected with the lender. Title Insurance is a product rife with abuses – 70% of the cost of insurance goes to “commissions,” which are essentially kickbacks to the lender for using that insurer. Borrowers pay hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars more on every home loan because of title-insurance abuses. HR 685, by not counting these fees, would reinforce those problems. (See Center for Responsible Lending fact sheet for more information on HR 685.)
The second bill, HR 650 (the “Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act”), would remove important consumer protections on manufactured housing loans, making homeownership more costly for those who can least afford it. By raising the threshold for certain consumer protections established by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, HR 650 would effectively allow interest rates of nearly 14% on a 15-to-20-year manufactured-home loan, without triggering high-cost loan protections. This compares to the going rate of about 4% on a traditional home mortgage. (See Center for Public Integrity article for more on HR 650.)
Send a message to your member Congress: stand up for families. Don't roll back mortgage protections.
Every vote on these bills is going to matter, so please take a few minutes to urge your Representative to oppose these financial deregulation proposals. Both bills are – unfortunately – almost sure to pass the House, but that will not be the end of the story. Every additional “No” vote will improve our chances of stopping them in the Senate, and make it easier to press the President to veto the bills if they move forward.
Thank you.
Jim Lardner
Americans for Financial Reform
Don't Let Congress Stop Taxing The 1%
On Tax Day, this week, the U.S. House of Representatives plans to vote to repeal the federal estate tax, giving billionaires and multi-millionaires a giant gift of $27 billion per year.
Click here to help stop them. We can't let this happen. The wealth of the rich has skyrocketed in recent years. Inequality continues to become more extreme. Only individual estates worth more than $5.4 million (and almost $11 million for a married couple) pay any estate tax at all. Just two out of every 1,000 estates are affected. The House recently adopted a budget that cuts $5 trillion in benefits and services that mostly help working families. Now it will vote on a huge tax giveaway to the rich. That's outrageous! Click here to sign our petition, with RootsAction and many allies in a huge coalition effort, to preserve the federal estate tax. Contrary to myth, not a single family farm has ever been lost to the estate tax. The wealthiest Americans need to pay their fair share of taxes. We need an economy that works for all, not just the wealthy few. After signing the petition, please forward this message to your friends. -- The Team P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen Rowley, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others. P.P.S. This work is only possible with your financial support. Please donate. | |||||
Why the Placebo Effect Scares Big Pharma
Abby Martin interviews Dr. Wayne B. Jonas, Director and CEO of the Samueli Institute, about new research being done on the Placebo effect and scientific studies that have been done on the power of the mind when it comes to self-healing.
Save Whales and Dolphins From Reckless Navy Warfare Training
Have you heard about the planned Naval war exercises from Hawai'i to California?
The Navy will use missiles,
underwater explosions, surface-to-air gunnery, missiles, and
mid-frequency sonar... right in whale and dolphin habitat!
Your signature today can help save whales and dolphins.
Sign this petition urging President Obama to prohibit reckless naval
exercises in areas that are critical to whales and dolphins at greatest
risk of permanent injury and death.
Times are already pretty tough for whales
and dolphins. They swim in increasingly polluted waters, and many of
their main food sources are being depleted by overfishing and changes in
the ocean acidification and temperature.
Now the US Navy is planning to literally drop explosives and blast head-splitting sonar in key habitat for whales and dolphins.
The Navy and National Marine Fisheries
Service estimates that, over the course of the Navy's plan, training and
testing activities will cause nearly 9.6 million instances of harm to whales, dolphins and other marine mammals.
The sonar and explosives will include
active sonar and explosives, which can cause these sonar-sensitive
marine mammals to lose their way, beach themselves, or drown.
For the Wild Ones,
Chris B. The Care2 Petitions Team |
Fast Track Treason On Trade Unless You Speak Out Now
Dear Friends and Activists,
We met Congressman Alan Grayson, who has done more than any other
member of Congress to expose the evil of the Trans Pacific
Partnership at a private event last night, and like Paul Revere he
sounded the alarm that they were going to try to sneak in a vote on
Fast Track for this treasonous trade deal as early as this very week.
Stop Fast Track action page:
Petition Text:
It is no exaggeration that the entire future of our economy is about
to be sold out to a secret cabal of multi-national corporate
lobbyists in the form of the so-called Trans Pacific Partnership. It
is so horrific that they have made it an actual crime for anyone to
tell us what's actually in it.
People are being threatened with prison for leaking details that this
hideous "deal" would empower foreign corporations to, for example,
force environmental devastation and child labor on our own country
because otherwise it would reduce their profits.
