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Saturday, October 31, 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
Frequencies Purported to Aid Weight Loss
Weight Loss Aid Binaural Beats
This session combines different elements of the endocrine system to enhance metabolism, ultimately aiding in the process of weight loss and maintenance. This body system is constructed by several hormone-secreting organs including the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, pineal body, and pancreas. The main focus in this particular session will be the pancreas, hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal.
The binaural beat used is 1.45 Hz which stimulates the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and pineal body. Although these perform many functions, they support the endocrine system with metabolism. Metabolism is the chemical process in which the body breaks down ingested food and disperses it throughout the body. Therefore, its speed and efficiency plays a major role in weight maintenance.
117.3 Hz is the carrier beat used for this session. This focuses on stimulating the pancreas which plays a duel role; it aids the endocrine system in metabolism as well as secretes digestive enzymes. Both metabolism and digestion can play major roles in weight loss and maintenance, making the pancreas a key element in this goal.
The binaural beat provided is not meant to replace or substitute for the recommendations or advice of your physician or health care provider. This video should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you believe you have a medical condition or problem contact your health care provider.
Headphones Required
Audio Length: 60 Minutes
R.I.F.E. instruments. (Resonant Initiated Field Effects) - This term was created by Dr. James Bare D.C. who pioneers research in biology and warm fusion plasma instruments using frequency therapy. More Info...
More Info on Sound Therapy ---> Healing Solfeggio Frequencies
Frequencies Purported to Aid Heart Health
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Cultivate Simple 24 - Say No To GMO
Unbelievably bad science in the movie Seeds of Death?: http://welcometohealth.blogspot.com/2...
Why Buy Healthy, Non-GMO Pet Food?:
by Brian & Susy Morris
An honest and unrehearsed discussion about trying to live a more simple life. This is episode 24 and today we are talking about random thoughts about GMOs and the difference that you can make by putting your money where your mouth is.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Take Action Against the DARK Act
The “Denying Americans the Right-to-Know” (DARK) Act would:
- Preempt states from requiring labeling of GMO food.
- Virtually eliminate FDA’s ability to craft a national GMO labeling system.
- Codify the current, broken voluntary labeling system.
- Create a GMO “safety” review system based on industry science.
- Allow “natural” foods to contain GMO ingredients.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
Petition to Stop The TPP
Thursday, October 15, 2015
528 hz Solfeggio Tone with Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones
This is an ambient song to be used for relaxation and meditation. It incorporates binaural beats, isochronic tones, and the 528 hz solfeggio tone to encourage maximum relaxation and clarity:
Binaural Beats are very simple. One sine wave is played in one ear, and another slightly different sine wave is played in the other ear. When the brain hears these two tones, it tries to reconcile them creating a 3rd tone that is the difference of the two. The human brain will then entrain to this frequency. What that means is your brainwaves will either slow down, or speed up to meet the frequency. The binaural tone used in this animation is the Schumann Resonance, 7.83hz. Why is the Schumann Resonance important? It is literally the rate of the magnetic pulse of the earth. Or to look at it another way, it is the Earth's heartbeat. Life forms on Earth depend on this magnetic field as it deflects harmful rays from the sun, and also regulates circadian rhythms in When your brain entrains to this frequency, it is literally synchronizing with the consciousness of Gaia herself opening the door for very profound insight.
This song also uses isochronic tones to entrain the brain. Isochronic tones act by repeating a tone at a specified frequency. It this case, it is also 7.83 HZ. By hearing these pulses, the brain entrains to the frequency of the pulse. This idea has been in use for millennia and can be seen in the shamanic drumming of native cultures. The shamanic drumming has the same effect and effectively puts the shaman into a trance state of consciousness.
Finally, this song uses the love frequency of 528 HZ to open the viewer to a giving and receiving of compassion. This frequency is part of the Solfeggio tones that were used by the Church for thousands of years for spiritual purposes. They facilitate healing states, and higher awareness. This frequency has also been used in laboratory settings to repair damaged DNA.
