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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Was it a Good Bacteria in the Gut That Stopped Some From Getting Sick From Covid?

mbujnoch 2 hours ago Covid is real. I experienced it in the summer of 2021. I was the only one in my family with gut issues and I became very ill. But, I followed the Dr Zelenko protocols and the protocols and took all the supplements and meds and recovered 100% in 3 weeks. The rest of the family only has the sniffles. I knew better and should’ve been taking probiotics, but I hadn’t been. I do think poor guys health is a problem. My Vit D levels were good too at the time. I did a few things wrong: I did a 5 day fast and worked a lot of overtime the week before my exposure. Fun times. 

Frog 3 hours ago no , it was the fact that COVID 19 does not exist and is part of the whole unprecedented criminal fraud on humanity. What does exist is a killer shot designed to depopulate the world and is the whole reason for the fake planned demic.