And in the sickest proposal ever put before Congress, they are being
asked to abdicate any and all oversight, no amendments, no hearings,
no actual say so, in the form of a Fast Track proposal to make this
possible, to surrender our entire government to corporate special
Any member of Congress who lies down for this deserves to be tarred,
feathered, and chased out of Washington, never to be allowed to
return. Those pushing this are committing literal treason, and will
never be forgiven for it.
And after you submit the action page above, feel free to request a
free copy of our "Expressway To Trade Hell TPP" bumper sticker. Or
you can get one directly here:
Of course, if you can make a contribution of any amount, this is what
makes it possible for us to send free stickers to anyone who cannot
afford to make a donation right now.
You may forward this message to any friends who would find it
Contributions to The People's Email Network or ActBlue are not
tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.
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Sunday, April 12, 2015
Student Who Refused to Lie About Vaccines and was Kicked out of Nursing School Fights Back with Lawsuit

by Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News
In 2013, nursing student Nichole Bruff was dismissed from Baker College in Michigan for allegedly asking questions about the way her instructors were teaching nursing students how to coerce parents into receiving vaccines for their children, even if the children or parents did not want them. Nichole wondered why a patient’s right to choose or refuse a medical procedure was not being followed in administering vaccines. To her, this seemed to violate medical ethical issues she had been taught in nursing school, so she wanted clarification on why vaccines were different when it came to patient rights and ethics.
Is this not part of the American educational process, the right of students to question their instructors?
Shortly before she was due to graduate, she was dismissed from the school without warning, and with no recourse to appeal the dismissal. She soon found out that her dismissal prevented her from being accepted at other nursing schools. Nichole tells Health Impact News:
The nursing instructor she mentioned in the first scenario above, who allegedly instructed the students to require expecting moms and dads to be vaccinated with TDaP before walking into the labor and delivery floor, is named in the complaint as Connie Smith, Assistant Director of Nursing. According to the complaint, Nichole inquired what the rationale was (i.e. what the nursing students are taught to understand as ‘evidence based practice’) behind this expected activity given that it takes anywhere from four weeks to six weeks for an injected DTaP vaccination to begin to become effective against pertussis (i.e. whooping cough).
According to the complaint, Smith replied that this was just the way it went and further stated that the students were to affirmatively misrepresent to patients certain facts about the immunization injection, in case the patient (all new mothers and their partners) were concerned about autism or other medical and ethical concerns as potential side effects of receiving vaccinations.
Nichole then asked why she would be required to misrepresent facts to gain patient compliance when the ethical standards of the nursing profession makes it unethical to lie to gain compliance for suggested medical procedures as being contrary to the legal standard of a patient’s informed consent.
Next, the pediatrics instructor Nichole refers to who allegedly told all the nursing students that all children admitted to the hospital had to be brought up-to-date on their vaccines prior to being discharged, is named in the complaint as Alysia Osoff, also known then as Alysia Gilreath. The discussions of immunizations and vaccinations were initially raised by Osoff as part of the debriefing the students went through after a pediatric clinical experience.
As Nichole noted above, she questioned how sick children could be forced to receive vaccines when vaccine inserts themselves contraindicated the administration of vaccines to children while they are sick. According to the complaints, Osoff told the nursing students that they were to do whatever possible to convince visitors to the pediatrics department at Sparrow Hospital to consent to immunizations and vaccinations, even over the objections of the patient (which could also include the patient’s visitors).
The complaint also claims that Osoff stated and instructed that the students tell patients and their partners that failure to have immunization/vaccination for pertussis could result in the patient having to pay for their entire stay at the hospital, that the state would deny payment coverage, and that those on Medicare (traditionally underprivileged members of the community) would be personally liable to pay for all damages suffered by those in the hospital.
In other words, Osoff was instructing students to wrongfully threaten and panic patients into receiving an immunization to override a patient’s informed consent.
Shortly after questioning these instructors during the course of her instruction, she was dismissed by the school with no recourse to appeal the dismissal.
You can read the entire legal complaint filed against Baker College here.

Ethical and Legal Concerns for Patients: Know Your Rights!
Thanks to the brave efforts of Nichole Bruff, who has sacrificed her a career to stand up for the truth, we have a window to peer through and see how patient rights are routinely abused when it comes to the issue of vaccines and informed consent in the medical profession. This right is under constant assault all across the United States today, as misinformation and coercion is used to promote pharmaceutical products like vaccines, which cannot survive in a true free market. The government has taken away all legal liabilities for pharmaceutical companies, and the only recourse left for patients is informed consent and the right to refuse medical procedures like vaccines. If more people do not take a stand like Nichole has, we may soon lose all of our rights to refuse medical procedures like vaccines.