More Info:
8 Hours 528 Hz Pure Tone (Transformation & Miracles):
Healing Solfeggio Frequencies:
Audio Download:
Resonant Initiated Field Effects (RIFE) Frequencies for Heart Disease
R.I.F.E. instruments. (Resonant Initiated Field Effects) - This term was created by Dr. James Bare D.C. who pioneers research in biology and warm fusion plasma instruments using frequency therapy. More Info... http://welcometohealth.blogspot.com/2015/07/dna-activation-of-vitamin-c-gene.html
Frequencies Purported to Aid Heart Health:
Frequencies Purported to Aid Heart Health:
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Friday, October 9, 2015
No Cheap Cuban Lung Cancer Vaccine For USA And Europe
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 11:41 AM PDT
We Are Change

Cuba developed a $1 lung cancer vaccine but Americans & Europeans can’t have it.
Most people would be quite surprised to learn that there is a vaccine for lung cancer, one which has been proven effective in over 25 years of intense research and several years of clinical use. So why is most of the world only learning about it now? The answer is complicated by back-room dealings in the dark recesses of government, and by the unhealthy influence that pharmaceutical companies have on the availability of life-saving medications.
The vaccine works by limiting a patient’s ability to produce a hormone called EGF. This hormone has been shown to play a pivotal role in cell division and the growth of malignant cells. As cancer is the result of cells dividing again and again to create tumors, the vaccine reduces this growth by halting EGF production, thereby stopping the tumor’s growth.
CimaVax EGF has been proven to work in at least two clinical trials in Cuba, and the results have shown that the vaccine improves survival rates in those who are suffering from the later, usually terminal, stages of lung cancer. It has been hypothesized that survival rates may increase further still if the vaccine is administered during earlier stages of the disease’s progression. It does not work in the same way most people think vaccines work, and is not preventative, but once a patient has lung cancer the drug turns a death sentence into a manageable chronic condition.
The problem comes with the existence of two other potential drugs, BLP 25 and GVAX, which are both being developed as potential lung cancer treatments by the private companies, Ono Pharmaceutical and Aduro Biotech, respectively. Both medications have been in the research and trial phase since the 1990’s and have most likely accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars in development costs. The prospect of being undermined by a low-cost alternative generally doesn’t sit well with pharmaceutical manufacturers.
More importantly, pharmaceutical companies are now doing everything they can to increase drug prices, exponentially, it seems. The public was recently outraged when an ex-hedge fund manager bought the rights to the AIDS treatment drug, Daraprim, and raised the price from $13 to over $700 a dose.
And what is the number one reason given by drug companies for price increases? – Clinical trials and research, of course!
CimaVax EGF has been available for just $1 per treatment, but now, as larger pharmaceutical companies get their hands on the drug for research, it is being pushed into clinical purgatory. It may become available after it has been artificially kept from the public for years, but, it will certainly then be released at an extortionate price so that pharmaceutical companies can make as large a profit as possible.
There has been growing focus on the stranglehold pharmaceutical companies have on new treatments seeing the light of day. It’s analogous to what the oil companies do – buy up new technologies and then bury them until the largest profit can be had.
In the U.S. alone, over 200,000 people are diagnosed each year, with 150,000 sufferers dying annually from lung cancer, so it would seem like common sense for modern medicine to throw everything at it. We can only hope that as more people become more educated on the deceitful practices of big-pharma and continue to pressure them to change their practices.
Writtrn Leif Davenport & edited by TioS.
http://www.medicc.org/ mediccreview/index.php?issue= 11&id=128&a=vahtml
read more :
http://www. theillusionofscience.org/ 418700933
The post No Cheap Cuban Lung Cancer Vaccine For USA And Europe appeared first on We Are Change.
We Are Change
Cuba developed a $1 lung cancer vaccine but Americans & Europeans can’t have it.
Most people would be quite surprised to learn that there is a vaccine for lung cancer, one which has been proven effective in over 25 years of intense research and several years of clinical use. So why is most of the world only learning about it now? The answer is complicated by back-room dealings in the dark recesses of government, and by the unhealthy influence that pharmaceutical companies have on the availability of life-saving medications.
