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Thursday, September 29, 2022

CBN: The cancer fighting Cannabinoid


CBN: The cancer fighting Cannabinoid

4th Edition of World Congress on Cancer Research, Survivorship and Management Conference
October 08-09, 2018 Moscow, Russia

 Mike Robinson

American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine, USA

KeynoteArch Cancer Res


CBN, cannabinol, is a mildly psychoactive cannabinoid found within the cannabis plant. We examine the very complex mechanisms that give allowance for this cannabinoids entrance into the cell membrane and its effect on cannabinoid receptors and the inhibition of the enzyme adenylate cyclase that is responsible for phosphate production. Prior study bears weight accordingly; we examine this phosphate as a potent energy source, the enzymes responsible for cell replication cycle and inhibition thereof. Moreover, how IL-2, (Interleukin-2), a type of cytokine signaling molecule in the immune system stops being produced when immune T cells are exposed to cannabinoids. How IL-2 stimulates the cell cycle via promotion of the c-Fos protein and is responsible for modulation of the immune response. This is shown by Faubert and Kaminski, that administration of CBN can slow cell replication and endure cell death (apoptosis).