- See more at
Nichole Bruff was a nursing student at Baker College in Michigan, but was dismissed shortly before she was to graduate for allegedly questioning an instructor’s advice to coerce parents into vaccines with misleading information. Image from Nichole Bruff.
Health Impact News
In 2013, nursing student Nichole Bruff was dismissed from Baker College in Michigan for allegedly asking questions about the way her instructors were teaching nursing students how to coerce parents into receiving vaccines for their children, even if the children or parents did not want them. Nichole wondered why a patient’s right to choose or refuse a medical procedure was not being followed in administering vaccines. To her, this seemed to violate medical ethical issues she had been taught in nursing school, so she wanted clarification on why vaccines were different when it came to patient rights and ethics.
Is this not part of the American educational process, the right of students to question their instructors?
Shortly before she was due to graduate, she was dismissed from the school without warning, and with no recourse to appeal the dismissal. She soon found out that her dismissal prevented her from being accepted at other nursing schools. Nichole tells Health Impact News:
My dream of being a nurse practitioner of midwifery is gone.Now, she is fighting back by filing a lawsuit against the school.
A Nursing Student Who Dares to Ask Questions About How to Administer Vaccines
Nichole first reached out to the alternative media with her story in 2013, and told her story anonymously. It was originally published on the VacTruth Facebook Page. We republished it on Health Impact News, since things tend to “disappear” sometimes on Facebook. She told Health Impact News that she was “devastated” at the time, and still is today. Here is how she recounted the events back in 2013 that she believes led to her dismissal:I am reaching out for assistance. This week I was dismissed from nursing school and I was almost finished. The reason for my dismissal according to the DON, and Dean was harassment of faculty. Apparently discussing vaccines and their unethical approach to teaching us was considered harassment. I only posed questions how the way they were teaching us and how it went against the ANA standards set forth for all nurses.
Two weeks ago, 2 different instructors were promoting manipulation and misleading information as a way to coerce parents that deny vaccines into compliance.
The first scenario was: Some hospitals require expecting moms and dads to be vaccinated with TDaP before walking into the labor and delivery floor. If significant other is not vaccinated, we the students would be administrating these vaccines. I asked for the rationale behind this. The instructor said this and I quote ” What if you were a new mother and an unvaccinated person came onto the floor carrying pertussis and your newborn contracted it and died.” My response was ” This is a worse case scenario, but vaccinating on the floor doesn’t provide antibodies to pertussis for 6 weeks to 6 months and sometimes not even at all.” I asked how they could promote this when they were giving these families a false sense of security. The instructor ended the conversation and said we would be discussing this more in the coming weeks.
The end of our first pediatric clinical, during post conference, the peds instructor brought up that there will be children that are not UTD on their vaccines, we are to get them UTD before discharge. I asked how they expected us to 1. administer vaccines to sick kids when that is contraindicated. Sick kids aren’t supposed to be vaccinated until they are no longer sick. 2. If the parent declines, which most that are not UTD have made that decision for their children, how would you like us to proceed?
Her response was that we are to try and educate them on the benefits and get them to comply. Well, this goes against everything that we are taught about ethics, their right to refuse, not to coerce, family-centered care and not pushing our own personal propaganda. This is against ANA standards. It is the job of the nurse to offer, educate and ultimately respect the decision of the patient/parent.
That brings me to the last scenario. Our OB instructor, who is a past public health nurse, doing a vaccine speech in peds class. She said and I quote “When a parent refuses, I go in there real sweet and tell them that we have new and important information regarding vaccines. It isn’t really new, it has been around for 20 years but they do not know this.” I raised my hand and asked if this was ethical to mislead parents into thinking there is new info when there really isn’t.
2 weeks later I am dismissed from the program based on harassment of staff during class discussions. I am sick over this. This is my future. With a dismissal I may never be able to apply to any school of nursing. I am being an advocate, like we are taught to be. The DON said at the end of this meeting “We don’t feel comfortable allowing you to complete your education here, take the NCLEX and be responsible for vulnerable patients.”
WOW! Each one of my clinical instructors have given me rave evaluations regarding my advocacy skills, going above and beyond etc. My grades are all A’s. I am not 100% against vaccines. I am a mother of 4, and I delay vax and deny some. That is my choice as their mother. If someone questioned my parenting regarding my decision to deny and delay, I would be furious. I just don’t know where to go at the moment. I feel as if my dreams have been crushed because of power hungry women. I challenged their ethics and that is not allowed.