The vaccine works by limiting a patient’s ability to produce a hormone called EGF. This hormone has been shown to play a pivotal role in cell division and the growth of malignant cells. As cancer is the result of cells dividing again and again to create tumors, the vaccine reduces this growth by halting EGF production, thereby stopping the tumor’s growth.
CimaVax EGF has been proven to work in at least two clinical trials in Cuba, and the results have shown that the vaccine improves survival rates in those who are suffering from the later, usually terminal, stages of lung cancer. It has been hypothesized that survival rates may increase further still if the vaccine is administered during earlier stages of the disease’s progression. It does not work in the same way most people think vaccines work, and is not preventative, but once a patient has lung cancer the drug turns a death sentence into a manageable chronic condition.
The problem comes with the existence of two other potential drugs, BLP 25 and GVAX, which are both being developed as potential lung cancer treatments by the private companies, Ono Pharmaceutical and Aduro Biotech, respectively. Both medications have been in the research and trial phase since the 1990’s and have most likely accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars in development costs. The prospect of being undermined by a low-cost alternative generally doesn’t sit well with pharmaceutical manufacturers.
More importantly, pharmaceutical companies are now doing everything they can to increase drug prices, exponentially, it seems. The public was recently outraged when an ex-hedge fund manager bought the rights to the AIDS treatment drug, Daraprim, and raised the price from $13 to over $700 a dose.
And what is the number one reason given by drug companies for price increases? – Clinical trials and research, of course!
CimaVax EGF has been available for just $1 per treatment, but now, as larger pharmaceutical companies get their hands on the drug for research, it is being pushed into clinical purgatory. It may become available after it has been artificially kept from the public for years, but, it will certainly then be released at an extortionate price so that pharmaceutical companies can make as large a profit as possible.
There has been growing focus on the stranglehold pharmaceutical companies have on new treatments seeing the light of day. It’s analogous to what the oil companies do – buy up new technologies and then bury them until the largest profit can be had.
In the U.S. alone, over 200,000 people are diagnosed each year, with 150,000 sufferers dying annually from lung cancer, so it would seem like common sense for modern medicine to throw everything at it. We can only hope that as more people become more educated on the deceitful practices of big-pharma and continue to pressure them to change their practices.
Writtrn Leif Davenport & edited by TioS.
read more :
The post No Cheap Cuban Lung Cancer Vaccine For USA And Europe appeared first on We Are Change.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
A Medical Breakthrough Made Possible By Ancient Chinese Remedies Just Won A Nobel Prize
Health & Wellness (tags: AlternativeMed, complimentary medicine, disease, health, humans, illness, interesting, research, treatment )
Kathy - 5 hours ago - thinkprogress.org
For centuries, malaria has ravaged much of the underdeveloped world - including Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Economic losses in the Motherland amount to $12 billion annually via increased health care costs and loss of productivity and...
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Garden Like Your Health Depends On It
In a world of GMOs and rising health costs, developing our home organic gardening skills is as important as ever.
Monday, October 5, 2015
New Website Makes Medications Less Confusing
by Cody Fenwick
Health care decisions can be extremely difficult. They can also be very confusing.
I’ve experienced some of these decisions first-hand. When I was younger, I suffered from cystic acne, a condition which failed to significantly respond to many of the typical forms of treatment.
Eventually I ended up on an intense drug called Accutane that almost completely solved the problem. The side effects took a toll on my body; my skin and lips were constantly dry, and I had to avoid long sun exposure because of increased photosensitivity, but in the end the long-term benefits seemed to outweigh the costs.
Accutane has since been recalled by the manufacturer due to many lawsuits over much worse side effects. Some of these side effects had been made clear to me, such as the possibility of birth defects in pregnant women and an increased risk of suicidal behavior. There were other side effects of which I was completely unaware, including gastrointestinal issues ranging from inflammatory bowel disease to Crohn’s disease.
Even if I had been aware of all of the potential side effects, I probably wouldn’t have changed my mind about taking the drug. All drugs have seemingly endless lists of possible side effects, and if this deters someone, they’re unlikely to take any drug.
But just this month, a new site has been launched that aims to make communicating health care information much simpler. The site is called Informulary, and their flagship initiative is a project called DrugFactBox. In partnership with Consumer Reports, the project provides clear and simple information about medications so patients can make informed decisions.
It’s probably best if people can have these conversations with their doctors. But not everyone has a good doctor they feel comfortable having a discussion about all the necessary considerations that go into medical decisions. Some doctors lack all information or time that would be required to have such in-depth discussion. I for one was certainly rushed through the appointment in which I received my prescription for Accutane.
Had all the relevant information been available to me, I might have chosen not to take the drug after all. Surely many more people are on drugs that they wouldn’t be taking if they were full informed; perhaps many others would choose to take a beneficial treatment if its potential upsides and downsides were clearly and concisely explained. Hopefully the DrugFactBox project can help bring more clarity to these kinds of decisions.
But Informulary is doing more than just providing relevant information in an accessible format. It’s also highlighting a significant deficiency in our health care system, which in many ways has failed to emphasize the importance of basic communication.
Sometimes these failures can be deadly. For example, we know well that some medications can be deadly when mixed with street drugs or alcohol. Though perhaps some of these deaths could be linked to a lack of self-control rather than a lack of information, some experts believe that there is a fundamental lack of understanding about the dangers that can result from these fatal combinations.
Other dangers abound from confusions simply about similar-sounding drug names. And it is well known that people with limited English-language skills are often underserved by our health system.
And confusion can exist even around Tylenol, perhaps the most ubiquitous, familiar and innocent-seeming drug in the United States. For years, the Infant version of Tylenol was given in a higher concentration than the Child version, a choice which was counterintuitive, and thus unrecognized, by many patients as well as doctors. Because it was so confusing, manufacturers have since stopped this practice.
But since Tylenol can become toxic quickly, the confusion around child dosing was deadly. At least three deaths were found to related to mixups between the infant and child doses.
Medications are powerful and can do a lot of good by relieving suffering and disease. Informulary hopes to facilitate their use by the public by providing the necessary information in a useful way. But errors from failures of communication abound in the medical industry, and reducing these missteps ought to be a top priority.
Health care decisions can be extremely difficult. They can also be very confusing.
I’ve experienced some of these decisions first-hand. When I was younger, I suffered from cystic acne, a condition which failed to significantly respond to many of the typical forms of treatment.
Eventually I ended up on an intense drug called Accutane that almost completely solved the problem. The side effects took a toll on my body; my skin and lips were constantly dry, and I had to avoid long sun exposure because of increased photosensitivity, but in the end the long-term benefits seemed to outweigh the costs.
Accutane has since been recalled by the manufacturer due to many lawsuits over much worse side effects. Some of these side effects had been made clear to me, such as the possibility of birth defects in pregnant women and an increased risk of suicidal behavior. There were other side effects of which I was completely unaware, including gastrointestinal issues ranging from inflammatory bowel disease to Crohn’s disease.
Even if I had been aware of all of the potential side effects, I probably wouldn’t have changed my mind about taking the drug. All drugs have seemingly endless lists of possible side effects, and if this deters someone, they’re unlikely to take any drug.
But just this month, a new site has been launched that aims to make communicating health care information much simpler. The site is called Informulary, and their flagship initiative is a project called DrugFactBox. In partnership with Consumer Reports, the project provides clear and simple information about medications so patients can make informed decisions.
It’s probably best if people can have these conversations with their doctors. But not everyone has a good doctor they feel comfortable having a discussion about all the necessary considerations that go into medical decisions. Some doctors lack all information or time that would be required to have such in-depth discussion. I for one was certainly rushed through the appointment in which I received my prescription for Accutane.
Had all the relevant information been available to me, I might have chosen not to take the drug after all. Surely many more people are on drugs that they wouldn’t be taking if they were full informed; perhaps many others would choose to take a beneficial treatment if its potential upsides and downsides were clearly and concisely explained. Hopefully the DrugFactBox project can help bring more clarity to these kinds of decisions.
But Informulary is doing more than just providing relevant information in an accessible format. It’s also highlighting a significant deficiency in our health care system, which in many ways has failed to emphasize the importance of basic communication.