Complaint Filed Against Baker College in Michigan
Nichole Bruff is anonymous no more. She has retained the services of attorney Philip L. Ellison of Outside Legal Counsel PLC, and on April 6, 2015 she filed a complaint against the school in the Circuit Court for the County of Genesee in Michigan.The nursing instructor she mentioned in the first scenario above, who allegedly instructed the students to require expecting moms and dads to be vaccinated with TDaP before walking into the labor and delivery floor, is named in the complaint as Connie Smith, Assistant Director of Nursing. According to the complaint, Nichole inquired what the rationale was (i.e. what the nursing students are taught to understand as ‘evidence based practice’) behind this expected activity given that it takes anywhere from four weeks to six weeks for an injected DTaP vaccination to begin to become effective against pertussis (i.e. whooping cough).
According to the complaint, Smith replied that this was just the way it went and further stated that the students were to affirmatively misrepresent to patients certain facts about the immunization injection, in case the patient (all new mothers and their partners) were concerned about autism or other medical and ethical concerns as potential side effects of receiving vaccinations.
Nichole then asked why she would be required to misrepresent facts to gain patient compliance when the ethical standards of the nursing profession makes it unethical to lie to gain compliance for suggested medical procedures as being contrary to the legal standard of a patient’s informed consent.
Next, the pediatrics instructor Nichole refers to who allegedly told all the nursing students that all children admitted to the hospital had to be brought up-to-date on their vaccines prior to being discharged, is named in the complaint as Alysia Osoff, also known then as Alysia Gilreath. The discussions of immunizations and vaccinations were initially raised by Osoff as part of the debriefing the students went through after a pediatric clinical experience.
As Nichole noted above, she questioned how sick children could be forced to receive vaccines when vaccine inserts themselves contraindicated the administration of vaccines to children while they are sick. According to the complaints, Osoff told the nursing students that they were to do whatever possible to convince visitors to the pediatrics department at Sparrow Hospital to consent to immunizations and vaccinations, even over the objections of the patient (which could also include the patient’s visitors).
The complaint also claims that Osoff stated and instructed that the students tell patients and their partners that failure to have immunization/vaccination for pertussis could result in the patient having to pay for their entire stay at the hospital, that the state would deny payment coverage, and that those on Medicare (traditionally underprivileged members of the community) would be personally liable to pay for all damages suffered by those in the hospital.
In other words, Osoff was instructing students to wrongfully threaten and panic patients into receiving an immunization to override a patient’s informed consent.
Shortly after questioning these instructors during the course of her instruction, she was dismissed by the school with no recourse to appeal the dismissal.
You can read the entire legal complaint filed against Baker College here.
Ethical and Legal Concerns for Nurses in Michigan: Guilty of Assault and Battery?
According to Nichole’s attorney, Philip L. Ellison:Obtaining uninformed or false consent for a medical procedure under false pretenses is assault and battery under both criminal and civil law. Under Michigan law, patients have a right to refuse any and all medical treatment, including life saving procedures. The non-consensual touching of another is an unlawful battery. For one person (i.e. a nurse) to have the right to touch or invade the person of another (i.e. a patient), the doctrine of informed consent directs that consent obtained by untruths or misrepresentations is no consent at all. If a nursing student uses fraud, no consent was obtained and thus committed a battery. Such can also be criminal assault and battery.
Obtaining uninformed or false consent for a medical procedure under false pretenses is also a violation of the American Nursing Association Code of Ethics for nurses.As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, brave nurses all across the United States are taking a stand against medical tyranny regarding vaccines, and we encourage more nurses and nursing students to take a stand against unethical and potentially illegal activities regarding vaccines in their profession.
Nurses Across the U.S. are Taking a Stand Against Forced Flu Vaccines
Ethical and Legal Concerns for Patients: Know Your Rights!
Thanks to the brave efforts of Nichole Bruff, who has sacrificed her a career to stand up for the truth, we have a window to peer through and see how patient rights are routinely abused when it comes to the issue of vaccines and informed consent in the medical profession. This right is under constant assault all across the United States today, as misinformation and coercion is used to promote pharmaceutical products like vaccines, which cannot survive in a true free market. The government has taken away all legal liabilities for pharmaceutical companies, and the only recourse left for patients is informed consent and the right to refuse medical procedures like vaccines. If more people do not take a stand like Nichole has, we may soon lose all of our rights to refuse medical procedures like vaccines.
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