Sometimes these failures can be deadly. For example, we know well that some medications can be deadly when mixed with street drugs or alcohol. Though perhaps some of these deaths could be linked to a lack of self-control rather than a lack of information, some experts believe that there is a fundamental lack of understanding about the dangers that can result from these fatal combinations.
Other dangers abound from confusions simply about similar-sounding drug names. And it is well known that people with limited English-language skills are often underserved by our health system.
And confusion can exist even around Tylenol, perhaps the most ubiquitous, familiar and innocent-seeming drug in the United States. For years, the Infant version of Tylenol was given in a higher concentration than the Child version, a choice which was counterintuitive, and thus unrecognized, by many patients as well as doctors. Because it was so confusing, manufacturers have since stopped this practice.
But since Tylenol can become toxic quickly, the confusion around child dosing was deadly. At least three deaths were found to related to mixups between the infant and child doses.
Medications are powerful and can do a lot of good by relieving suffering and disease. Informulary hopes to facilitate their use by the public by providing the necessary information in a useful way. But errors from failures of communication abound in the medical industry, and reducing these missteps ought to be a top priority.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
March Against Monsanto Ad With Hi-Tech Plumbing & Air - NewsSpot Story
This is an AroundWellington.com NewsSpot ad to create awareness for the upcoming March Against Monsanto in Wellington, Florida. As a breast cancer survivor, Jathy Garcia talks about how important it is for her not to have GMOs in her food. She and her son Andy explain why people should join in on the march and the importance of getting GMO labeling laws and bans passed.
This video was created and produced by SharpShooter Marketing Group.
This video was created and produced by SharpShooter Marketing Group.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Agricultural Workers Diagnosed With Cancer Sue Monsanto
Lawsuit says Monsanto misled the public about the dangers of Roundup
by Julie Fidler | Infowars.com | October 2, 2015
Monsanto is being sued again, this time by 2 separate agricultural workers who allege the agribusiness’ Roundup herbicide caused their cancers.
The farm worker and horticultural assistant also say Monsanto intentionally misled the public and regulators about the dangers of Roundup.Enrique Rubio, 58, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles on September 22. Rubio, a former farm worker in California, Texas, and Oregon, dutifully sprayed fields of cucumbers, onions, and other vegetable crops with Roundup and other pesticides until 1995, when he was diagnosed with bone cancer, according to the lawsuit.
The second suit was filed by Judi Fitzgerald, 64, also on September 22, in federal court in New York. The suit alleges that Fitzgerald was exposed to Roundup in the 1990’s when she was working at a horticultural products company. She was diagnosed with leukemia about 3 years ago.
Fitzgerald’s lawsuit states:
“Monsanto assured the public that Roundup was harmless. In order to prove this, Monsanto championed falsified data and attacked legitimate studies that revealed its dangers. Monsanto led a prolonged campaign of misinformation to convince government agencies, farmers and the general population that Roundup was safe.”Both lawsuits claim that Roundup was a “defective” product and “unreasonably dangerous” to consumers, and that Monsanto knew or should have known that glyphosate – the main chemical in Roundup – could cause cancer and other illnesses and injuries, and failed to properly warn users of the risks. Additionally, the lawsuits allege that the Environmental Protection Agency altered an initial classification for glyphosate from “possibly carcinogenic to humans” to “evidence of non-carcinogenicity in humans” after Monsanto pressured them to do so. Though the EPA likely knew glyphosate was carcinogenic for some time as well. Six months ago, the World Health Organization, citing several studies showing links between cancer and glyphosate, said that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans.” Monsanto says the findings are incorrect.
“Decades of experience within agriculture and regulatory reviews using the most extensive worldwide human health databases ever compiled on an agricultural product contradict the claims in the suit which will be vigorously defended,” spokeswoman Charla Lord told Reuters.In early September, California’s Environmental Protection Agency announced that it planned to add glyphosate to a list of known carcinogens. Roundup may even be required to carry a cancer-label in CA soon. Additionally, a 2012 ruling against Monsanto was upheld by an appeals court in Lyon, France. The company had been found guilty of poisoning farmer Paul Francois. Monsanto says it will appeal the decision. There are numerous other pending lawsuits against Monsanto. This post originally appeared at Natural Society.
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